Chapter 970: What Should We Do

Irish felt a sense of despair.

"Moreover, even though there is no direct evidence linking Joseph to the crime, he will be monitored as a suspect. Once he is released from the police station, he may soon face investigation by the prosecutor's office. Irish, you need to prepare yourself mentally," Jay advised.

Irish nodded, her expression subdued.

Ever since Irish married Joseph, she knew that a peaceful life was unlikely. While she yearned for such tranquility, she had to courageously face difficulties whenever they arose.

"Now the police are conducting a comprehensive evidence collection. They will be making records and questioning anyone related to the case. Both of you are on the list," Jay reminded them.

Irish was taken aback. "It's fine for me, but why would they need to interrogate Jordan? He was in Washington at the time."

"Relatives are required to cooperate according to the rules. After all, this is a murder case," Jay explained.