Chapter 968: Save Me

This time, Jordan followed Irish's instructions and did his best to control his anger.

"Irish..." Leo called out to her as she was about to leave with Jordan.

Irish stopped, turned back to face him, and said, "I know Joseph has also used some underhanded tactics against you, and I understand that you feel wronged. But I've never involved myself in those matters. Do you remember what happened in Africa? I know that if it had been someone else, Joseph might have lost his life. But I always believed that you were different from the others, that you would never push him too far. Leo, do you really want to do this to him? Are you truly willing to drive him away from this industry? Leo, think before you act, and you better get your act together."

Leo stood there in silence, Irish's words causing his heart to ache.

As they waited for the elevator, Irish happened to encounter Fredrick.