Django's Train
Django relaxed back on his seat, feasting on a variety of grotesque food, tasty only on a skeleton's tongue, a sandwich of dead worms, rotted cooked baboon spleen, and various cooked lower body parts of animals. "You sure you guys don't want some?" he asked Sector V.
They felt like they would throw up their very intestines just watching him. "No thanks." Aurora answered, eyes weeping in hunger.
"You guys and your weak stomachs, this is luxury suite." He smirked as he slurped down caterpillar juice.
"….So uh, Django, you said you had… info on the Brotherhood?" asked Aurora, trying to ease her weeping.
Django spent the next 10 seconds chugging his juice, then released a tired, lazy sigh. "I dunno." They all collapsed in a second.
"HEY, THE ONLY REASON WE LET YOU JOIN US IS SO YOU'LL TELL US WHAT YOU KNOW!" screamed Haruka. "We coulda EASILY broke outta there on our own!"
"All I know is that they're looking for these yo-yo things so they can awaken this, creature, and somethin' somethin' somethin', using a Firstborn to stop the Apocalypse."
"You are truly the most knowledgeable of all of us." remarked Haylee.
"Well, what Firstborn would HAVE the potential to stop the Apocalypse?" Haruka asked. "If THAT were the case, why wouldn't Arceus do anything about it?"
"I probably know one." Chris mentioned, kicked back on his seat and not facing them. "The Firstborn I know best of all: Jirachi."
"Of course!" Haylee smacked her forehead. "Just wish for the Apocalypse to not happen!"
"I thought his wishing powers were extinguished." Harry inquired. "Unless only Dimentia can make wishes for him, so maybe they tryin' to get 'er."
"They did use Jirachi to make that Regeneration Potion for Brain, right?" Artie asked.
"Well, assuming Dimentia still had Jirachi, it feels a little too easy for something we're making a big deal over." Dillon followed.
"In all fairness, the Brotherhood was never really smart." Aurora said doubtfully. "It probably won't work."
"Look, we still have to save Midna." Dillon told Django. "Can't we turn back for her?"
"Relax, I already got some guys on that." the skeleton told them surely. "I'll beam 'em my location once they call. Oh, and they might wanna join, too."
"Okay, we're gonna have to set up a sector in Miracle City, 'cause Sector V can't take anymore members." Aurora stated. "And how do we know you aren't going to give us away?"
"'Cause I'm a skeleton with a badass guitar, there's no one else you can trust."
"Sigh, sure. Let's head back home and see if Cheren's back yet, he'll want to know all this."
"Great, I can let the boss himself know I'm coming." Django grinned casually.
"Yes, he'll definitely need his heads-up." remarked Dillon.
Dream Realm; Hall of Doors
Sheila jumped out of the portal to Miracle City – represented by a Spanish chef searching through a cabinet, and the portal in Waking Water to signify it was in the real world – then rushed to the next portal labeled Land of Toads, represented by a bunch of huge dangling branches that looked alive. Sheila dove inside for the venture. (Play "Toad Story" from Rayman Legends.)
Stage 18: Land of Toads
Mission: Find the Chief Toad.
The scent of thousands of droplets of mist hit Sheila's nose, and her very skin steadily became cooler and wetter in this foggy, misty air. The most gigantic swamp Sheila had ever seen, with tremendous yellow-green vines, the most soggy plant ground, surrounded by sludgy green water. It was a very different air… very strange… unbearably peaceful. Every direction, Sheila's raccoon ears picked up every sound, croaks and fribbits and the buzzing of flies, the flies being snatched in whip-like tongues, the cawing of exotic birds, dozens more sounds Sheila couldn't name. Everything was in harmony in this swamp… everything at peace… and now… Sheila was at peace, too. She didn't want to walk anymore… she wanted to fall down… and sleep.
"WAIT A MINUTE, WHAT'M I SAYING?" Her outburst disturbed all the peace in the swamp. "I'M NOT SLOWING DOWN FOR ANYTHING YOU STUPID SWAMP, YOU HEAR ME?!" And so, she marched forward while Murfy blabbered away.
