Worshipper Arc. Chapter 7:Acceptance.

Worshipper Arc: Chapter 7. Acceptance.


After Valoran won his duel with Weskel, it is now time for Biatrix who has rudely stated that Magic users are superior to non-magic users to prove that point.

"Can you proof to everyone your claim Biatrix?" Valoran questions her.

"I'd rather let my actions speak." Biatrix replies with a cocky tone.

"Alright, make me proud" Valoran replies.

Biatrix and a female Hyodi warrior make their way to the duelling section and prepare to duel.

Everyone else stands outside the duelling section. "Don't worry Valoran. I selected a lesser experienced pupil to keep it fair" Hestia states with a grin on her face.

Valoran has no comment and awaits the beginning of the duel.

Hestia is now making sure that both are ready.

"Biatrix are you ready?" Hestia questions.

Biatrix nods her head to confirm that she is.

"Iowen, are you ready?" Hestia questions the Hyodi warrior.

Iowen also nods her head to confirm that she is.

Worshipper Arc: Chapter 7. Acceptance.


Everyone is now eagerly waiting for the fight to start.

"3…2…1…Begin!" Hestia officially begins the duel.

Biatrix wastes no time and casts extert (explosion magic) which creates three small explosions aimed toward Iowen.

Iowen easily dodges the explosions and makes her way toward Biatrix with a wooden practice sword in her hand.

Biatrix casts licht (light magic), beams of light with enough energy to cause minor injuries are being fired toward Iowen.

"Impressive. Using light magic requires complex calculations" Hestia surprisingly states.

"Just makes me prouder of her and the others" Valoran replies with a small smile.

Iowen dodges the beams of light with impressive agility and speed.

Iowen now is in close combat range and begins her assault on Biatrix using the wooden sword in her right hand.

Biatrix casts taslan (creation magic) to create a wooden sword of her own to combat Iowen.

Biatrix has come a long way, however, was no match for Iowen skill with the blade and quickly disarms Biatrix.

Iowen delivers two precise strikes with her fists on Biatrix's right arm.

"AHHH!" Biatrix screams in pain.

Selina, Merial and Atticus watch how Biatrix is now suffering in pain and try their best to help her.

"Don't give up so easily!" Selina yells.

"You got this!" Merial also cheered her on.

"Come on Biatrix!" Atticus also offered full support.

Biatrix looks toward her friends and understands that she can still fight, she tries to raise her right arm to cast her next spell only to realise that she can't.

"My arm…I can't move my arm?!" She utters in confusion and pain.

"What's wrong with her?" Selina questions in worry.

Valoran faces Selina and the others. "It's simple. Biatrix just like all other magic users requires hand gestures to cast spells correctly. Iowen attacked her nerves within Biatrix's right arm, which temporarily disables any magic that Biatrix can cast from that arm." He explains.

"That's…" Merial struggles to reply to that.

"You see. As non-magic fighters we need to rely on those methods to protect ourselves against magic users whose intentions are to harm us" Hestia explains.

Biatrix raises her left arm to cast her next spell.

Iowen successfully disables the nerves in Biatrix's left arm before Biatrix has a chance to cast her spell.

"AHHH!" Biatrix screams in pain once more.

"That's enough." Hestia instructs Iowen to back away.

Biatrix is on her knees with her arms hanging from her shoulders and is in major pain.

Valoran and the others walk toward Biatrix.

Valoran casts vita (healing magic) on Biatrix, which heals her arms and washes the pain away at an instant.

Valoran notices that Iowen's left arm was slightly burned due to a beam of light grazing her.

Valoran once again casts vita (healing magic) to heal Iowen's left arm.

"Wow…" Iowen is surprised that her wound is gone.

"Thank you very much." Iowen says, bowing her head.

"Thank you for going easy on her." Valoran replies.

Valoran faces Biatrix. "Now do you, see? It doesn't matter if your enemy is a non-magic user, they can still defeat you in battle if you underestimate them. Biatrix never look down upon your enemy, it could kill you " Valoran says bluntly.

