10. Let It Go

0: Let It Go

Midway Peak

7pm was finally here, and the Excess Express finally arrived at Midway Gala, taking place upon a balcony on a mountain that towered miles above the ocean below; so high one could almost see where the Earth curved round. The Corporate Presidents and their children all stepped off to join. Many rich types in powdery wigs and uniforms sat at curtained tables and socialized. Mom was the last one to step off, walking awkwardly. The other presidents passed this off as the result of her injury, but that wasn't the case. "Nnn! Keep up, you little brat!" she hissed under her breath.

Cheren squatted low and walked with Mom under her dress, feeling very awkward about his position. He took a very light peek through the front, glancing up as the mountain seemed to go forever. "Mom? Where are we, exactly?" he whispered.

Mom glanced around to see no one was close enough. "This is just one floor of the Holy Ground, Mt. Mariejoa. It's the tallest mountain in the world, and the World Government's ultimate headquarters. At the very base of this mountain is Enies Lobby, the base of the Teen Ninjas and the secret assassin group, CP10."

"Enies Lobby, I've heard of that. The Sea Train from Water 7 goes there."

"The government specially ordered their skilled carpenters to build the track there a long time ago. But they're just small time. We're at the Midway Peak, which is the Corporate Presidents' main base, and where the Head President lives. And the very top of the mountain rests the World Leaders' castle. The mountain was modeled after the Sky and Spear Pillars, and it's said this used to belong to the Light Goddess, Palutena. I dunno how the World Leaders could've occupied it."

Cheren glanced around further, and took notice of a familiar, puffy-haired blonde girl in a green dress, standing by her lonesome. "Carol!"

"What?" Mom asked.

"Huh? Oh, not you, it's someone my friends know."

"Hmph." She glanced at the girl. "Small world."

Mom stepped over to a table as Cheren crept under its curtain. "Now just stay out of sight until the Head President appears. And when she does, kill her." She spoke with a grim look. She walked away casually as Cheren remained in place. Killing the top head in front of so many rich, powerful types… this was Cheren's hardest mission, yet. But… he would see it through.

Cheren glanced under the curtain and found Doflamingo's daughter, Sugar standing by the railing and viewing the horizon. The gentle wind breezed past her hair and coat as she played a calm, peaceful tune on a small leaf. It eased Cheren's mind from the mission… until Sugar stopped after 30 seconds.

Hendry Middle School

Hendry Middle School. A fortress that's been through many trials throughout the years. Even though it was destroyed almost 21 years ago, and newly rebuilt 15 years ago. It was the perfect hideout for Teen Ninjas. They posed as "Hall Monitors" to the teachers, in just really fancy outfits, but any kid outside the school would know their true purpose. "Hey Slider, you got a date for the Summer Dance, yet?" a ninja patrolling the roof asked.

"Nah, but I'm thinkin' of asking Nya, she's got a nice bod. Only other guy she likes is her cousin. Whadda 'bout you?"

"That Tracy girl is cute, I think her dad was even-"

"Snot-nosed twerps off the southern gate! Repeat, SNOTTY kids approaching the south gate!"

The duo scrambled to get some binoculars and view the small sea of bikes and trikes zooming to their school. "READY the Fountain Cannons! Load the Footbombs and NEXT PERSON THAT TOUCHES MY IPOD'S GETTIN' THEIR HEAD RUN THROUGH!"

High-tech Teen bikes came zooming out of the school as the child bikes started blasting tennisballs against the Teens' wheels, and banana peels at their windshields, causing them to swerve away and crash. The bikes in the back rows dropped streams of marbles that caused any Teen attempting to turn back to crash as well. "Look out! Here come the Jets!" cried the Second Grade President, Richard Teague in his nasally voice, as a storm of football-players with jetshoes flew overhead, wielding deadly Footbombs. "Sooper Spitballers, FIRRRRE!" He and a team of kids grabbed straws and began shooting a barrage of spitballs. Despite their small and feeble-looking appearance, they destroyed each Footbomb in one hit upon impact. "Hah hah! Hasta la vista, Dum-Dums!"

"Yeah, but what're we gonna do about the Sumo Squad?" asked Third Grade President, Leon Anderson Sobs, the miserable goth leader. Ahead were rows of chubby teenagers in nothing but underwear, "HUR, HUR, HUR." stomping forward and erecting great stone walls from the street.

"Those cowardly earthbenders!" yelled Richard. "Well, we'll stomp 'em! GET 'EM, Bull-Blockers!" Here came a team of huge bulldozers made entirely of blocks, for those children studied from Joey Beatles to perfect them to near-realistic. They tore down the earth walls like actual machinery, letting the trikes charge forward and ram the sumos' toes.

Hurriedly following behind the army of kids, Berry Bean and Lilac Farley rushed on all fours with their passengers onboard. "Why are we breaking into this school again?" Berry asked Rupert, who was in her right cat-ear.

"'Cause they think they kidnapped Shelly and Jessie so we gotta look for them first. If they aren't there, we have to warn 'em somehow."

"'kay, but we gotta take you back home after this."

"Ulp… I'd really not rather my dad see me like this."

"Well moms are scarier, and they're on your side. You won't need to worry."

The werecats rushed to the right of the school as Berry pounced and slashed an air duct clean open, quickly crawling through as a quartet of clangs echoed from her hands and boots banging the metal. She slashed open another duct and dropped in, hearing Lilac following after. "See them anywhere?" asked Berry.

"Uhhhh." Rupert saw them, all right. They had broken in the school's swimming pool, where dozens of teen girls in swimsuits roamed about or splashed in the sparkly water. There were dudes there too, but he didn't care.


The boy blinked, "Oh! Uhhh well we could ask around."

"Okay. HEY, ANY OF YOU SEEN A LITTLE TWERP IN SWIMGEAR AND SOME INDIAN GUY?" She yelled the only description of them she could recall.

All of the slim and muscular girls and boys fixed their gazes on them, eyes turning grim. "…Someone lose their drawers?" asked Ruppy.

Streams of water gushes came flying at the cats, the two flexibly avoiding and making their dash out of the room. "Didn't expect 'em to be waterbenders!" Timmy shouted.

"I don't WANNA be in there!" Lilac cried.

"Let's split up and search the school." Rupert said. "If we don't find them, let the leaders know ASAP!" The werecats nodded and found their way to the halls, galloping like horses. "WHOA!" Berry yelped when storms of lasers began firing everywhere in attempt to singe them, her catlike reflexes enabling her to avoid.

"Come on, search the lockers!" yelled Ruppy.

"Fine. HEY, you in here?" She ripped open a locker containing a pile of glop. "HEY, you in here?" A locker containing a shrine of a girl's crush. "HEY, you in here?" A locket containing a nerd. "HeeeeeeEEEEEEYYYYYYYY." Whirling like a tornado, she slashed open every single locker in the hopes of finding someone (they cared about). "Huff, huff… WHOA!" The Fountain Cannons began blasting at her, Berry leaping about and running forward again. As she was approaching a second-floor walkway, several spikes emerged from the floor, so Berry pounced onto the trophy case, to a wall spear which she gripped in her teeth and whirled around, and flung to the walkway's railing which she grabbed and hauled herself over, racing through the 2nd-floor hall.

Lilac was joyfully running the first floor as the elementary-schoolers had broken in, penetrating the defenses with the random werecat's slashes. "Must be another magic experiment the kindergarteners did." thought one second-grader.

In the computer lab, a certain goateed teenager in sunglasses stood up from his seat. "O-kay, this is getting old. Let's see if these twerps can match this." Gage started typing on his laptop, summoning four Flash-made teenagers armed with guns. They headed out to the hall and began launching missiles at any kids riding down, blowing them away.

"They're just solid holograms!" cried Richard. "Keep spitting!" His Spitballers kept shooting, but the Programs only fizzed a little bit before one whipped out nun-chucks and whipped the kids off their bikes.

"Let's see how you deal with more bandwidth!" a 3rd-grader exclaimed, pulling out his iPod to download two movies. The computers in the lab were lagging horribly, and Gage's Programs were glitching.

Many kids were able to zip by, watched spitefully by Susanne Suave in a classroom. "That's it!" She stomped out to the hall. "Time to give those kids the SLIP!" Her thick clothing came flying off, unveiling the red bikini underneath.

"MISS SUAVE, clothe yourself right NOW. We are NOT at the SWIMMING pool!" yelled a teacher.

"THERE IS NOTHING SHAMEFUL ABOUT THE FEMALE FORM!!" Then squirting lotion all over her body, she slid into the hallway and left a trail of the slippery substance, causing the bikes to immediately slide out of control upon crossing it. "Ah ha ha ha! I knew you kids would fall to my, smoothness!" She flexed backward after slowing to a stop.

"We don't like girls yet, you ugly HAG!" a boy yelled.

"UGH!" She whipped out her lotion and shot a glob directly into the kid's eyes.