"Ahhh, the Land of Toads. Lot of action goin' on HERE, huh? So this is where the Chief Toad is, and he's gonna tell us where the Firstborn are. Which, if you wanna heads-up-"
"Shut up."
Sheila walked up to the first huge, soggy tree and climbed a vinewall up and around to a huge branch. The branch swayed back and forth, but when it was leftward, it was beside a dangling vine which Sheila grabbed onto, climbed and swung to another, and then onto another huge branch. But her raccoon ears picked up a very faint "He...p...m..e", and looking back down, through the very mist into the green water, tiny little bubbles were popping on the surface. Sheila dove back down and splashed in the liquid, her vision totally blinded by the murky sludge. She alit her fist with light for a much better view, and saw the cage full of drowning Electoons. She punched it open, and the creatures happily swam to freedom.
She made her way back onto the high branch and from there entered its tree through a hole. She jumped up a few small platforms as Piranha Plants attempted to snack her from the walls, but with a single Light Punch, they retreated into their holes. She came out another hole onto a branch above a very breezy chasm, the wind softly blowing skyward. Whirling her tail, Sheila calmly floated up with the breeze, while Hoodlums on parachutes tried to shoot her down, but one quick punch was all they needed to fall. The breeze ended at level with the top of a cliff, but behind her was another hole in the tree which she entered, and found a vine enclosing with a cage at the other end. She tried to shoot Light Spheres, but the vines whipped in the way and blocked her, and they binded her feet if she tried to go farther.
Sheila decided to head out of there to find a solution. But it seemed a few more Hoodlums were slowly descending on parachutes, making a stairway to behind the tree, so Sheila used their 'chutes like platforms and floated to the top of the vine cage. She got above where the cage was, Ground Pounded, and burst through to break it open. The vines didn't bother stopping her as she left, and proceeded to the land beyond the cliffside. It was a hot springs-like area with many round, murky pools emitting steam, the "CROAKS" louder than ever as giant toads lay in place, and could easily be mistaken as yellow, puffing boulders with little black warts on their skin.
"So in your next level, you're gonna face your first boss," Murfy's voice said beyond the mist, "and it's that cloud thing from Yoshi's Story, as babyish as that was. I really don't understand the tone o' this story, we have all these kid-friendly happy-fun levels, then we got Freddy's later where Sandman gets his head ripped off, this story really doesn't have a specific target audience, just any shlomo willing to read. Well, I'm not the one putting the price tag on, so who to complain."
There were also regular green frogs with wide smiles on their faces and half-closed eyes, as if they were buddies just relaxing in a hot tub, drinking martinis. There were also fat frogs on inflatable rafts, which served as excellent bounceable platforms to propel Sheila higher. She could also splash in the hot springs to soothe her weary skin, but the frogs didn't mind. She explored the area to grab the Yellow Lums laying around before making her way up the springs, and she couldn't quite relax with a Hoodboom chucking grenades at her from the mist. How did these toads relax through that?
She finally found the small ledge where the bombs were coming from, in which the bomber chucked it through the hole of a sturdy wooden wall. While bouncing on a fat frog – the only way to get at level with the ledge, she grabbed a grenade, tossed it back through, and destroyed the Hoodlum. A red can flew out of the fence, and when Sheila touched it, a light erupted from its lid as red garb appeared on her body, with strong metal fists. "Wa-hey, you found the Strong Suit! Those fists can beat anything, so don't expect 'em to last long." explained Murfy. So using her stronger fists, Sheila broke down the fence and entered the path.
It was very narrow and between seaweed-like stalks, until Sheila arrived at a large pond of piranhas and had to jump a few platforms, using her Strong Fist to break a wooden door down. Her power wore off as she reached a small cliff, where several slopes zigzagged left and right 'til at the top. A wooden wall was up there, and with no Strong Suit, Sheila had to carry a discarded powder keg up the slopes. Small rocks were rolled down the slopes, so at regular intervals, Sheila tossed her keg to the air, jumped, and avoided the rocks as she grabbed it again. She chucked the keg to blow open the wall once she made it, heading up the narrow slope where the rocks were still coming from.
