Chapter 920: Irish Dismissal

Sometimes public opinion decides the direction. 

Sometimes it could be controlled, and sometimes it could not. Lilith's disappearance was the reason the rumour was getting more aroused, as the collaboration between the Lakes and Lenard's family was huge. It intervened in many people's interests, and now Joseph could grasp the rein, so the solution could be made before the news went viral. However, Irish's case was more complicated. Obviously, it was a plan made for quite some time, and there was no omen before. Fredrick's statement led to a tsunami that was hard to stop and made all the preparation in vain.

Human beings tended to be afraid of being put into a trap, and more terrifying was the unknown conspiracy.

Irish became the victim. However, Joseph could do nothing at all.

And this time, he also became one in the plan and the target to be scolded.