Chapter 857: Opening The Gift -1

The dinner was excellent.

It was clear that Joseph also did not expect Irish to be a good wife after marrying him. All the dishes on the table were from the hands of external chefs, colorful and fragrant. Irish was also really hungry, so she gobbled, and soon, the table which had pleased their eyes was replaced by the remaining.

Looking at her gobbling, Joseph got used to it. And he maintained an unchanging elegant posture. He slowly ate, but when he really could not bear her image, he would also remind the opposite woman, "Slow down, no one robbed your food."

And then he would get up to fill her with a glass of fresh juice. Irish always felt that he was treating her as if she was his daughter. Irish revitalized as she finished eating while her exhaustion began to fade away. "I am going to open the gift now," said Irish cheerfully. 

"Wait!" said Joseph abruptly. He was reading the newspaper on the couch.