Chapter 1015: Strongly Object

To Cassie's relief, Shirley's cooking turned out to be delicious, and Cassie's instances of vomiting decreased since Shirley took charge of the meals.

This series of events prompted Irish to realize that no one was purely good or bad in this world. People had complexities and nuances in their characters.

Recognizing this, Irish decided to make a statement to help Shirley, understanding that everyone deserved a chance and that judgments should be reserved until all aspects were considered.

Shirley was taken aback by Irish's unexpected statement, feeling a mix of surprise and gratitude. "Thank you, Irish." 

At that moment, it became clear that life often unfolded in unpredictable and dramatic ways. The woman Shirley had harbored resentment towards had expressed gratitude towards her.

Irish turned her gaze towards the lawyers, indicating that it was time to focus on the legal proceedings and decisions ahead.