Chapter 1017: You Can’t Simply Leave

It occurred to her that some scenes in some movies. One tried to be the king, and he always had some followers. The one who claimed that he was not suitable was always the worst.

She was to laugh at them, but Shirley spoke, "You know yourself. Compared with Henry, do you still have an idea about the company's engagement since you have stayed at home for so many years?"

William looked annoyed.

"As far as I am concerned, Joseph is the most suitable," Shirley said directly.

Irish gasped sharply.

Human beings are inherently contradictory. Their allegiances and loyalties can shift as their interests and circumstances change. Consider Shirley as an example. Upon realizing that William no longer shared the same position as her, she decided to align herself with Joseph, the very person she had previously worked to remove from the equation.

William stared at her, a sense of disbelief washing over him.