Chapter 1003: I Quit

Leo, consumed by anger, gritted his teeth and shouted, "Joseph, don't you see it? How that young girl was crying!"

"So what if I see it?" Joseph responded, clearly unhappy. He continued, "Are you feeling sorry for her? Then why don't you take her away? If she willingly chose to be here, she must have anticipated encounters like this with certain guests. I can't take responsibility for everyone's future because I don't have the ability to control it. Leo, remember this, you currently lack both wealth and influence, so you are not in a position to pity others."

Frustrated and overwhelmed, Leo threw the towel he was holding and shouted, "Damn it! I quit! Whoever wants to drive that car can do it! I don't want it, okay?"

"And what about your team?" Joseph countered, suppressing his own anger and raising his voice.

Leo came to a sudden halt, pausing to consider Joseph's words.