Chapter 957: Coaxing Her Gently

Joseph untied a few buttons of his shirt and said softly, "Ruby is just angry."

"I'm afraid she'll go crazy and do something," Irish said, and she suddenly saw the injured back of his hand, where there was blood overflowing.

"Wait a minute!"

Joseph's hand stalled in the air. 

Irish's heart almost stopped, carefully pulling his big hand, urgently asking after seeing the wound, "What happened?"

Joseph was afraid of her worries, and he said, "I was accidentally scratched. It's nothing." 

"What accidentally scratched? When have you been so careless?" Irish's eyes widened, and she suddenly thought of Ruby's fierce and evil appearance, angrily saying, "She hurt you?"

Joseph gently smiled, "Let's go home and bandage it for me. It is all right, don't make a fuss."

"Damn, Ruby!" Irish was irritated, growled, and was about to open the door.

Hastily, Joseph pulled her back, "It's raining heavily, where are you going?"