Chapter 1030: I Need To Seek Your Help

As Roy said it, he gritted his teeth again and stared at Joseph, "You know my feelings at that time? I couldn't believe it. It's my uncle who wanted to kill me. He loved me when I was still young!"

Joseph frowned.

"So, I hesitated to return home, not wanting to burden them with my presence," Roy expressed with a composed demeanor. "I exchanged my formal attire for casual clothes. Recently, I have been silently following my uncle. Once you confirmed my demise, I witnessed him handing a significant amount of money to an individual who appeared happy upon seeing it. This person claimed he was willing to carry out any act of murder on my uncle's behalf. However, as soon as he turned their back, my uncle swiftly killed him."

Joseph frowned again, "You saw that?"

"Yes." Roy gritted his teeth.