Chapter 1028: My Uncle Wants To Kill Me

In the evening, Joseph responded to Irish's call in the courtyard. She was explaining her tardiness. Inquisitively, he asked for her reason, to which she cryptically replied that she would reveal it upon her return when nightfall arrived. Joseph smiled, concluding the conversation, and went to prepare dinner, only to be interrupted by the doorbell sound.

He suddenly realized that Irish just teased him, and he opened the door without asking.

It took a long time to hear the noise, someone gasping.

Joseph suddenly realized something was wrong and rushed to the living room but was stunned. And then he stared with wide eyes.

There was a man sitting at the door, looking very weak. He looked up at him, feebly saying, "Joseph." 

Joseph stood in place and forgot to move.

It was Roy!

It should be Roy.

Yes, it was Roy, who had long been listed as a dead man.