Chapter 981: I’ll Make A Call

Taking advantage of waiting for the red light, Irish affectionately hugged him, smiling, "I just think you have time to accompany me, then I am happy."

Joseph sighed, "But Irish, I do not want to fulfill my promise in this way."

He had said that he wanted to have a good vacation with her and take a good tour, but it was definitely not in such an awkward way.

Irish understood what he meant, and took the initiative to kiss his lips, saying, "Joseph, this is so good, really."

Joseph could not help reaching for her back head, pressed his face, and kissed her lips heavily.

He didn't let her go until the green light and the siren behind him urged him to go.

"All right, tie up the seat belt, and our tour starts." said Joseph, "Our Chinatown Tour has begun."

Irish smiled and nodded.

Then he added, "Honey, would you like to change your clothes first?" 

"What's the matter?"