"Well you CLEARLY weren't using them, anyway. Wha?" She looked across the hall as an animal appeared to be running on all fours.

"Raa-hooooooo!" She was half-right, for it was Lilac Farley. "Scratchy cushioooonnn!" She pounced straight at Susanne's chest, grabbed tight, and began clawing away.

"AAAAAAHH! MY SKIN, GET OFF ME, GET OFF ME!" She punched several times until Lilac flew off, staring at the many bloody lines. "Uck!! My perfect skin! Oh I am gonna KILL you you stupid cat!" She stomped forward with impending rage. "NO ONE MESSES UP MY SKIN EXCEPT-" But a powerful, pungent odor suddenly invaded her nose. "Ooooohhh." She collapsed onto her back.

"Heheh." laughed Timmy, who along with Hikari took land on the floor following Lilac's fall. "Thankfully I had some Wings carry White Pikmin into your nostrils. THAT'LL last ya a few days."

"Good girl, Lilac!" Hikari beamed as the werecat crouched before her, tongue out in excitement. "Good kitty!" Lilac gently licked her in gratitude. "Hee haha ha ha ha!"

Berry continued to race every which way, having sliced every locker she passed and ransacked every classroom. "This is gettin' really repetitive, Rupert." Berry stated.

"I guess they aren't here after all." Rupert concluded once they made it to a steampipe room. "We have to get to the leaders and tell them-"

"REOOOOWW!" Berry leaped back when a hammer almost smashed her.

"I don't like cats." said recent KND traitor, Alexei Abramovici. "I don't like brats. Mixing the two together, a sin that should never come to be."

"You wanna see another sin? My mom taught me THIS one." Berry held up a rather unpleasant finger.

"Then it's time you faced justice." He started lashing his hammer and his cane as Berry flipped back, beginning to pounce and kick around the pipes before getting behind and tackling Alex. "Hrrrruph." He shot up and swung, making Berry pounce back.

"Is that all you got, those silly sticks?" smirked Berry cockily. "I've battled dogs that were tougher than that!"

"Good afternoon, Team Hendry." spoke a deep, smooth voice through the PA. "There's a couple of tykes runnin' around today. So it's time to ease their wild minds with the stylin' tunes of Ramblin' Rodrigo."

"Oyy. Buenos días, los niños." said the thick, Spanish accent into the speakers. The most charming, soothing, mystical tune they would ever hear began sounding throughout the halls. "Ohhhhh. Miiii amanteeee. Ohhhhh. Mi luna creciente." Gentle guitar strums. "Cuando pienso en…"

Those mystical vocals easily reached Berry and Lilac's sensitive ears. "Uhhh… Lily?" said Timmy when the werecat fainted.

"B-Berry- HEEEY!" Rupert screamed when Berry finally fell down.

"Ohhhhh- don't listen to it." a 4th-grade officer tried to yell, their heads swaying, hands planted on their ears, while others already fell. "Think about drinking soda, and playing videogames aaaaall night, until you get really…really… sleepy. …"

"Hmph." scoffed Alexei at the snoozing Berry (not seeing Rupert). "You kittens are all the same. Soft and simple when it comes down to it. Good-bye." He raised his hammer to smash the cat. A dart immediately whipped down and stuck his neck. "Mmph!" He collapsed on the floor.

"UUUH!" Rodrigo screamed, so they assumed he was struck too, his music stopping.

"Huh?!" exclaimed Nya LaMar when several more Teen Ninjas were darted. "What's going on?!"

"The Kindergarteners!" cried a ninja when many shorter kids in Indian outfits with crayon makeup began to fall from the vents. "Grab the runts we can and let's split!"

"RETREEEEAAAAT!" The Gallaghers hurriedly scrambled to get away, rescuing any snoozing kid they could, but some were unfortunately kidnapped.

Rupert looked when a brown-skinned Kindergartener with orange makeup and a gruff face came down from the dark of the pipes. "You. Cat Creature." He nudged Berry's body. "Awaken. Must get out now."

Berry startled awake, and seeing the child retreat, she glanced at Rupert on her head before making a dash for the exit. She reunited with Lilac in the hall, running side-by-side as Rupert viewed over to Tim and Hikar. "Did you find them??"

"No, they weren't anywhere." Timmy shouted. "But it looks like Joey brought the Kindergarten Tribes."

"Well, it's no use staying. Let's get outta this nuthouse."

Berry and Lil were soon dashing out of the middle school alongside dozens of remaining bikers. Rupert turned back astonished when the tremendous fortress started to move away.


The kids regrouped a few miles from the school, where Fifth Grade Leader, David Keith, spoke with the Kindergarten Chief. "Joey tell us, your presidents in big-heap trouble. We come help, 'fore bad things happen."

"Well, bad things happened." said David. "They got Third Grade Leader now, too. And no sign of First or Fourth."

"You rush in, without thinking. Middle-schoolers big. And smart. But also stupid. But not stupid enough. You should know better."

"Well I TOLD YOU we should've thought up a PLAAAAN! Ow- HEEEEEY!" Richard whined when someone threw a Whisbee at him.

"Well up 'til now, we all agreed Fourth Grade would be the primary leading grade." David said. "But under the circumstances, I think I should take over until we can find them. Let's head back to school and finish our day for now. Principal Rachel can only allow extended recess for so long…"

"Friend Hikari missing, too." said the chief. "Hope they come up soon." So with that, the graders rode to school on their bikes while the Kindergarteners followed on wooden horses on wheels.

"Oh, man. Things just went from bad to worse." Rupert frowned. "If only we knew where Shelly was, 'cause then we could find Sappo and Gibli, too."

"Well, we could at least help you guys, first." Berry told him. "We're taking you back home so your parents can find you. Then we can all look for those guys. Okay?"

Rupert still hated the idea of his dad seeing him this way… but the more people aware of their existence, the better, he supposed. At least his mom would be there, too. "Okay." So the long, tireless race to Ashland, West Virginia began.

Miracle City

Sector V would never understand how a monster of that fortitude smashed them with such force, they were merely knocked out in a hole in the ground. They awoke to find their selves in a dank, cave-like dungeon, with just enough light to see that. "Ohhhh… guys, this town… blows. …" moaned Aurora.

"Tell me about it." Dillon replied, looking at his sick shadow. "Some help Mario became… and Sheila's totally out again." Indeed, their adventurer was snoring away.

Chris flicked his fingers, sparking a small flame. "And the place is chi-blocked. Sigh… waking up early to skip school, just for this. The heck are we supposed to do now?"

"That's no reason to feel so dead." A strange voice echoed.

"Look!" Haylee noticed the short, shadowed person in the hole above the cave shaft. He dropped and landed on his dark brown boots, head slanted so they saw only the top of his reddish-black cowboy hat. He shot his head up- "Boo!"

AIIIIEEEEEE! They winced at Kirie's silent scream. It was a skeleton boy with glowing red pupils and a ragged red bandanna, and huge boney claws.

"Hahahahahaha!" he laughed calmly. "That never gets old."

They exchanged frightened glances. "Who…Who are you?" asked Aurora.

"My name is Django. Django de los Muertos. That's, 'of the Dead' if you are of the English tongue." He paced about the cave. "You may have overheard my grandmother speaking with the pipsqueak a half-hour ago. The thing is, I've been spyin' you since you came to town. Friends of those Brotherhood guys, are we?" He folded his arms.

"You know them?"

"My grandma is the boss of all the baddies in this city. Those weirdoes showed up last year and started makin' this place home too, and that little bean shrimp's been talkin' her into joining them. And do I get a say? No, because this is a matter of grown-ups."

"So what's your point?" Chris asked.

"My point is if grandma joins those freaks, we won't be the top dogs anymore, just sharing it with that… shrimp. So if I don't get to show him the door, I might as well just… find something better. And then you came."

"Care to elaborate?"

"Simple." Django's boney teeth smirked. "I wanna join your group."

"You mean… a Kids Next Door?" Dillon asked.

"Yes! I mean, a bunch of kids just running around with no adult supervision, going into lawless towns and beating the crap out of everyone! You kids have the LIFE! AND I WANT IN." His dark eyes narrowed.

"Uhhhh hate to break it to you, but someone else is already joining, so we just don't have room to accommodate a, creepy skeleton-"

Django shot up to Artie's whimpering face, teeth gritted. "…Now listen." He stepped away. "I happen to know a few things about what the Brotherhood is planning. This Mystic Guitar," Django grabbed a reddish-black guitar off his back, "allows me to command the dead at will, and grants me dark powers of the Underworld. I'm your only chance of getting out of this dump, but ONLY if I can join your crew!"

"The Kids Next Door is a group that fights evil adults and protects kids from tyranny!" Aurora stated. "Why would YOU want anything to do with-"

"Fighting adults, going against their laws, that's fine with me. And I want to destroy these Brotherhood guys before they steal my city. But I can only do so with YOUR help."

