When in an enchantment and you realize so early on, if not too late, pour a full cap or a bottle of salt blessed by an Afrodite priest into your open mouth. Dip your head in blessed water for a minute. Nothing in mind but a firm resolution to put the witch to shame; if they know shame of any sort. Raising your head from the water, like an incantation, you chant: ''No divination, no enchantment against Jacob shall come to pass." Dip your bloody head one more time in water and the enchantment resolve will weaken and slowly disappear. It is not a cinch to realize such.
But if you realize, if you happen upon an enchantment, a divination upon your head and your canines formally white or yellow are blackening in an intense charcoal shading, your eyes are bloodshot red. Then it's properly too late. Advice: find a loaded gun to blow open your fucking skull or a sharp point of any object and smash your head against it over and over again until you can't fucking move. Whichever nice suicide plan you want to take a run at, do it. If you don't, then you probably don't love yourself.
Travis has a predicament. He's been enchanted and its ever late as never.
This is a shameless review by the author. My novel doesn't have a rating, it doesn't have comments either, so, I stepped up, in hopes I can encourage readers to read my novel and leave honest reviews, so I'll improve in anyway I'm lacking. Thank you.