Chapter 1034: I Erased Some Of Her Memories

At the very beginning, when Irish knew that the Key Group would purchase the Runestone Group, Irish was really surprised. She asked Joseph immediately, but Joseph didn't talk much and just said that he supported the Key Group's plan.

Observing the circumstances, Irish recognized that the Runestone Group had lost its former strength. Additionally, Roy's disinterest in the company further solidified her decision. Consequently, Irish chose to sign a contract with Leo, pursuing an alternative path in her professional endeavors.

As she signed, she was thinking of another thing.

Why did Joseph give it up? Or did he have other plans? William was finally judged guilty.

He was charged with suspicion of murder. On the one hand, he murdered Ruby with an object out of interest. On the other hand, he made up an accident to kill Roy, which caused one death. He also destroyed the evidence, disturbed the police's investigation, and killed one more life.