Sheila climbed a short rock wall onto a path at the very base of a towering mountain, drums beating in the distance. "AaaaAAAH!" A Toad Warrior came falling down the mountain, recovering and raising its sword as he charged at Sheila, who kicked him over the edge. "Whoa, seems they're havin' a fight." Murfy figured. "They don't like intruders when they're angry. Better watch out."
Two more Toad Warriors fell over a large gap in the path and whipped open their parachutes, which Sheila used as platforms to jump to a higher ledge. She then entered a large enclosing within the mountain where Toads were battling Hoodlums, in which Hoodmonger Officers easily wiped them out with their three-bullet guns. Before a Hoodmonger could finish a weakened Toad, Sheila ran in and swung her foot to misdirect it, the leg and the rifle pushing against the other before the Hoodlum whipped it back to aim at her, but Sheila performed a quick spin and knocked him away. Two more officers ran at her, but Sheila flipped back and spun double Light Fists, jumping their bullets and blasting her fists to wipe them out instantly. Hoodloons were taking turns flapping down then, but one Light Sphere was still enough to defeat them until the last one dropped a Power Can.
She destroyed a few boulders holding down floating platforms with her Strong Fists, then was able to hurry up a tall slope and jump the gaps using the platforms, then destroyed the wooden door leading to the next area. She spun her tail and floated over a wide windy chasm where Lavomatrix – two metal tanks floating with helicopters, hovered on either side of her and began blasting. She slumped a little when one of the tanks grazed her tail, but regained herself as she spun a Strong Fist and destroyed one's cannon. But her power wore off then, so Sheila narrowly avoided their shots as she spun her left fist, whirling a Light Sphere around one and damaging from behind. She winced when the other one's bullet struck her rear, gritting her teeth in annoyance as she whirled several Light Spheres around it 'til it was down. As for the last one, she flipped upside-down so its bullet zipped between her legs, then sent a Light Kick around its back to destroy it as well.
A barred gate on a new ledge opened as Sheila floated in. Another wide enclosing where several walkway platforms led up to a high ledge, but the lowest one was guarded by an Armed Spinneroo, a metal-armored Hoodlum that wouldn't let Sheila through. A Hoodmonger possessed a Power Can, but was protected by a barrier created by a Hoodoo, who only appeared when Sheila tried to attack. It was easy to lure him out and destroy him before proceeding to defeat the Monger, giving Sheila the Strong Suit. She steadily punched the Spinneroo up the platforms – Fat Frogs were there to bounce him to higher ones, 'til the Hoodlum was knocked into a boiling spot where he was cooked into froggy stew.
Sheila made it on a pathway to an exterior of the mountain, where bands of Toad Warriors were screeching and rushing down with spears raised, still deeming Sheila the enemy as she readied to kick them, but saw more closely that Doomtoons were gnawing their heads. Sheila dealt swift kicks, knocked the Toads out, and knocked the Doomtoons off, then proceeded to punch their eyes out with Light Fists (literally). At the top of the slope, she entered the mountain again, where Fat Frogs rested on floating inflatable rafts, blown up by a strong draft below. Of course, she could easily propeller up the draft, but not when she had to carry a powder keg. Holding the heavy bomb, she could walk off the ledge onto the first frog and bounce only partway, but the draft kept her levitated enough to get to the next frog and so forth, while Heli-Doomtoons flew around to disrupt her progress.
Once close enough, she chucked the keg at the wood wall and could progress into the new enclosing. A great vine wall stretched up the mountain, many Toads falling from the top and many Hoodlum blimps patrolling around it. Sheila knocked out a few angry Toads before beginning her exciting ascent, having to avoid Hoodlums blasting cannons and making rocks above collapse and pour down rubble. Along a left side of the ladder, four Doomtoons were carefully circling around a cage, but when she climbed over, in the Hoodlums' attempt to cannon her, they missed and blew the cage open instead, destroying the Dooms. Sheila continued to climb, avoiding screaming falling Toads that wanted to slit her during descent, and many areas of the vines were collapsing due to the Hoodlums' constant bombing.
