Chapter 892: You Are Really A Pest

He resented his eldest brother and said nothing to explain, but he also loved him and wanted to share the burden he was carrying. Although Joseph was the family's eldest son, they were siblings, and he was no longer a small child that needed his care, so why did he choose not to tell him everything?

That was why he was so angry now. However, his loud noise did not attract many reactions from Joseph. On the contrary, he looked calmer. 

After Joseph went silent for a few minutes, his tone was light, "Are you done? Sign on it."

Jordan's chest was panting heavily, and his mood was triggered. He clenched fists, unhappy, and was staring at Joseph.

It took a long time before he sat down, and he was calmer than he had just looked. Thinking for a while.

Joseph looked at his appearance, lips slightly raised, a little helpless, but looked indulging towards his little brother.