The kids thought long and hard. This kid didn't really have the right light as a KND operative… plus he was dead. But they had to get out of here… and he did have info. "To be fair, that shrimp guy is our great-grandfather." Haruka noted. "So I guess we owe it to you…"

"Sigh, okay, Django." Aurora stood up and approached him. "You got a deal for now." And the two shook hands.

Django de los Muertos joined your party! With his Mystic Guitar, the Dark Arts are his to command!

"Excellent!" Django grinned. "LET 'ER RIP!" He whipped out his guitar and strummed, blowing a passage into the wall. "Just this way!" He eagerly ran in first as they followed, Mason and Chris carrying Sheila. Inside was a much larger cave with a long, skeleton train. "Behold my grandma's secret Ghost Train. Can go anywhere, anytime. Er, except day. Luckily, we'll be traveling underground, we'll be long out of the city before they even realize."

"Wait, someone else was taken!" Dillon shouted. "Our friend, Midna!"

"Yes, I know. You won't be rescuing her so easily, they have her guarded tight. Just stick with me and I promise we'll save her later."

"And now he's makin' promises. Alright, let's go."

The kids boarded the eerie train of blue flames as its front-most face unleashed a deafening screech. The vessel was soon rolling down the tunnels and out of the city.

Glacia; Arendelle Mountains

"Whoa… the blizzard stopped!" Lola said with surprise.

"Unbelievable." George gaped, still holding Miyuki. "The sky was packed with clouds, but now it's like it never even happened. What in the world could've stopped it?"

"Well, whatever it was, I feel the spiritual energy stronger than ever now." MaKayla replied. "And the singing… it's coming from there!" She pointed to the center, tallest mountain of this range. Beneath the aurora borealis that had appeared lay a sparkling castle of ice, and an emotional echo shouting from it. "Let it gooooo, let it go! And I'll rise like the brink of daaaawn! HERE I stand… and HERE I STAAAY! Let the-…"

"Wonder what her deal is." Terry remarked.

"I dunno, but at least there's civilization. Let's go up and see if she's seen Suki." George decided as he marched forward.

When his friends were beginning to follow, a growling hit MaKayla's ears as she stopped and searched around. "Kay-Kay, what's wrong?" Lola asked.

A skull-faced monster with shadowy black skin, gaping chest hole, and on all fours like an ape glared at her ravenously. "You all, get back."

"What?" Terry asked.

"Get back!" She leapt forward and began swiftly kicking and punching the beast, performing agile flips with her flexible body and evading its claws.

It was clear to them MaKayla had lost it. The cold cold air was so unbearable to her, she was attacking it. "Well uh, our first stop at GKND is officially the hospital wing." Terry knew.

"MaKayla, yooou… are you okay?" asked George.

"Hnnn!" Somehow, MaKayla had remained in midair with her legs spread out, as if on a horse, and was grabbing the air around its "neck". "Lola, quick! Throw a Spank Hand!"

"Uhhh… huh?"

She was struggling to keep her grip. "Q-Quick! Throw a Spank Hand! Right where my arms are!"

"Uhh… okay." Lola stretched her hands behind her and charged dark-pink energy as energy hands grew. She thrusted forward and flew the hands, MaKayla leaping just when they struck the spot.

The timebender landed beside her friends. "Sigh. Nice work, Lol."

"'kay, but, whaddid I do?"

"That was a Hollow. My mom told me about 'em and it matched the description. I wonder what it's doing here."

"I wonder, what the heck you're talking about." stated Terry.

"Right, you guys can't see them. Just don't worry about it, let's find Suki and I'll keep an eye out for 'em." The three exchanged curious glances as Kayla walked ahead. "And I don't think that was the only one… we better watch out." (Play "Shiver Mountain" from Paper Mario.)

Stage 17: Arendelle Ruins

Mission: Get to the mountaintop castle.

Under the starry indigo sky that was just created, Arendelle looked far more beautiful. Their eyes directed up the sparkling snowy mountain, to the even more glamorous glittering castle up top. There shouldn't be any getting lost with that great blue borealis floating over the castle, and the sounds of the Ice Queen's distant voice. To get there, Sector IC first had to journey down a very steep slope, which became difficult for George when carrying Miyuki's body. White Wolfos leapt out from the snows for their prey, Lola throwing Spank Hands around to send them falling down the mountain while Terry also blinded them with Shadow Breath. They reached the mountain's bottom, but a chasm separated them and the following one. They split up as MaKayla and Lola followed a left path, crossing a bridge through a large icy stalagmite that brought them to a wide, slippery field where Chilfos were playing hockey using Mini-Freezards.

The girls nodded to each other and grabbed two spare hockey-sticks, skiing out as MaKayla stole the Freezard from two Chilfos. Angered, the monsters chased her, but MaKayla hit the puck over to Lola, who skied along the edge and kept balance as the path curved right. Two Chilfos were coming at her from ahead, but seeing MaKayla behind them, Lola sent the puck with a forceful hit past the Chilfos like a bullet, while the timebender slowed it down to catch. Four more Chilfos guarded the Big Freezard ahead, so with a mighty swing, and a Fast-Forward, the puck zipped to the statue and shattered him. This allowed part of the wall behind to open, so Kayla slid in with Lola joining, the latter becoming a bat to flap up the following shaft. After evading native Ice Keese, she got to a platform and pulled an ice-lever, causing half a bridge of icy planks to fall in place to the middle mountain.

Meanwhile, George and Terry (and I guess Miyuki) took the right path, going inside of a dark cave that got blacker as they climbed down. George alit his hands with Time Chi to see, but Terry panickingly indicated the flock of Ice Keese asleep on the ceiling. The two carefully crossed a slippery, narrow ice bridge with several holes, and Terry flinched whenever an icicle fell down and smashed part of the path. They reached a platform where a gang of Ice Chuchu ambushed them, George hurriedly freezing the monsters before they made too much noise. Afterwards, they pushed them down the bottomless chasm, then focused their sights on the group of ice-blocks, and the large pool of frosty water that protected an ice-lever.

The two had to slide an ice-block across a bridge and navigate it around the rocks without sliding it in the chasm. They reached a round platform with more stop-rocks and navigated it around so the block was in position to slide across a very narrow bridge its width. From there, they pushed it into the pool and created a frozen path as it melted, but while it couldn't reach the lever, Terry could get close enough to Shadow Glide. He flipped the lever and heard quakes, resulting in the swarm of Keese waking up. Terry freaked and hurriedly glided back to the ice path, and George plopped Miyuki down, thrusted his arms up, and Stopped a bunch of Keese. They kept this up as they made their way out of the cavern.

The team reunited at the sparkling ice-bridge that led to a cave at the base of this new mountain. It was very large and hollow inside, and the glittering blue ice provided the light. No creatures were lurking, except in MaKayla's eyes, dozens of Hollows were visible. "I'll take care of 'em." she offered, much to the confusion of her team. Several Hollows blasted dark beams at her, but MaKayla leapt, kicked off a few of their heads, and shot Chrono Beams to scatter their dark bodies. A Hollow grabbed her by the leg, bashed her against the ground, then tossed her several meters, and when another performed a mighty leap, she slowed it down and escaped. She leapt to and kicked off another one, then flipped to another to grab around its head as it tried to charge a beam. She forced it to barf a beam at several other Hollows, then flipped off this one to shoot a Chrono Beam at it.

"You put up a brilliant show, Sis." George smiled sarcastically, once Kayla finished her acrobatics. A floating ice staircase floated over them 2 stories above, but no way to it. However, there were four switches in a far corner which each member could press, making a group of ice platforms rise up to the stairs' base. But when they stepped off, it sunk back down. Having an idea, Kayla had them all get on a switch while she activated a Time Recordance, then ran to the sinking platforms to throw a Time Brake, slowing it down as it was already fairly low. But restarting, she stayed to hold down her switch while her Time Clone ran to slow down the platforms, so the team could run off and hop to the stairway when they sank slower.

Ice Chuchu dropped onto the wide stairs, but Lola shot Spank Hands at them as the team progressed up without delay. The stairs led them outside the cave to a walkway on the side of the mountain. A large gap separated them and the continuing path, but Terry could Veil into the wall and slither to the foothold, pressing a switch to make a platform float over, allow his team on, then step off so the platform could bring them back. The path ended once again and the next one was too high to reach, with only dead platforms attached to chains that looked like they were meant to whirl like Ferris wheels. A chain-switch dangled above the middle of the platforms, so Lola became a bat and flapped up, grabbed it in her teeth, and changed back as her weight pulled it down. The platforms whirled to life and began their endless loops, Lola keeping the switch pulled so her team could get up, afterwards getting to the path as a bat while the platforms stopped again.

"Anyone else feel weird about carryin' our friend's dead body around?" Lola asked, noting Miyuki's body in George's arms.

"She feels like a sack of potatoes." George mentioned. "Like some wizard just Avada Kedavra'd her on the spot."

