Chapter 906: I Quit My Job

After attending the shareholders' general meeting, Jordan returned to New York overnight. How hard he trained, there could be imagined even if she didn't see it with her own eyes. When they were at the training ground, they probably won't pay attention to the outside world, but she was happy to receive this call that day.

Jordan and Joseph had a common point, that was, on ordinary days, they were not very good at expressing their feelings. The common saying was good words would be hard for them to say. At this point, Jordan performed incisively and vividly because of his age. So, she was glad that he had said such words that day.

Irish told Jordan to train well, not to be disturbed by other things, but also stopped his idea of flying back to New York. When the call was over, Irish opened the real-time road checker app, which showed that traffic was blocked in a mess.

The traffic made Irish more unhappy.

Irish directly got out of the car and walked.