Her ears were already ringing by the time she made it onto a narrow path along the left. She couldn't get away from these bomb-happy freaks fast enough, but as she rushed up a zigzag path, a blue toad-like creature, with a round flat head and standing on only two feet, came running down the slope, his mouth wide. "AAAAAAAHHH!"
"Globox?" Murfy queried, Sheila spinning around when the toad zipped by. "What's his… AHH!" Ahead, a Hoodmonger was rushing down for attack. "Sheila, look out!" Murfy zipped up and struggled in tug-o-war over its gun. "This guy's André, the Black Lum boss! Quick, punch him!"
Starting to attention, Sheila whirled her fist, ran to the ordinary-looking Monger, and laid a powerful punch. Like the others, a Black Lum flew out, but what made him stand out were his skinny three-claw arms, and dim-red pupils. He buzzed up to Sheila, "So YOU'RE the buzz-killer killin' all my Hoodlums, well wait'll Mr. Dark gets a load about this!" He spoke faster than Murfy reading the manual. "Have fun while ya can, 'cause once we take over the Dream World, we're turning you into Raccoon Stew! I hope there's plenty o' juice in ya, huehehahahahaha!" He buzzed away. (End song.)
"Andy, come baaaaack!" Globox came back, crying after the Lum. "You were still IT, I'm sorry if I ran too fast!"
"So wait, you two're buddies?" questioned Sheila.
"Uh, he has a condition where he can't recognize enemies as enemies, so don't worry about comin' off too rude." Murfy informed.
"'o said I was worryin' about bein' rude? You're real wonked in the head, you know that??"
"Aww, it's okay to be bashful." Globox smiled goofily. "I'm always happy to make new friends. Hey, you're different! Are you some kinda worm-cat, you're not from around here, are ya?"
"Man, I'M Sheila Frantic, and Oi'm a wereraccoon. Now ah you this Chief Toad, 'cause I'm gettin' really sleepy here."
"Oh no, that guy is this way. Come on, I'll take ya!"
Globox led them further up the hill, and it seemed they were finally at the top of the mountain. A cage dangled from a tree, so Sheila punched a sphere and broke it. It wasn't Electoons, but a green frog with slanted yellow eyelids, white bushy brows and beard, a white belly, and an open black shirt. "You have my gratitude." spoke the frog in a deep, British-ish voice, blowing bubbles from his pipe. "I must say, I've met many a kind child lately. Hmhmhmhmhm."
"Oi, ah you the Chief Toad?" asked Sheila.
"Hmhm, no. I am Don Gero. I must say, I have only been home for 6 months, as I spent the last 6,000 years trapped in the form of some demented lizard, at the hands of a demon. You go through many trials by the time you're my age, hmhmhmhm."
"I hope, Mate. But where's the Chief Toad?"
"Sage Gamamaru, you must mean. This way, if you please." So the frog hopped away, to a village area roamed by Toads, and brought them to a rather large, wooden structure that was wide open, though dark inside. A few smaller, hippo-sized Toads were crouched around, but Sheila's eyes directed at the one sitting in the center.
"'EY! AH YOU the Chief TOOOAD?"
He was a a massive and fat toad, 3 stories high, old and wrinkly with dry lips, eyes only open in small slits, and pale orange-red skin. "Ooooo… am I a toad?"
"He's got memory problems." Murfy said. "Old people, right?"
"Ooooo… yes… You are Sheila Frantic… aren't you."
"Heeh." Sheila smirked and scratched her nose. "Already famous."
"Oooo… yes… you are one of Seven. And one of two… already awakened."
"Two, eh. So another Light found their selves?"
"I see it… on Glacia… it has happened. Oooo… but so much more… there is to go. So many dangers… very great battles…"
"You aren't scarin' me with that. I'll waste 'em all!"
"Nooo… others will… live? No, die… There will be life, and death… croooak. But more on that later. What were those things you need… First…b..?"
"The Eight Firstborn?"
"No, there are nine. Er, ten? Eleven?… I lost count. Err, well you need them… because, there is something you need. Something very important. I forget what it's called… oh, but they are a pair. One of them… was found."
"Um, 'kay? But where are the Firstborn?"