"Don't be so hard on her Valoran she's young and has much to learn. Come on let's get your friends to practise with us" Hestia states with a smile.

Merial, Selina, Biatrix, and Atticus are practising the Hyodi style of combat.

Demonlise and Artemsia both being far too strong for the Hyodi warriors to practise on each other.

Valoran and Hestia stand further back to observe.

"I am so glad you found so many wonderful friends." Hestia happily shared.

Valoran smiles a tiny bit. "So am I Hestia." He says with a worried tone.

Hestia picks up on the concerned tone Valoran just emitted. "What troubles you?" She asks now with concern.

Valoran then unloads his worries on her. "It's everything to be honest. Ever since the magic duels I sense greater danger, Worshippers are now on me and them, that means the Gods have their gazes on me. I don't worry about the safety of Demonlise and Artemsia given they are powerful Gods themselves" He announces to Hestia.

"You worry about the others, don't you?" Hestia knowingly questions.

"They are just kids, Hestia. I don't want to drag them into my conflicts, especially against the Divine" Valoran reveals.

"You will protect them. I know you will." Hestia replies with sincerity.

"That's the thing. What if I can't? What if the next God I face is too powerful? The King of Gods seems to be unstoppable Hestia, if he chooses to attack this marble world, I don't know if I can stop him. I need to make sure my friends can defend themselves against Worshippers at the very least. I need to- "Valoran is being interrupted.

"Valoran you are a good student, I saw that the minute Reven brought you here and I took you under my wing." Hestia calmly expresses.

"I'm not Reven Hestia, never was, never will be… I can't teach the way he did" Valoran utters.

Hestia takes a deep breath. "Your right Valoran you are not Reven." Hestia directly declares.

She then faces Valoran stretching her arm to grab his right cheek. "You are Valoran Silver. It was never Reven's intention to make you like him. He wanted you to be better than him: a better person, a better magic user, a better combatant and a better teacher" She voices with a comforting tone.

Valoran, who is deeply touched, closes his eyes and thinks about the past with Reven, his old mentor.

"You blame his death on yourself, don't you?" Hestia questions Valoran with compassion.

Valoran's expression becomes guilt ridden. "How can I not be? I wish he was here, every day I think about him…" Valoran expresses sorrow.

"So do I but- "Hestia gets interrupted.

"But nothing Hestia… I can turn that wish into a reality. Nothing would stop me from achieving this, I could easily travel back in time and save his life and yet I…" Valoran was unable to finish his sentence due to frustration.

"The reason is that you know it's wrong to do so. Reven had a wife and a daughter, you know that, now they can be together in the afterlife" Hestia trying to rid Valoran of his guilt.

Valoran takes a deep breath.

"You're right. I want Reven to be at peace with his wife and daughter." Valoran says with acceptance, closing his eyes.

Hestia tries to change the subject. "Tell me more about your friends."

Valoran and Hestia gaze toward Merial, Biatrix, Selina and Atticus who are training with the Hyodi warriors.

"If that's what you wish then I will" Valoran answers.

"I really do." Hestia speaks.

"Let's start with Selina. Her eagerness to learn is incredible, her growth since I've met her is also something not to overlook, and her potential is very high. However, she does sometimes lose focus which could lead to problems in the future" Valoran explains.

"Next, we have Biatrix. She's rough around the edges but she's a good person if you get to know her. Potential wise she's the same as Selina and her magic control overall is better than Selina's but as you saw for yourself Hestia, she can be cocky at times and that is her biggest flaw. If she doesn't stop with that attitude she could be hurt or worse" Valoran speaks with worry

"Now then…we have Merial. When I first met her, it was during a duel, she was the type to bully people around and I didn't think much of her. But then I realised that her painful past shaped her that way. She desperately tries to change her way and she will, she already proved that. She's also a great mage herself, her magical knowledge, abilities and potential exceeds that of Selina and Biatrix. I hope I can show her what true strength is, just as Reven showed me." Valoran tells with hopefulness.

