Chapter 934: Cassie Is Pregnant

Irish was helpless. It was the first time to see Joseph so childish. She thought of the old words, mature and steady men have a childish side, and sensible and delicate women have a maternal side.

Now, the steady man had the child's temper, and she should also play the maternal brilliance appropriately.

"Honey, don't be angry. I just didn't give it to you in the car." Almost half of her body was on Joseph, and she gently shook him, "Anger easily makes you wrinkle."

Joseph still ignored her.

Irish thought about it, more ebullient to stick to him, "Then I can't make up with you now?"

Joseph didn't move.

Her hand began to touch him and reached into the blanket.

"Let me help you."

Joseph was already uncomfortable, and how could he resist her initiation? He turned over and pressed her under him.

The way he looked made Irish laugh. "Haven't you been in a lonely, cold style? Why aren't you pretending now?"