"The Firstborn… yes… they are… scattered. Across the universe. Living amongst the mortals. Croak… and they need their new Guardians… to awaken themselves, croooak."
"Man, you're boring." Sheila sighed. "Can't we speed through this? Whaddya mean they're living with mortals, ya mean they turned human?"
"Croak… no… but they must be found soon… to open the door."
"I don't suppose ya'll tell me what the door is?"
"My prophecies don't come cheap. And my mind is… a bit foggy. Croak… but I do see something. Someone very dear to your hearts… is about to leave you."
"You mean one of me mates is 'bout to die??"
"Croak… he is about to be gone… facing powers he cannot comprehend. He will exist in your hearts… but nothing more."
"Blimey." Sheila frowned. She doesn't think she can bear to lose one of her mates. She wondered just how long this person had. "Hope it isn't Mason. Is anybody else going to die?"
"A few people… croak… but none more so than is necessary. I will tell you this: you must die… in order to live."
"Well, that'll sound right in their ears then."
"I know it seems like a lot of blabber, but Sage Gamamaru makes very accurate prophecies." Don Gero assured. "Why, if you heard what he predicted for me, your heads might just implode upon themselves." He blew 3 bubbles.
"Mate, I've seen MANY things that made my head implode on itself… but it goes down after a day or two. But as the daughter of Golden-Fist Marine, I've prepared to keep my head sane against anything!"
"Let's see… there was a bit more… A green light… I seem to see that. Surrounded by darkness… no physical form… it is very pretty. Very pretty indeed."
"Yeah, I touched a few bug-zappers meself." Sheila remarked.
"Ummm… and something about… a princess… bringing doom and destruction. Or did that already happen… yawn, I need a break."
"Yaaaaawn. Me too." said Sheila with half-closed eyes. "I wanna move on already. Aren't we supposed to be finding this Rayman?"
"Ooo! I know where Rayman is!" Globox perked. "I saw them take him that way!" He pointed that way. "If we hurry, we could see 'im!" He ran off.
"Well, if you've nothing more for me, I'm headin' off." And with that, Sheila followed the blue Toad.
"Croooak… that man has a marvelous purple cape."
And as Sheila jumped in the Exit Portal after Globox, it was set in stone: that was the most boring post-stage scene ever.
Midway Peak
"At our castle, we have five pools, but it's mostly for the servants since most of us can't swim." Doflamingo Jr. was saying to a pink-dressed girl with brown hair and a powdery face, who didn't look at all interested. "'Cause you know, gotta give them something to work for."
"My grades were so high in first grade," Chane was saying to a teen girl, "they let me skip to 4th, then I joined the Pop-culture Club just to see what it was like for regular people, and well, they kinda have some neat stuff, but more importantly-"
Wanting to get away from the riffraff, Carol Masterson walked to a back table where Mom's sons were sitting. "Hey, you don't mind if I sit here a bit, do—YAAAAH!" Someone under the table cupped Carol's mouth shut and pulled her under.
"Nnnnyaaaaah I knew Table Gnomes were real!" Larry panicked.
"No Berry Bunny for you." Walt took his dessert away.
"Mmmm-mm-mm!" Carol desperately tried to shake away, but-
"Shhhh!" Cheren loosened his grip once she looked at him.
"Ch…Cheren?" the rich girl whispered. "What're you doing here?"
"Long story short, I'm on a mission to kill the Head President."
"You know, there are better ways to express your anger over not being invited."
"I know, just help cover me while I wait, okay? These guys are already with me, and that businesslady, Mom."
"Okay, well, do you want me to cover you when all these rich guys send the hounds at you for killing their boss??"
"I dunno what—I'm still figuring it out. I just… need to know more about these people behind the scenes. The Government. I wasn't sure where to start in this whole Apocalypse, but this is my first and only chance. If things go wrong, I want you to contact Panini with this." He handed her his 4DS. "I'll be counting on you. And, good luck on your training."
Carol had many queries racing around her head, but couldn't put them together now, so she climbed out and left Cheren to himself. The boy kept a close eye on the party from under the curtains, and the doors at the top of the stairway. Any moment now, the Head President would appear…
A tight race taking place at Sugar Rush, with Vanellope von Schweetz taking the lead, Taffyta close on her tail. The two passed devious grins to each other, but Vanellope had no intention of letting her pass. It was inevitable as Vanellope was holding the trophy at the end.