The walkway brought them to a wider foothold where there were again no monsters, except for the Hollow Chuchu MaKayla could clearly see, little black blobs with skull masks. Confusing her friends once more with her madness, she rolled forward and started Chrono-blasting them all, 'til they were all just black puddles of glop. The only way to go was across a trio of thin ice rails, lined as though a cart were supposed to be on them. "Guess we have to grind across." MaKayla thought.

"They look kinda slippery." Terry observed.

"Well, check 'em out then." George nudged.

"Ugh." So very worriedly, and with much focus, Terry moved his right foot over the rails and stepped on, then very carefully moved his left onto it. "WAH-WAH-WAH-WAAAAH!" Indeed it was too slippery, and in a split second, slipped horizontally, bashed his head on the rail, then went falling down the chasm where a stalagmite pierced him right through the chest, and he hung dead, the stalagmite's point red with blood.

"OH MY GOD, TERRY!!" MaKayla almost lost her breath at the sight.

"B-Bro!" Tears were quickly welling in Lola's eyes. "GEORGE, YOU KILLED HIM!!"

"H-Hold on!" George aimed his hands down, focused energy, and Rewinded Terry as he flew back onto the rails, to their foothold.

"Ugh." Terry annoyedly complied to George's request and prepared to step on.

"No!" George yanked him back. "Uhhh better safe than sorry."

And then something very strange happened. Before their eyes (except Terry's), black puddles of goo appeared, and reformed into Hollow Chuchu. "Whoa, where did THOSE come from?" Lola questioned.

"You can see them now?" Kayla asked.

"See what?" Terry followed.

"N-Never mind, just hold 'em back!" So the other three began to fight the Hollows off, but still had no idea how to get across the rails.

With Suki

At this time, Jack Frost had guided Suki to a dead-end wall, which went up at least 5 stories. "Suki… you know what to do."

The child nodded, throwing her arms upward as a sparkly ice ladder stretched to the top. Jack glided to the top while Suki happily danced up its bars. They had an excellent view of the mountain range, and the glittering castle that sat miles above them. Suki slid down a left path that sloped down a little and curved right, stopping at a trio of ice rails. Feeling a sense of joy and freedom, Suki glided across the rails on her bare feet, attaining perfect balance as the chilly wind blew past her. "WHEEEE!" cheered Suki, zipping down a slope and up another, all the while feeling her body numbing. But she looked down and saw a lower cliff, where five familiar people (3 at least) were battling black blobs. "Hey, fwieeeeends!"

MaKayla looked up. "Hey, it's Suki! Can you give us a hand??"

"I'll give you this!" Shooting double ice-beams down, she created a minecart at the base of their rails.

Kayla hopped in first, "Guys, let's go!" The others hurriedly got in (George throwing Miyuki's body upside-down) and began zooming 'cross the rails on their frosty cart. It curved right as it flew around a mountain, the kids panickingly trying to list it right as it threatened to fly off the left, then the track became straight as it flew down a slope, up another, and off a dead end as it quaked forcefully on the next, lower track, Suki sliding under them on her own rail. The team was coming to a very huge, unjumpable gap, screaming as they flew off the rails, but Suki grinded near them as she froze some rails for them to land on, connecting with the following path. It was about to fly off another dead end, but Suki froze a track that led up vertically, the cart still making it up and onto a higher track.

From there, the cart flew down a slope, off the track, and shattered against the wall over a safe foothold on a new mountain. They Wall Jumped two close walls onto a higher path, which they followed to a zipline that led to another mountain. MaKayla grabbed it first and flew to the distant, low foothold, then had to Rewind the line several times for her friends to take turns (it was extra hard for George holding the hook with one hand and Miyuki's body in the other). The best part was they had to do this again for another zipline, taking land on a much wider field under some mountains. The three friends stared up with widened eyes, while Terry questioned such expressions. "Uhhhh you guys all right?"

But towering around the field like huge trees were Menos Grande, pitch-black Hollows that almost rivaled the shape and structure of the mountains, with skull masks with pointed noses. "Let's go." George told them, trying not to show fear as they hurried across the field. There still wasn't anywhere to go, but a cave was stationed high up on a wall beside a Menos. The team Wall Jumped between the wall and the Menos, but Terry merely slithered up with Shadow Veil, since he couldn't touch them. Inside this cave, four tall icicles hung from the ceiling before dropping a few milliseconds apart. A stairway was there, but ended too low to reach the path above. George and Kayla Rewinded the icicles and, seeing they looked like a staircase as they fell, kept the icicles slowed so they can hop up; but Kayla had to make a few Time Clones to do this successfully.

They found the cave's exit was at level with the Menos' heads, which permitted them to hop across like platforms. They made it to a stairway that led up around a mountain, to a platform with another zipline. They took turns and slid down to the base of the castle's mountain, a very steep stairway all they needed to trek to reach there.

Meanwhile, after reaching the end of her rail track, Suki landed at the base of another mountain and entered a cave. It was very wide and sparkly inside, and a pack of White Wolfos attacked her while she fought back with giant ice-newspapers. There was no way to get onto the higher platforms, so Suki created a snowcannon and hopped in, blasting straight up. She crashed headfirst on the nearest ledge and got buried in snow, shaking it off like a puppy. The next high ledge was too far, so Suki created an ice stairway to skip up. Ice Keese were flapping down to attack her, but still easy to fight back with quick snowballs. She skipped up another already-created stairway that was guarded by a Freezard up top, but when it blasted its Ice Breath, Suki blocked and mended it into a huge iceball, then crushed him with it.

Suki came to a rectangle ice door that was locked by a keyhole, so all she had to do was create an Ice Key and unlock it. She exited to a small, empty ledge, facing up at a tall, distant platform. She created an ice seesaw, then grabbed the large ball she used to crush the Freezard, stood on the low end of the seesaw, and smashed the high end with the ball, "WHEEEEE!" flying herself up to the platform. From there, she jumped onto a black platform that began swaying, and looking over its front, she saw it was a Hollow. Smiling innocently, she created a giant ice feather, using it to tickle its little nose. "Aaa-aaa-AACHOOO." Jumping in front of its nose, she was blown far over the chasm.

She landed on a foothold at the base of a new mountain, pine trees growing here, as she gazed up the incredibly tall mountain the borealis hung over. Focusing her Ice Chi precisely, a spiral of ice rails appeared around and around the mountain, and Suki hopped on as she began gliding to the top. Several Hollows were trying to climb up the mountain, but Suki took down every one she could. Nothing would stop them from reaching the castle, and nothing would stop Jack from talking to this girl. She doesn't know why, but if Jack wanted to speak to her, she would help him all the way. And once they finally landed before the castle gates, that time would come now.

"LET IT gooooo, LET IT GOOOO, can't turn back aaaanymoooore!" the Ice Queen sang atop her balcony. "Let it goooo ("Elsa.") LET IT GOOOO ("Elsa!") that perfect girl's no moooooore!"


The queen gasped, and for the first time in 300 years, stopped singing. "Hey!" Jack waved at her from the courtyard, sporting a casual grin.

"Jack…" The queen calmly floated down to him and Suki. "Y-You're alive… who's-"

"Heeheeheehee!" Suki showed her snow-white teeth. "I'm his frieeeeend. Go on, Jackie, ask her out!"

"Heheh, she helped me get up here." Jack blushed. "I…I've been wanting to talk to you for ages."

"Oh…" Elsa frowned guiltily, "You did?"

"Yeah… I wanted to tell you… you don't have to feel upset anymore. Everyone we knew and loved, they're all in a better place now. Including your sister." They looked at the frozen statue of Anna. Noticing her as well, Suki wore a curious face.

"Ooooooo! Who's sheee?" Suki slid over to her. "Awwww. She's pretty! But why's she so saaaaad?"

"Huff, Suki!" They turned to the front gates, seeing MaKayla and Sector IC nearly out of breath as they made it up the stairs. "W-We found you!" Kayla gasped, George plopping Miyuki on the ground. "How's it been?"

"Fwieeeends, fwieeeends, FWIEEEEENDS!" She danced in place. "You made it! This is Jackie, and his GIRLFRIEEEEND!"

"I only see Ghost Girl." Terry said.

Elsa shook back to attention, "Look, Jack, I appreciate the sentiment, but I got over this ages ago!" she told him with a sure smile. "Anna's gone, my kingdom's gone, and I went with it, there's nothing I can do about that now. But I've been feeling really good ever since! I'm finally free of all my worries, and I can finally let my icebending blow free, too."

"You know as well as I do that's not true." They all looked up, when Rukia and Sector SOUL glided down. "For 300 years, your soul has been tormented by your guilt. You cannot pass on…"

"Hey, Miyuki!" George beamed.

"Huh? Where?" Terry searched around. "I only see those three creeps. Wait, you're Jack Skellington!"

"Hello, children!" Jack S. beamed.

"Creeps?" Coraline and Norman glared.

