Chapter 1012: Are You Here To Vent Your Anger?

Joseph's punches landed on Leo, leaving him slightly disoriented. However, it was Joseph's words that perplexed him even more, adding to his confusion.

In moments like these, anger often overwhelms a person's rationality, especially in Leo's case. Despite his initial intention to let the situation go, Joseph's strike ignited Leo's arrogance, leaving him both puzzled and infuriated.

In retaliation, Leo fought back. Seizing the opportunity while Joseph was caught off guard, Leo swiftly swung his fist towards Joseph, delivering a powerful blow.

The punch landed on Joseph's left cheek, causing him to roar in anger, "Who the fuck do you think you are?"

Leo's strike was forceful, causing Joseph to stagger and collapse to the ground, motionless. Joseph rested one arm on his leg while his other hand restlessly fidgeted with the buttons of his shirt.

Leo hadn't expected Joseph to cease his attack.