Chapter 973: That’s The Truth

Jay simply inquired about the situation, and Chalmers shared what he could without divulging confidential information. Jay understood the nature of the investigation and the need for certain procedures to remain confidential, so he did not press Chalmers further.

Jay attempted to calm Lilith, reassuring her that Chalmers was merely conducting routine questioning and urging her not to be nervous.

However, despite his efforts, Lilith's anxiety only intensified. Her fingers began to tremble, betraying her nervous state.

Chalmers decided to address the matter directly, asking, "On the night of the murder, were you under the influence of any substances?"

Lilith recoiled and anxiously glanced at Jay for support.

Sensing Lilith's hesitation, Jay leaned in, gently placing a hand on her shoulder, and softly encouraged her, "You need to cooperate with the police and tell them what you know."