"Listen, I told them all what happened with you," explained Jack to Elsa, "and the reason you're still here is because you haven't let it go. But only because you've been alone for 300 years and never had anyone to share your feelings with. But we're all here now, Elsa." He took her hands. "And we're going to help you get through this."

Elsa's blue eyes met Jack's, and both knew what the other were thinking. Jack could feel that guilt in her soul, the guilt that's been growing and growing for over 3 centuries. And Elsa felt that trust in Jack's eyes, the trust that only a real friend would possess. It was time to open her heart to him.

"How sentimental." A dark voice spoke.

Everywhere, the Hollows were appearing, snarling with hunger at all the fresh, juicy souls. And four Hollows unlike the others, humanoid in dark, decorative cloaks, surrounded them. "…What's goin' on?" Terry asked, still having no idea what was happening.

MaKayla gaped when one Hollow raised a magic wand, psychotic eyes set on the boy. "TERRY, WATCH OUT!"

"AVADA KEDAVRA!" A blinding green light flew from the wand and struck Kayla as she pushed Terry away, and she flipped over dead.

"KAYLA!!" Terry screamed with tears in his eyes. George hurriedly used his bending to Rewind Kayla back to life, but the very sight made everything clear to Terry. "…Where did all THOSE things come from??"

"Terry, these're all Hollows." Kayla recapped. "They're dark spirits that feed off of other souls, and you can only see them by witnessing death. Same for normal spirits, too."

"Well, aren't you a smart little girl?" Bellatrix swayed. "You deserve an A!!!"

"Man, you guys are totally whack." Lola said. "But your costumes are awesome, where can I get me some of those?"

"Only vermin like you would enjoy garb such as these." Frollo replied grimly. "Those who follow the ways of the Devil." His blue embers flared. "And all who wear it, deserve nothing but death!"

"You will have that glory before long." They turned as one more Hollow marched into the front gates. "It's been a while… Elsa. And you too, Jack. Those 300 years seemed to just fly by. But would've been so much better if they didn't exist. All of that time wasted. But at least it's led us to something new…"

"I… Do I know you?" Jack asked with a tone of familiarity.

"You know as well as I do how it feels to lose that which belongs to you. You know how it feels to be so happy, and in the blink of an eye, it's all ripped away from you. You know… how to pine over something, for ages and ages… and never let go."

And his mask unraveled, revealing that once-handsome face underneath, and those soulless green eyes. Jack knew him all too well. "Hans… you're alive?"

"Of course I'm not, are you blind? I've become one of them, these… creatures."

"But…But what're you doing here?"

"Ever since I arrived at Arendelle, I have been planning to marry Anna, kill Elsa, and seize the throne through marriage. I commissioned the scum from the Chilly Depths to invade the coronation while I fought them off like a hero, but Elsa would be slain in the confusion. Once I had become King, I would allow those vermin a piece of land and place in our kingdom, as a sign of 'peace' and good faith. But I have drastically underestimated Elsa's icebending. Not only I, but ALL of Arendelle was destroyed. And my soul could go nowhere near Elsa without her supernatural snow freezing even me."

"You mean… my sister died because of you?" Jack spoke with rising anger.

"I intended no one to get hurt but Elsa. And maybe a few guards to make it convincing. I was so close, but at that moment, ended up so far. That very idea, that the throne was taken from me, made me so angry. My soul could never rest in peace… for so long, I had desperately continued to crave the throne that was now empty. I became so angry… until I ended up a shadow of my former self."

"But how are you still able to speak?" Rukia asked. "Most Hollows I've seen don't possess your humanoid forms. …"

"That's where I exceeded. As much as the creatures wanted to feed off my sorrow, I kept resisting and resisting their pull. Eventually I had become a more advanced form of Hollow. I had become… Arrancar. And I and my associates wasted the last 300 years, collecting hundreds of Hollows. With our combined strength, we would one day march into the storm and take Arendelle's throne. But thanks to your little friend, we will waste no more time."

"But why would you still want Arendelle's throne?!" Jack demanded. "The kingdom's destroyed, there's nothing left!"

"I just believed I needed a more comfortable abode than those dingy old caves. Once I have claimed my throne, I planned to expand my empire. Seeking the Hearts of all Worlds and destroying them, until darkness engulfs the whole universe. Forever extending my army, as I became the King of all Souls. Of course… a simple castle isn't all I wanted. What I truly came here for… WAS ELSA."

"AAAAAHH!" No faster had Hans thrust his sword through Elsa's chest.

"ELSA!" screamed Jack.

"For ages, and AGES, the death of Anna has tormented her. That raging, ENDLESS storm that came from her soul, sealing this mountain. She resisted transforming into a Hollow this long, but NO MORE. For the first time in forever… she will know true sorrow, AS HER HEART IS HOLLOWED." (Play "The Encounter" from Kingdom Hearts 2!)

"AAAAAHHHH." Dark clouds shrouded the starry sky as Elsa's green aura turned a blackish-purple. Her ice-blue eyes turned yellow and soulless, and her teeth sharp as a boney mask appeared over her face. A great column of darkness burst from her form, turning the whole area black. When it vanished, Elsa was nothing more than a tremendous winged demon, an endless black vortex in her mouth, bladed bone-like ice wings, and a great wide purple and black dress brimming with darkness. But her snow-blonde hair stayed the same, blowing in the unbearably cold wind.

Hearing a hiss behind them, Sector IC whipped around. "Miyuki!" George gasped when two Hollow Horsemen took Miyuki's lifeless body, and galloped into the air.

"We feel unique energy emitting from that body." Hans said as he hopped onto Elsa's head. "We plan to harness it for what it's worth."

Miyuki's spirit and Rukia exchanged nods before flying after them, and a SOUL member each grabbed an IC member to chase as well. "AHHHH HAHAHAHA!" Bellatrix shot a spell to send Terry and Norman falling, while the other Arrancar each chased a pair to separate directions. It was just Suki and Jack Frost left, facing up at the ice demon.

But Suki wasn't afraid of it at all. All she knew was it was now colder than ever, and light or dark, the snow would always be her friend. Closing her now-furrowed eyes, she waved her arms and whirled the snow around her. A bird of snow was formed right under her feet, raising her to the air as Jack Frost floated after. They leveled directly with the demon's face, and atop its head stood Prince Hans. But to Jack… he was no longer the man he once knew. All that was was hollow. "Jackie…" spoke Suki with her tone never more serious, "I PROMISE I'LL SAVE HER FOR YOOOOOU!"

Boss fight: Dark Hans

Elsa made a screech like that of a banshee, unleashing beams of ice that Suki and Jack avoided by shifting left, the 7-year-old whirling a circle of ice around her and shooting five icicles at Elsa. She winced a little bit, but screeched as icicles appeared in the air every direction, launching directly at Suki as her snowbird was quick to dodge. Suki created sharp, icy talons on her bird's feet, shooting like a comet at the monster and stabbing Elsa's face. She screeched and blew them off, but Suki hopped off her bird and slid under Elsa on an ice-path, coming back up behind the monster as Hans turned to face her. She slid at the prince as Hans lashed his blade, making Suki jump back and slide circles around him. Hans' head was suddenly frozen by Jack Frost from behind, allowing Suki to shoot up and get him. "NEEEEEEIGH." The dark horse, Sitron thwarted her attempt, galloping in the air before Suki and swinging his front legs, making her lose focus as she fell. The snowbird caught her as they dodged Elsa's ice blast just in time, and Hans broke the ice cube and whipped around, missing Jack with his sword.

"AAAAAAH HAHAHAHAHAHA!" Bellatrix Lestrange cackled the night away, flying circles as Terry hopelessly tried to hit her with a normal and shadow G.U.M.Z.O.O.K.A.. The witch threw a spell that jellified his legs, Terry gritting his teeth as he tried to chase her with a Shadow Glide. "IIIII KILLED SIRIUS BLACK, IIII KILLED SIRIUS BLACK, AY heeheeheehee—WHOOOOA!" An Ecto Beam suddenly knocked her away.

Terry took land as strength returned to his legs, Norman appearing beside him. "She kind of has the advantage over you in a place like this."

"What'm I supposed to DIE?"

"Uhhhhh no. Here, lemme help you. I'll fly you in close and you do what you do."

"Okay." So Norman grabbed Terry onto his back and flew after the witch.

Lola threw several Spank Hands at incoming Hollows before turning to face the Arrancar, Claude Frollo. "Because of my death, those filthy gypsies were free to ruin my perfect world. If my fate is to live as a cursed demon, then I will rid the world of all OTHER abominations. Starting with you, you filthy HALF-BREED!" He threw blue flames that melted the patches of snow they hit in seconds, Lola dodging as she threw Spank Hands that Frollo slashed with his blade. He created several swordsmen out of his flames as they ran at Lola, but huge ragdolls caught them in their stuffing and seemed to dissolve them.

"You're not such a sight yourself." Coraline remarked, landing beside Lola. "Hey, whaddya say we fight him together?"

