Chapter 898: How Could He Be So Intelligent?

Joseph was laughing, "What? You have too many messy things in your mind."

"I'm talking about the most realistic things. The official wife is not as good a mistress as a prostitute. Think about the successful big men around you, they all have mistresses, and even some of them bring them home."

Listening to her theories, he laughed. "I admit, sometimes men like to look for excitement, but not all men, you are too arbitrary."

"Do you want to say you are unique?" 

"In fact, I don't think it's good to have another woman, or I don't have time to think about it." Joseph gathered her long hair and said softly. 

After listening to this, she felt him sweet, and she could not help but approach him. She sent her red lips, gently biting his sexy lower lip, "That is because, around you, there are too many women."