Chapter 895: You Are Brave

"Me?" Fredrick frowned lightly. He thought of it for a while, but he couldn't give a correct answer. Finally, he smiled helplessly, "I am not clear about my thoughts, either."

Human beings were born to be confused. Sometimes, even a psychological counselor cannot avoid it.

The phone on the desk rang.

Leo picked it up. It was from the secretary's department. The voice sounded hesitating and anxious, "Leo, someone must meet you to discuss something important with you. He added that you would regret it if you didn't meet him."

"Haven't all the schedules at night been postponed? Leo asked.

"Yes, but...he didn't make an appointment. Instead, he asked to meet you."

Leo frowned.

"He said that he was going to say something about Joseph." 

Leo thought of it for a while, "Let him in."


After the call, Fredrick planned to leave, but Leo motioned him to sit down.

Soon the secretary knocked at the door.