Chapter 903: Are You Afraid She Will Hate You?

It is always said that disasters pile up on one another. After Fredrick's declaration, the reporters began to investigate, and they were all eager to get the latest information from Linkus Mental Research Institute.

Irish didn't accept their interview but only replied that it was a groundless statement.

However, obviously, those reporters were not going to give in, and they began to seek other methods to ask for information. They got in contact with the cleaners at Linkus Mental Research Institute as well as Irish's colleagues.

Tim didn't respond, while the Runestone Group also didn't give a response to the public. The principal of the college where Irish worked also avoided meeting the reporters but only told them Irish had no problem with her present work at all. However, those dog packs dug out some tidbits which said that Irish was wooed by her student on the first day she gave a lecture to the student in the college.