Chapter 998: A Couple Dress

During that screening, he made a genuine effort to immerse himself in the film and connect with the emotional scenes to support Irish. However, he struggled to grasp the overall message or theme of the movie.

When it came to watching such movies, Joseph's immediate inclination was to analyze the film's production and distribution companies, identify brand sponsors, and contemplate the potential profitability upon its release in the market. 

Given his previous experience in investing in movies, it was only natural for him to approach it from a business perspective.

As Irish continued to chat excitedly after they left the theater, Joseph remained silent with a smile, simply listening to her. He was hesitant to reveal his lack of understanding of the movie's theme, fearing that it might disappoint her.

Irish affectionately ruffled his hair and persistently asked, "To be honest, you don't enjoy watching these movies, do you?"