Chapter 977: Why Just Give Up Your Career?

Jordan always gave others the impression that he usually took things easy. People always said that men shouldn't do something they were interested in but do something they should do.

Irish believed that Joseph was doing something he should do, but Jordan still acted like a child who only focused on what he liked.

But now Jordan could not do whatever he wanted because he had to take responsibility for his brother, and he needed to grow up. Irish thought it tempered Jordan to become mature. However, to her surprise, Jordan was conscientious and did his best which was beyond her expectation.

The shareholders didn't adopt a resistant attitude about Jordan's joining because they were all afraid of profit loss. It created a chance for Jordan to play his constructive role. Irish heard from Roy that the procedure of the new product launch had been revised several times, and he focused on every detail of the launch, including the position of the exhibit on the model.