"Atticus over there is truly someone who reminds me of Reven. Potential wise he's incredible but not as great as the others I've just mentioned. That doesn't stop him. He is the kindest person and his determination toward learning and maximising your potential is amazing. However, I do worry, he's behind the others and it takes him longer to learn new spells that could save him. I need to make sure he can defend himself against Worshippers Hestia." Valoran is concerned.

"Demonlise is a loyal friend to loyal perhaps. I am relieved that such a powerful person is on my side which helps me be at ease since he is also capable of protecting them from the divine." Valoran says with a relieved tone.

"Artemsia is someone who has suffered the most. She was in isolation, when I met her, she was kind but I felt the amount of sorrow that had accumulated over time in her heart. I took it upon myself to free her and show her what freedom truly is. Ever since she has become a true friend of mine.

"Valoran. I am so happy that you found so many wonderful friends. Don't worry about them too much, they are strong, and you will protect them against any threat that stands against them and against you." Hestia confidentiality speaks.

"I sure will." Valoran replies.

After a couple of hours of training the sun is beginning to set and the sky turned orange. Valoran and his friends are now preparing to leave the Hyodi warriors.

"Thank you, Hestia, for your hospitality and wise words" Valoran bowed his head in gratitude.

The others also bow their heads to show their gratitude.

"I am sorry for my rude tone. I shouldn't have said that" Biatrix utters with regret and sincerity.

"It's fine dear. But you can make it up to me by listening to Valoran's teachings" Hestia forgives Biatrix.

"I will" Biatrix replies energetically.

Iowen then appears and shakes Biatrix's hand. "It was an honour to meet and fight you" She states with a smile.

"The honour is mine" Biatrix declares.

Weskel then appears as well and shakes Valoran's hand. "You're pretty strong, I am sorry that I doubted you" he says bowing his head for forgiveness.

"No need for that Weskel, it was impressive what you did. Use your strength to protect this village" Valoran says and shakes Weskel's hand who has stopped bowing his head.

"Valoran, please visit us sooner next time" Hestia tells with a sarcastic tone.

"I will Hestia you have my word." Valoran promises.

Valoran casts irum (teleportation magic) which teleports each of Valoran's group home.

Valoran and Artemsia are entering the home where Aelina is awaiting them both. "We're home!" Valoran making his and Artemsia's presence known.

"Hey how was it with Hestia?" Aelina questions energetically, eagerly awaiting the response.

"It was great. She greets you and wishes you well" Valoran replies.

"That's great I should visit her soon myself." Aelina speaks with a smile.

"I am sure she would be happy to see you." Valoran replies with a smirk.

With that Valoran and Artemsia eat dinner and head to bed for the next day.

In a secret building. Everything is dark; only a single candle in the middle of the room emits a small amount of light. Surrounding the candle are 13 dark cloaked figures.

An angel dressed in armour then emerges from the shadows and the candle has fallen dark, the 13 figures immediately kneel in front of the angel.

"Have you obtained new information on Valoran Silver and his followers?" The angel questions.

One of the cloaked figures begins to speak. "No. Since the magic duels he hasn't done anything noteworthy." He declares.

"Don't disappoint us Worshippers. Keep a closer eye on him and his companions. Is that clear!?" The angel instructs and questions firmly.

The worshippers are in fright and do not dare to face the angel and stare toward the floor.

"Yes, Supreme being" The worshipper responds.

"You better deliver worshipper." She threatens and takes her leave, and the candle begins to emit light again as soon as the Angel left

All the worshippers are getting up on their feet.

The lead worshipper begins to speak. "We need to increase the watch over Valoran Silver and his entourage"

The other worshipper nods their heads in agreement.

The next day Valoran and Artemsia are arriving at the academy and a familiar face who has been waiting for Valoran approaches him.

Valoran recognises the person.

"Didn't expect to see you so soon…"