

It had been a very hectic day at school, a certain Tuesday. Probably hectic because I wasn't like the brilliant ones.

My head was on fire; filled with the chaos of Calculus and wounded by the surgery of Algebra. My hand was trembling after documenting a coursework of formulas, laws and theorems.

As usual, I had to trek several miles home. So, I positioned beside a tree, trying to catch a breath after a few walks.

While I rested, came - from somewhere above - the shriek of a wild hawk. It ripped my hood from around my neck and lashed it across my face, obscuring my sight. My belly pitched and whirled as the stones beneath me swapped, pitching me forwards into a slow, unstoppable tumble down the hillside. I came to an abrupt stop in a pool of foul-stinking gutter. Sharp stones scrapped my hands and knees as I retched, shivering and sobbing, with water, vomit, and mud dripping from my body.

I stood helplessly for a few seconds, and from a distance was a hand beckoning, then getting closer.

What I saw next was an admirable, adorable, alluring, appealing, and beautiful 'butterfly' floating by.

Her beauty was a feast for the eyes, a light in the heart - captivating, charming and dazzling - intoxicating to the soul.

Her pair of bright eyes were an ocean of paradise, and I wished I could just drown right in there for all of eternity.

The hair was midnight-black and it flowed over her shoulders.

"Goodness!" I thought to myself. "Could it be that it was her beauty - in a form of the wild hawk - that led me off the cliff?"

She took me by the hand, led me out of the mud to a close pool of water, to wash my face, hands and legs.

It was as quick and easy as that.

But, nah...that wasn't how I pictured it.

I felt it differently!

It was like I was drowning in an ocean of love.

Then, the reflected beauty of hers got farther and farther away.

The darkness beneath the water, when I looked down, made me panic in excitement, as her lovely hair dragged me down even more.

I struggled to get out of it's grip, but the force of her charming smile just wouldn't let go, making me lose more precious air.

I kicked, and tried to get to the surface.

No luck.

Everything started to hurt. My chest felt like being stabbed by her irresistible touch.

Yet it felt so good.

With my last strength, I kicked really hard once more. My body didn't hurt anymore. I wasn't gonna make it and I knew.

She alone was all I needed to be rescued.

Then everything went blank and black.

My eyes were shut.

I stayed helplessly and hopelessly in calmness.

I was absolutely drowned in her river of love.

Few minutes had passed.

I was already lifeless in her peaceful arms.

Then came out of the dark, a glow, a radiation, a brightness, an illumination, a light which struck my eyes opened, brought me back to life!

That was just the way I pictured and felt it.

She was driving in an Aston Martin Vulcan when she stopped by to assist me, I guess after sighting from afar.

Wait, just a minute, Aston Martin? Wow! Goodness!

This is one of the most expensive cars in the world. It's worth $2.3 Million!

Being in such a car, is like living already in paradise!

"What on earth could make someone in an AMV stop, not just to wave, let alone pay attention to a nobody like me, but to care about assisting me?" I asked myself in confusion and anxiety.

"Hi, I'm Tamar" with a sweet, breathtaking voice she introduced herself.

"This can't be happening..." so I thought to myself. "Is she talking to me for real?" my eyes dazzled in excitement.

"I'm...I'm Mike," I was blushing while stumbling over my words.

"Nice to meet you, Mike. I sighted you from a distance, and thought you might need some assistance. Would you uh...mind if I gave you a ride?" she was skeptical about whether I would accept or not.

"You've got to be kidding me! Hell yeah!" I whispered to myself.

Who would wanna reject such an amazing offer?

"Of course, I don't mind," I replied her with a smile.

I didn't care, let alone ask, about where she was heading. If it was hell, then this was gonna be a lifetime adventure!

The seat felt like that of a king on the throne. So, I wasn't too comfortable, 'cause I didn't think I was qualified for such a seat.

It was gradually getting dark already, we moved over the highway, with lights on full beam, while I stayed calm.

"So, tell me, um... what did you say your..."

"Tyler," I replied impatiently.

"Yeah... Tyler. Tell me about you, and how you found yourself all alone in a mud," she asked, turning towards me with a curious smile.

"Well, uh... where do I even start from? Trust me, it's a long story, besides, you really don't wanna know about someone like me," I gave her a discouraging face that should perhaps stop her from wanting to know.

"I like long stories, boring ones especially, if you think yours is boring, besides, I have all the time," insisting I should go ahead to tell her.

"Alright, you win! My mom was from here, Georgia, Khevsureti precisely, one of the most remote villages here. She couldn't make it during my birth..."

"Am so sorry about it. You don't have to talk about it if you don't feel like," her eyes wet with tears, trying to comfort me.

"Nah... it's fine. Am sorry, I shouldn't have started with that. I should have begun with something exciting, but I truly don't think I ever had an exciting day, until today. Anyways, it's been a very long time now. It just really hurts that I never even got to see her. Most times, I feel it was my fault. Maybe I was a bad luck," struggling to hold myself from weeping.

"Come on... don't say that, or even think about it. Nobody chooses their parents. We come to meet whichever the universe decides to choose for us. Fate, I guess," tapping me on the shoulder, in a comforting way.

"How about your dad?" she suddenly asked, lest she forgot.

I felt embarrassed, but had to say it anyways, "Well, I'm living with him. He...he's a peasant farmer."

"I guess he must be a strong man," her mood was optimistic.

"Yeah... he's African actually," I tried to wink my eyes.

"Wow, I see," she remarked.

"I will be alighting at the next junction," I noticed her.

She gradually brought the car to a stop while handing over to me a card, "Alright, take, this is my card, you can call me anytime."

"Could this be true," I thought to myself in excitement.

"Thanks so much for the ride, and am sorry for all the delay I might have caused you," I apologized.

"Oh come on, I actually enjoyed your company," she gave me a bright smile.

"Have a nice day," she said, then zoomed.

Meeting her changed the rest of my day.

It was one of the best days ever of my life that far, I kept thinking about our encounter, her smile. I just couldn't get her off my mind. I never even got the chance to know her better.