"YOU got it!" Lola said confidently.

MaKayla was facing the white-haired woman in the black robe. "I recognize you." Kayla said with a slight stutter. "You're Hama. The…"

"Yes." The woman smirked grimly. "But I'm more accustomed to my own." She sliced her own arm as a stream of blood came out, which she formed into a long sickle.

"I-I-I-, Is that blood?" Kayla stuttered as her pupils shrank.

"Have a closer LOOK." She lashed the sickle as Kayla barely dodged, scraping her cheek as she froze with fear.

But before it came at her again, Jack Skellington whipped her away with his Soul Whip, a green flubbery substance. "It's not a fair match when your fear is used against you." he said. "Let me take care of this. Merry CHRISTMAS!" He threw a storm of present bombs at Hama.

That means George was left to face the only Arrancar remaining: none other than Legion. "Your sister is knowing Fear." he said. "I will also teach you Fear. And then there'll be oblivion."

"We'll see about that." George smirked as he began dodging Legion's syringes.

Elsa flew after Suki and snapped her fangs, the child flying below on her snowbird and shooting icicles up her dress. Elsa flipped and tried to snap her upside-down, but Suki flew away as Jack F. came instead, shoving an icicle down her nose. She flipped back up and tried to shake it out, Hans hanging on as Suki came for him again. She waved a storm of quick snow beams that Hans blocked with his sword, the snowbird just zipping past his right when she came. The bird flew directly skyward before coming down at Hans like a missile, Suki forming an icicle on its beak. Hans protected himself in a dark bubble when the bird made impact, unable to get through before Hans swung his sword and sent them back.

"This guy is too haaaaaaard!" Suki moaned.

Jack Frost flew beside her, "Suki, remember that thing we did on Christmas? I can enter your body and give you some of my power, but only for 1 minute."

"Ohhhhh! That always made me feel coooooold."

"Your point?" he quirked.

"Let's DO IT!" Jack shot into Suki's body as a white aura appeared around her. Her temperature dropped extremely low, feeling absolutely cold, she would be unbreakable. She left her bird and flew directly at Hans, throwing rapid ice beams that countered Hans' dark balls. She zipped over him like a gust of wind, then was coming back like an icy rocket. Spinning into an icicle drill, she pierced Elsa's chest and rendered her immobile, while Hans simply flew himself. Suki recomposed and glared at the prince, zipping at him like a bullet and swinging her legs which had formed icicles, clashing with his sword. Both her legs crossed like an 'X' as they pushed against Hans' sword, but she began to falter when her aura flashed.

"Suki, I need to get out now."

"But I wanna hit 'iiiiim!" Suki arduously withstood the pain, continuing to push on Hans' sword before she flipped and slashed him across the mask, followed by a rapid drilling through his chest before she kicked off and back on her bird, Jack flying out. Hans gripped his chest and angrily flew Elsa after them, trying to snatch her in her teeth. Suki formed an icicle and shoved it in Elsa's mouth to hold it open, then flew behind to throw icicles at Hans, who defended as Jack Frost proceeded to attack him from behind.

The Hollow Horsemen were still galloping away with Miyuki's body as she and Rukia gave chase. The horsemen shot blue fire arrows at the girls while Rukia slashed ice beams at them. The left one took the body as they ran separate ways, but when both girls closed in on him, he chucked the body all the way to his comrade, then shot a dark ghost-net to catch the spirits inside.

Norman and Terry were still on the chase for Bellatrix, who left a trail of Shadow Fog as she flew, from which emerged a swarm of Black Boes. Norman sent skull ghosts to swallow the Boes as they flew above, getting over Bellatrix as Terry dropped down to push her to the ground, the two rolling across the snow before Bellatrix flipped back on her feet. "Imperio!"

"Waaah!" Terry flew up to the air and began doing the chicken dance before twirling like a ballerina. "WHOA!" He was thrown at Norman, who turned intangible and flew at Bellatrix throwing Ecto Beams, but the witch dodged and- "Reducto!" blasted a spell that blew Norman to smithereens.

"NORMAN!" Terry screamed.

"Relax, he's a ghost, his particles will reform." Coraline yelled. "But it'll take awhile."

"Now just what to do with YOU!" Bellatrix yelled, casting a Cruciatus Curse on Terry.

Frollo created winged demons out of his blue flames that soared at Coraline, attempting burn her yarn and fabric, but Lola defended her with as much charged Spank Hands she could muster. "Thank you!" Coraline told her, sewing giant ragdolls as fast as she could. A two-legged, wobbling creature was created from her fabric, running at Frollo and swinging its extendable head to knock him down, followed by a swarm of giant stitch-needle spiders that jumped and latched all over him. "NNNN!" He blew them off with a burst of flame, watching as Lola flew over him in her bat form and reverted to normal to drop, grab around, and bite his neck, but the man furiously threw her off as Coraline trapped him in a giant ragdoll, which Frollo set flame to and slashed his blade across her waist, leaving her shaking on the ground.

Jack S.'s Soul Whip clashed fast as lightning with Hama's Blood Whip, and during which a piece of his flubber sliced off and covered Jack's eyes, allowing Hama to slice his boney body diagonally in half, his head flying off as well. "Nn- u-u-u-u-u-u-…" MaKayla couldn't bring herself to stand. The sight of his severed body was too much.

"I remember those days when such liquids were so important." Hama smiled with malice. "You will soon see what a burden they are." She lunged forward aiming to slice her in two.

Jack Skellington's lower body grabbed her in his legs while his upper jumped up to grip her head. "No burden for me!" he proclaimed with a bright smile. "But that isn't very nice!" The body-parts forced her around so Jack's head could jump up and start nomming her face.

Jack Frost fused with Suki again as they flew at Hans whipping fast, bashing Elsa's head with a giant ice cube at the end of Jack's cane so she fell dizzy, Hans flying on his own. Suki swung the giant cube, only for Hans to break it with his sword as Suki swiftly dodged his swings. She unleashed a powerful ray of ice from both hands that froze Hans' sword solid when he defended, then conjured a snowball her size which she blasted at him. "Suki, remember your lessons. Use Ice-Maker Style."

Nodding seriously, Suki whirled her arms and created two long hammers, swinging them together and smashing Hans like a pancake. She followed this with a snow-spatula, catching him on, flipping him overhead, then batting him to a distant mountain. "RRRRRRAAAAAHH-rrrrr." Suki turned and avoided when Elsa gnashed at her, but she was beginning to flash again as Jack flew out, letting Suki land on the snowbird.

"We've gotta get Elsa back to normal." Jack told her.

"My sister-chan and her FRIENDS could probably do iiiit."

"Yeah, but they're a little preoccupied. Let's worry about defeating Hans." The prince was soaring right back at them on Sitron, his sword unfrozen as he jumped in attempt to slice Suki, whose snowbird flew back. Suki turned the bird's head into a cannon that began blasting snowballs, which Hans easily sliced, but Suki had emerged a great column of ice from below to capture Hans, seemingly freezing him. She flinched and fell back when Elsa almost gnashed her, then began to break Hans free as he got onto her head. Hans and Elsa charged powerful energy into their sword and mouth respectively, unleashing a massive ray of darkness and ice that chased them around as they flew.

Legion was still tossing syringes at George, who kept his wry smirk as he dodged. "Don't you got anything else?"

"No. But my CLONE does."

And he was taken by surprise when a second Legion appeared from behind and stuck him in the arm with a syringe. George fell to his knees, the world blurring around him, as he tried to view around at all his friends. Frollo stabbed Lola through the heart, Terry fell over dead when Bellatrix struck him with a Killing Curse. Miyuki and Rukia were chewed and swallowed by the Hollows, and finally, MaKayla's head was sliced clean off her body, rolling across the ground to George as he stared at her dead, open eyes.

"Hmhmhm…" George laughed coldly. "You'd think this would scare me… if not for the fact… I saw past this battle using my Future Sight!!" So throwing his arms upward, he froze Legion in time, escaping his reality and swiping his syringe to stick it in him. Legion unfroze as he wobbled around, trying to comprehend where he was.

"I-sa love spendin' time wit' you, Legy-Weeegyyyy." Legion's former headless body was in bed with Jar Jar Blinks.

Legion curled up on the snowy ground, unable to recover from his shocked, shuddering state. With that, George directed his attention to Terry, writhing in pain from the Torture Curse, and aimed his hand at Norman's scattered ectoplasm to fast-forward, putting him back together. Once regaining himself, he jumped back to attention. "Don't worry, Terry!" He shot over and rescued him, flying him across the air. "Okay, go for it!" He flew back at Bellatrix and dropped Terry, the witch leaping far away before whipping around to face him. "WAH!" She ended up glued to the ground via Terry's stretched shadow.

"Shadow Possession a success!" Terry smirked. "Time to dance yourself, banshee." He started shaking his hip like a slithery snake, Bellatrix mimicking.

