Chapter 1023: I Am Willing To Pay

"You're aware that women often possess keen instincts," Irish replied, leaning back in her chair. After a brief pause, she continued, "You intentionally sent Joseph such an intimate message early in the morning, knowing that I would see it, didn't you? Rosy, don't try to tell me that you were only interested in obtaining information about Leo from Joseph. By inviting me for this meal, it's clear that you've lost interest in Leo altogether."

"Yes, you're right. I covet him, but there's something I need to clarify. I still love Leo, and my feelings for him have not changed," Rosy replied with unwavering determination.

Irish couldn't help but find amusement in Rosy's response. "So, Rosy, you're saying that you love both Joseph and Leo? That sounds quite absurd," Irish remarked with a hint of sarcasm in her tone.

"You are not me. How can you claim to understand my emotions?" Rosy countered, refuting Irish's remark.