Chapter 925: She Will Go Crazy

Joseph sent Irish directly to their house.

Mia evaded them as always. Irish kept herself in her room and didn't come out to eat.

Joseph knocked on the door and saw her all in a blanket. He sat down and said patiently, "Are you still angry?"

Irish was silent.

He stretched out his hand to lift the blanket and saw her face, which was covered by her hair. He sat down and gently coaxed, "Eat first, and then you can get angry."

Trying to reach for her, he found her cheeks wet.

She cried in silence!

Such silent agony of her made Joseph feel a knife pierce his heart, feeling uncomfortable. 

Pulling her up, he wiped her tears, whispering, "I know you were wrongly accused, and I'm not blaming you for that. So forgive me, okay?"

"You knew I was wrongly accused, but you still pushed me to the corner? Joseph, this is a conspiracy!" She cried out.