Chapter 1037: I’d Rather Lose It

It could only be explained that some people want Irish to see this evidence, using Irish to bring down William.

So, Joseph began to suspect that this person was Kelly.

If so, who would her target be? Was it Irish? Or him?

He couldn't take it!

Daisy rushed into the office, "Mr. Manager, the ticket was booked."

He calmed himself down and looked at Daisy with a serious face, "I will go to Los Angeles. You stay here."

"Really?" Daisy stared at him with widened eyes, "Mr. Dover, you..."

"You mentioned that you are more familiar with the situation here than anyone else. You have also accompanied me to South Africa multiple times and have knowledge of the diamond industry. Therefore, Daisy, I need your assistance this time. Once the client arrives, I want you to handle the reception and signing tasks," Joseph stated, emphasizing the importance of Daisy's involvement in the upcoming responsibilities.