Chapter 866: It Seems To Like You

Irish wore the safety suit joyfully. She wore a helmet and gloves to get equipped. After the audience left, she followed the trainer and entered the water.

She could still see the big figures swimming slowly and making scary noises in the deep water as she was still far.

Standing beside her, Joseph told her, "When the whale comes out, just touch it."

"I want to ride on its back." Irish's words startled everyone.

"No!" Joseph refused.

Irish looked at the trainer, "Can I?" 

The trainer intended to say "Yes," but when he saw Joseph's warning expressions, he said immediately, "Riding on its back requires experience. You may fall into the deep water if you cannot seize it. It's very dangerous."

Irish didn't see Joseph's expression, and she just looked into the water. She was also afraid, so she just gave up the idea.