Chapter 983: What Were You Two Talking About?

The clicking and rattling sound of the chess pieces irritated Jordan, who was already hesitant. "Hey, stop making noise!" he snapped.

Jay chuckled and remarked, "You're just finding subjective reasons instead of real objective ones."

Jordan scratched his hair in frustration, unintentionally turning it into a messy tangle.

Jordan gazed at Joseph with a pleading expression, seeking his assistance.

Joseph pressed his lips together, hiding a smile.

Just as Jordan was about to speak up, Jay swiftly intervened, putting a halt to his words. "Hey, a gentleman watches the chess game in silence," Jay advised.

Jordan furrowed his brow, unable to fully comprehend the meaning behind Jay's words. Joseph, however, understood the underlying truth and couldn't help but laugh, deciding not to interfere and remaining silent.