
In a burst of speed that resembled space itself being warped, the Overseer himself was unable to properly react to the attack sailing towards him before the heat of his cheek being imprinted by the knuckles of his opponent was felt.

Heavenly Daigo-Style: Second Kata: Void Fist,: Through The Nebula, he thought.

"He landed a blow…!" Ishikawa let out in surprise.

Tadashi watched in shock as well, but was left blinded by the mysterious attack used by the young man.

What…was that? It was as if his attack launched instantaneously,Tadashi thought.

The Overseer was flung back harshly, crashing into the far wall as a cloud of dust kicked up from the massive blow delivered.


He exhaled calmly and sharply as his right fist was left steaming from the utter swiftness of the delivered blow, leaving the leaves in the path of his fist parted seamlessly.


To not only his surprise, but the ones who witnessed the spectacular blow, the stranger in the black suit walked out from the dust cloud, patting his reddened cheek with a bright smile before clapping his hands together.

"Now that's what I'm talking about! That's the kind of flashiness I was looking for–you're definitely worthy, no doubt about it," Yusei smiled.

He wasn't knocked out by that? He thought, looking at the man.

As he began to take a stance once again, the Overseer quickly waved his hands with a small laugh, "No, no, that's not necessary anymore."

"Huh…?" He raised an eyebrow.

Yusei reached into his pocket, retrieving a black paper from his coat, "I came here to see if you were the real deal. You see, not just anybody is allowed to even attend the qualifiers for the "Celestial Fist Tournament", Mr. Daigo."

"...'Celestial Fist Tournament'?" He repeated.

It seemed the Overseer was no longer looking for a fight, though he was still annoyed, he recognized that Yusei was definitely not somebody that would make for an easy bout.

Yusei smiled, "Interested? Well, "Touma Daigo", you've passed."

Tossed at his feet was the black paper that was retrieved from the Overseer's jacket.

He slowly picked it up, looking up to see the red-haired man already leaving with a wave of his skull-tattooed hand.

"Two weeks from now; June twentieth–be there, or well…don't; your choice," Yusei glanced back with a smirk before leaving the bounds of the school.

Tadashi and Ishikawa finally returned to his side, holding stances though quickly relinquishing them as their friend and the Overseer seemed no longer at odds.

He read the scribings on the black ticket as his friends peered over his shoulder, "...'You're cordially invited to the Celestial Fist Tournament. June Twentieth. Grand Sentinel Arena', huh?"

Tadashi adjusted his glasses, "I've heard about it–it's a pretty big deal."

"A pretty big deal?! It's only the biggest fighting event in the world!" Ishikawa said excitedly.

"Seriously?" He looked at her.

The eccentric girl energetically nodded her head, "All of the top fighters from around the world gather and fight for the title of "Celestial Fist"--or pretty much "The King of Martial Arts", you know?!"

"All of the top fighters…?" A giddy smile stretched across his lips.

"Mhm! And there's a huge prize pool! Apparently the champion gets five-hundred million yen!" Ishikawa told him.

His jaw nearly dropped to the floor, "...Five-hundred million?"

"Mhm!" Ishikawa nodded.

Tadashi looked at him, "What're you going to do, Touma? It starts two weeks from now."

He held the ticket up towards the sky, "Isn't it obvious? Who the hell would pass up on an opportunity to clash fists against the best around the world?"

Tadashi smiled and Ishikawa jumped up in excitement as his confirmation of joining the world-famous tournament.

"Still…Who was that guy, anyway? Everybody seems to recognize him but me," he asked, stuffing the ticket into his pants.

Tadashi fixed his glasses, "That man was Yusei Ito, "The Supernova", one of the Overseers."

"Huh?" He asked.

Ishikawa nodded vigorously, "They're super-duper powerful members of an elite group that oversee the balance of the martial arts world! Apparently they work under the man who funds the Celestial Fist tournament!"

"He sounds like a big deal, then," he said, walking beside them back to class.

"Big deal is an understatement, Touma…" Tadashi said, caressing his bruised back, "If the rumors are true, then I'd say Yusei was simply playing with you."

"Huh? That looked like he was playing around?" He asked.

Tadashi was sweating, "...Well, the "Overseers" are described as modern deities of combat. They're almost fantastical in power--I'm surprised even you managed to gain his respect, Touma."

It was true about the power that belonged to the Overseers; as he glanced back, a massive crater remained in the courtyard from the mighty elbow drop issued by Yusei earlier.

He couldn't help but feel excited now as he pulled the black ticket out with a smile.

Fighters from around the world…the strongest…I'm so excited it hurts! He thought.

Before heading back into class, Tadashi pulled him aside.

"What's up?" He asked.

Tadashi raised a finger as if saying "Wait a moment" before heading into the nurse's office, returning not a minute later with a couple bandaids.

"Raise them," Tadashi instructed.

"Err, okay? I'm not a kid, you know. I can handle a couple cuts," he said.

Ishikawa laughed at the view of Tadashi carefully playing bandaids on the silver-haired young man's cut forearms.

"Maybe so, but infection is another thing entirely," Tadashi adjusted his glasses after placing the bandaids.