"Riddikulus!" She blasted a spell that dispelled Terry to smoke, but the real Terry emerged in front of her and blew Shadow Breath all over her face. She frantically waved her hand, turned, and tried to shake it off, but by the time she did, she was staring at a gigantic Norman head. The world flashed incredibly blurry as the giant head spun, turning yellow and widening his mouth, exposing an endless dimension that bursted horribly blinding flashes at Bellatrix's eyes.

The woman compressed and froze to solid stone, falling to her back like a toppled statue. Norman shrunk back to normal and looked at Terry with a smirk and wink.

Lola hurriedly threw Spank Hands at Frollo, who kept defending with his blue flames as he erupted a wall of them, sending it at Lola who became a bat and flapped overhead, barely avoiding. But Frollo had shot up and struck her with his blade, Lola flashing back to normal as she bounced to and fell over a cliff, grabbing the frosty ledge tight. But she stared with terror and hopelessness as Frollo slowly stepped forward, raising his blade high as his wrinkled face, lit by his ghostly blue flames, seemed darker and more demonic than ever. "And He shall smite the wicked, and plunge them into the depths of Hell… FOREVER."

A stitch-needle attached to a yarn string flew over and knocked the sword out of his hand, the man angrily looking to his attacker. "Haven't you caught up with the times, yet?" Frollo gaped at the sight of Coraline: she was back on her feet, but her legs, arms, and neck were as wobbly as spaghetti, the blue flames destroying what remained of her skin and clothing. Underneath was a hideous ragdoll with skinny metal parts, which were needles, and few standing strands of black yarn served as her hair, and her googly eyes were all there were of her face. "Hey, hold him off a while longer, will you?"

Frollo turned back to Lola, who flapped back above in her bat form and reverted back as she smashed Frollo with a Spank-Smash. Coraline spread her body apart as her needles extracted, beginning to quickly sew together a spider-web-like vortex. Lola leapt and spun in the air as she dealt rapid kicks on Frollo's face with her ballet flats, but he lashed his blade again and created strings of flame-arrows to shoot at the vampire. He sent tall flame columns that made Lola jump around, too confused to react when Frollo stabbed his blade in the ground, sent lines of blue around her, and burned a huge flaming hole miles into the ground, surprising her as she fell in. Lola flapped her bat wings and struggled to fly up, but the flames were steadily sucking her in as the walls were closing.

"Hrn hn hn hn hn hn hn hn." laughed Frollo with a devilish grin.

"Yeah, laugh it all up." He turned to Coraline, who had finished sewing: she had created a spiraling white vortex with spider-web outlines, and inside was an endless dimension. "I would look forward if I were you."

Frollo faced back at the flaming chasm as darkness sprouted from it. The world turned pitch-black as Lola emerged, with huge bat wings burning with pinkish-purple, larger venomous fangs and eyes that burned with deepest lust. "You have been very BAD, Claude Frollo, and shall feel the stinging wrath of…" The aura grew around her giant wings, and massive hands formed on their tip, "LOLA VIRGINIA BELLE STOOOOOORK!" She struck Frollo with the most deadly, life-scarring spank Frollo had the unfortunate fate to experience. His cloak shattering, he flew stunned and frozen into the spidery vortex and down the bottomless realm. His body unraveled like yarn and scattered 'til there was nothing left.

Coraline closed the portal and refigured herself, smiling as Lola returned to normal. "The first time I used that was on a girl who cheated at videogames." the vampire said. "WAAAAAY cooler than this one."

Hama furiously shook Jack S. off of her, slicing more parts of her skin and throwing a rapid storm of bloody slashes, tearing Jack's bones to pieces. But his bones transformed into flames that formed back together, having donned his Pumpkin King form. Spinning and throwing many Flames of Hell while Hama countered with a spiral of blood, and in the resulted glob of flames and blood, Jack shot through and kicked Hama in the face, knocking her down before turning back to skeleton. "I know it was traumatic for you, MaKayla, but you've got to move past this." he said to the shuddering girl. "You must fight back now to save your friends from a similar fate."

"Enough of this!" proclaimed Hama, recovering as she ripped off her cloak and flesh as her blood-made body took the form of many knives, spears, sickles and swords. "Tonight, your fluids become MINE." She flew forward, sights directly set on leaving Kayla as nothing but a puddle of blood, the girl's pupils shrinking further the closer she came.

In a single blink, MaKayla leaped, her left leg alit with blue as she sliced directly through Hama's neck. A greater gush of dark blood came spilling out of the woman's neck, until her very form melted into blood and faded away in the snow. Having done more than she expected in this fight, she fell down.

Miyuki and Rukia broke out of another energy net and kept chasing the horsemen as they chucked the former's body around like a football. Miyuki caught up the right one and destroyed it with an energy blast, but a dark smoke floated from the other one and reformed it, and the same happened when Rukia tried to destroy the other. Both girls got beside each other, "Whenever we destroy one, the other just brings it back." Miyuki said.

"Then we'll have to destroy 'em together. Get ready." Once far away, the horsemen reunited and held Miyuki's body together, running away in a straight path as the girls set their sights. "One…" the energy began charging in their close hands, "two…" they whirled their arms and- "THREE!" Two precise beams, a gray and a pale-blue, flew directly at the horsemen and destroyed them simultaneously. Miyuki's body flew and dropped on the ground. "That's how it's done!"

Suki jumped off the snowbird and surfed across the air via ice-path, while Elsa quickly began destroying it with ice blasts. "Suki, let's-" Jack was about to fuse with her again, but Hans grabbed and flew far away with him, clutching him by the neck.

"JACKIIIE!" Distracted, Elsa was able to grab Suki in her icy talon, shooting straight to the ground and slamming her hard. Still holding the injured Suki, Elsa flew over the cliff and furiously slammed her against the wall multiple times, before finally scraping her against it as she descended.

Jack desperately tried to shake Hans away, succeeding as he shot toward Suki's direction like a rocket, but Hans tackled him from above and shoved him against the ground, raising his dark sword and ready to pierce him, but Jack shifted his head and avoided.

Suki never felt more unbelievable pain. Descending into the very depths of Glacia, helpless in Elsa's talon against this rugged, frozen cliff. There's… one way. She already knew. I have to… Logia. But… what if… I don't… make it? I wanna hug… Miyuki-chan… I…I want to.. With determined eyes, Suki expanded a huge frozen heart around her, keeping Elsa back. She got outside and stood firmly on the heart, riding it back up the cliff. Elsa angrily flew after her as she skied across the snows, but Suki had emerged several snow columns from the ground and binded Elsa's wings.

She was pulled to the ground as she then looked up, seeing Miyuki stand before her in her normal body. The girl calmly stepped closer and touched a hand to Elsa's forehead. "Elsa… remember who you are. Remember what you used to be!"

And her entire life went flying in Elsa's mind. Playing with her sister, discovering her icebending, the party that celebrated the discovery of her bending, where Jack got his tongue stuck to the punch, hearing of their parents' death, the party where Elsa was made queen, seeing the hidden chamber, playing with Jack Frost, talking to Anna about Hans, the monsters' invasion, freezing Anna solid, then singing for 300 years in what used to be Arendelle.

Jack flew away from Hans as the latter blasted a darkball and knocked him down, then leapt at the spirit again to stab. But an ice blast flew and knocked him back, Jack smiling brightly as Suki surfed his way. Hans recovered, but couldn't keep up with Suki's rapid blasts, his body area frozen as Suki collided with and blew him back. Hans whistled, and Sitron came galloping forth as the prince hopped on. The horse ran across the field at great speed while Hans threw many dark spheres at Suki, who leaped and continued surfing while trying to throw icicles. Not catching up, she created massive running shoes out of ice over her feet, moving even quicker as she narrowed in on the prince.

Sitron went flying into the air, miles above Suki, so she jumped out of her shoes and sprouted glittering ice wings, keeping after him. As he shrunk into the dark, a forest of Menos Grande emerged from below, all aiming to gnash Suki, but she swiftly avoided and sliced them all with her spiked ice wings, determined to keep after Hans. She positioned her wings like a jet, while also forming an ice-rocket over her, flying at incredible speed after the prince. Breaking free of the rocket, Suki sliced Sitron in a perfect half with her ice wings, the horse dispersing into darkness.

Hans flew himself and clashed his sword against Suki's powerful wings. They locked in a draw and shoved against the other, but Hans began to falter when Suki added more power to her wings. "GRAAAH!" Suki proved to be the more powerful when Hans plummeted to the earth, just outside Arendelle Castle. He achingly helped himself to stand and glared with malice at the flying icebender, who returned the spiteful look. When Hans studied closely, Suki bore close resemblance to Anna, just like her sister with Elsa. Just outside the castle gates, Hans looked and saw Anna standing there, still frozen. If only Anna hadn't been frozen, this never would've happened. The very memory angered him terribly.

"If I'm to be struck down today, I will take Anna with me!" So brimming with dark aura, Hans lunged at Anna, ready to destroy the princess for good.

"NOOOOOO!" Suki cried with despair. (End song.)


Queen Elsa, back to her former ghostly self, whipped in Hans' path, and with a mighty swipe of her icy arm, shattered his sword, and the left half of his mask, to pieces, exposing his stunned green eye. Elsa had a new look in her eyes. Fury…rage…passion… and deep, burning love. "…No!" She fell to her knees and wrapped arms around her frozen sister, and for a moment, they coulda sworn those ghostly eyes spilled tears. "I won't… let you touch her!"

Everyone stood still and watched. Even Hans seemed taken aback by Elsa's sudden action. The only sounds were those of raging winds, and Elsa's sobs. "I never felt more… bad about anything!… than what I did. My sister… my kingdom… I kept trying to tell myself… I was dead… THEY were dead… and there was NOTHING I could do about it. It was my own loss of control… it already happened… and I NEVER stopped loving her… wishing I could join her… so WHY couldn't I move ON?! I'm sorry I robbed you of your life, Anna… sorry I destroyed everyone. Is it really my punishment to stay bound to this guilt forever… don't you understand how I feel, Anna?! Why won't you let me join you in that other world? How long are you going to make me suffer? Anna. …"

The snows were beginning to calm now. Only a gentle wind breezed. And it felt so much warmer. Along with the gorgeous light that brimmed into being.

The frozen statue of Anna glowed a blinding white, like a mini sun as Elsa backed away in shock. Her cape, dress, strawberry hair, lovely blue eyes, cute freckled face. All of her color returned into being, and all of her life. She slumped to her knees, shuddering those last ounces of cold, then looked up at her sister. "Elsa…"

"Anna…" The older couldn't believe her eyes. Now her ghostly eyes wanted to weep more than ever.

"Wh-…What is?.."

Elsa only smiled. The weight of all her passed citizens still weighed on her soul… but for the first time in forever, she felt lighter than air. "Everything is… going to be okay."

Seeing Anna alive… put a warm feeling in Hans' empty chest. …What an odd sensation. "-UUH!" The prince was immediately stabbed through the stomach by Rukia, falling to his knees.

The SOUL Leader stabbed her sword in the ground and whirled her arms. A spiral of snow circled around and around Hans and Elsa, glowing gold as it did. Starting at their feet, their ghostly bodies turned gold for 2 seconds before scattering into tiny stars. "E-Elsa…" stuttered Anna. "Wh…Where are you…"

The last of Elsa's warm, smiling face was beginning to scatter. "I enjoyed every minute with you… Anna… live… happily."

And what remained of Hans and Elsa's souls became particles of light. Flying up to the heavens, where the dark clouds had blown away, to take their place among the stars. The hilt of Hans' dark sword clanged onto the ground, as Suki picked it up with her curious young eyes.

Coraline approached Anna with a warm smile, spindling a sweater together to put over her form. "You probably have some questions. Well… I did, too."

"Suki." The child turned to the handsome white-haired teen. "I… can't thank you enough. Ever since I died, my deepest regret was that I couldn't bring Elsa to the Spirit World. If Polaris weren't looking after me, I might've ended up a Hollow, too. I'm sorry I… dragged you all into this."

"How 'bout you promise to only bug Suki when she isn't with us?" Terry inquired.

"Heheh. I'll think about it. But Suki, I… There's another reason I brought you here. I wanted to test a theory. …Come with me."

And Jack soared into the castle, Suki curiously chasing. The others of Sector IC quickly followed suit. "Watch over Anna." Rukia told her team, going to join the humans. (Play "The First Mask" from Rayman 2!)

Jack Frost guided Suki down a spiraling staircase to a deep underground chamber, almost nothing but a dark chasm, with a single, cylindrical platform in the center. A path was all that led up to the foothold, starting flat on their end, but turning vertical as it swirled up and around it. Jack and Suki exchanged nods as the child skied forward first, gliding around and around the spiral pathway at great speed on an icy path. She came to a perfect stop at the top, standing before a strange, stone cube with ancient writing.

Rukia instead created an icy stairway to allow Sector IC onto the platform, as Suki's vibrant eyes were wide with wonder. They watched as the seven-year-old approached the ruin, entranced by its echoing call that only she could hear. When she stood just a few feet from it, she stopped and presented Hans' sword, which brimmed blue and floated up to sink inside the ruin. The entire stone glowed blue before that light instantly flew into Suki. Everyone stared at her with wonder, glowing for 10 seconds before the light faded. Suki studied her hands and feet for anything strange, but she didn't look different. But it felt as though a part inside of her was just awakened. …And it felt great.

Suki awakened herself as the SECOND LIGHT! Only 5 more to go!

Feeling the need to smile greatly, she did so and jumped joyously in place. It was then the text on the stone glowed, and it became all too clear to Suki's mind. "'Here lies our fabled Gibberish Rock, made to baffle royals for eons. To anyone who's able to translate it, congratulations, you must be the Chosen One. You are one of the ones who will open the door, and the power you possess will be of great importance in some point in time. There are 6 others like this, and in time, they will find them. Just don't keep us waiting too long. –Ichigo Kurosaki'."

"Just when you think she couldn't get any weirder." Terry remarked.

"Is that really what it says, Suki?" MaKayla asked.

"Well, yeah. Can't you READ it?"

"If it was written by little kids, then no." Terry said.

"Ichigo…" spoke Rukia under her breath.

"Is something wrong, Rukia?" Jack asked.

"Um… nothing. Let's go." Everyone else went first exiting the chamber, but Rukia stayed behind and stared at the ruin. The transparent image of an orange-haired teenager with a white shirt and khaki pants seemed to sport her a smile, with slanted eyes. Rukia shook this off and zipped away. She wondered if she would see him for real… (End song.)


After 3 centuries of darkness and blizzards, the morning sun began to rise over the mountains of Arendelle. Sector SOUL helped IC locate the latter's crashed S.C.A.M.P.E.R., and the timebenders easily restored it to normal. "We're sorry about everything that's happened, Anna." Rukia told her.

"So… Elsa's gone, huh." Anna frowned. "And I'm all that's left of Arendelle…"

"Yes, but after all these years, your sister is free of her troubles. We will ensure her peace in the Spirit World."

"Well then… I'm glad she's finally happy." Anna smiled. "Maybe I should try to continue her legacy… I should try to revive Arendelle!"

"I shall call my father and his Nightmares to assist you!" Jack S. declared. "And perhaps you can work at his factory, until we fix up your kingdom."

"Then it's good we were around to help, too." Miyuki noted.

"What did Hans mean by, like, the 'Hearts of all Worlds'." Lola thought aloud.

"The idea is that each world possesses a 'Heart'; a core in which all of its energy is focused." Rukia explained. "Naturally a planet would need a tremendous amount of energy to support its inhabitants, and couldn't just rely on the gods forever. So when they created the worlds, they placed 'Hearts' inside of their cores, providing a continuous amount of energy. Some Hearts are evidently stronger than others, as is observed by the amount of diversity one could immediately see. And they're the most sought-after force by Heartless and Hollows, because if the Hearts are destroyed, death and darkness is imminent."

"I can't imagine this world's Heart is very strong." Lola assumed.

"Well, certain Hearts provide the energy for certain worlds. Glacia possesses a Frozen Heart, most likely. And I think, it was from that very energy, Polaris used to give Elsa's ancestors their powers. The Reapers are normally sent to stop these Hollows, but now it's become the SKND's duties to stop them, too."

"Then it'll probably be something we have to worry about." Miyuki assumed.

"Maybe it will." MaKayla agreed. "But we'll worry about that later, we can't stay. We're supposed to be rescuing a friend of ours."

"We appreciate your help, Sector IC." Rukia nodded. "May we meet each other again one day."

"Yeah. You know, uh, before we die." George smiled sheepishly.

"Yo Cora, let's play dolls sometime, wanna?" Lola perked.

"Hm hm, sure." Coraline smirked.

"So, Terry. Uhhh, videogames?" Norman queried.

"…Eh. Why not."

"See you later, you guys!" George waved as they returned to their S.C.A.M.P.E.R.. "And thanks for watching Suki and Miyuki."

"Good-BYYYYYYEE!" Suki exclaimed with joy as they took off for the clear heavens.

"Take care!" Rukia called as her team waved.

Midway Peak

The TV was not working right today. Monkeys…monkeys…more monkeys… this was quality programming today… much to the dislike of one, dissatisfied viewer. "Benjamin." The shadowed woman said. "Didn't I tell you to fix the satellite?"

"I-I-I checked it this morning, Mizz, clearly there is some kind of interference."

"…Well." The woman held an arm out and, when the remote floated to her hand, turned off the tele. "I guess I won't be entertaining myself tonight." She stood up. "It's time to go to my meeting." And very slowly, she walked to the exit, the clacking of her boots echoing within the darkness.