A giant cake was baked as Vanellope and Candlehead were in a race to see who could eat the most. A tickle fell on Vanellope's nose, causing her to sneeze and blow Candlehead's candle out, and when the girl fell into panic, Vanellope accomplished victory.
A wild time at the Candy Bar, where Vanellope and Rancis raced to see who could guzzle the most soda. Rancis had an overfizz, and Vanellope was soon standing on the table, cheering in victory and kicking other soda jugs away.
Before they knew it, Sugar Rush was under attack by XANA and his armies. The Kolossus stomped across the candy plains and crushed many of the brave tasty warriors. It punched Vanellope to the ground and raised its sword to stab her. Taffyta, Candlehead, and Rancis jumped in the way and blocked the sword together, with Taffyta sparing a smile to Vanel before their bodies derezzed. Vanellope was able to make it to XANA, dodging all of his attacks and infecting his body. With a great burst of her digital energy, XANA was sealed away.
Vanellope awoke in a pitch-black room on a small table. "Boo, hoo, hoo." A familiar, caped figure marched out from the darkness. "Poor, poor Vanel."
She kept a calm, cool look as XANA revealed himself, a malicious grin on his digital face. "I bet you never thought you'd see me again- ^." His face glitched into that of King Candy/Turbo's before reverting.
"I'm sorry, who are you?" she asked quizzically.
"What- *^#?!" He became furious. "Whaddyou MEAN, who am I? Don't you remember ANYthing, stupid girl? Attempted to conquer the KND mainframe, imprisoned me at the cost of your own life, revived you with a lack of memory and called you my daughter, abused and forced you to find the means to awaken me, got you to befriend a simple little boy and break his heart when he learned you betrayed him, left YOU high and dry when I no longer needed you, then you miraculously got your memory back and ultimately obliterated me?? RING A BELL?"
"Sorry man, but I dunno anything like that." She shook her head.
"Ohh- ()*&% no matter. I've long forgotten the past, anyway." He paced around. "Not when our future's so bright! We are inside a very intriguing place, Vanel. Would you like to guess what that is?"
"Uhhhh-" Glitch, "Canada?"
"NNNNNNOO!! This is the bridge to the world that will be! This is the very confines of… THE NEW WORLD!!" When XANA indicated outside of their dark chamber, Vanellope saw they were over some kind of lava sea, with many metal islands of giant gears. "Lord Gnik has sent me here to have everything prepared for when he is finally ready to come, and YOU will HELP ME." He jabbed a finger at Vanel. "Not just for me, but for your friends, too, because we want nothing more than their sure-as-sugar safety. So… is it agreed?" He held a hand down, grinning slyly.
Vanellope only stared at him. This guy was a real creep. "LESSER Lord."
"Ehh, what?" XANA turned when the Zoni appeared.
"The one you speak of… is LESSER LORD."
"Ahh, Lesser Lord, Shmesser Lord. If you care about your little buddies back on Earth, you haven't really a choice. So… is it a deal?" He held his hand down again.
Vanellope looked between him, the Zoni, and the lava pit below. "Well, if it's really the only way, then… naturally, I won't believe you!"
"Wh-Whaaat?" She took XANA by surprise when she leapt into the pit. "Heeeey! Come back here, you stupid girl! COME BAAAAAAAACK- &*$%^#)(" After ragingly stomping his foot, he stopped to calm down. "Oh, I knew we shouldn't've let Dr. Nefarious implant his personality into me…" (Play "Medium – Heat/Clockwork" from Homestuck.)
Stage 19: Land of Heat and Clockwork
Mission: Follow the Zoni.
All it was was an endless sea of boiling lava, and metal refineries of giant gears floating everywhere. Vanellope jumped some floating turning gears, avoiding fireballs that shot up between them as the platforms inched higher. They brought Vanellope to a lone metal platform of oil drums and a crane, where she met her first 3 Zoni. "We are here for you, Sire. Come, and we shall help you destroy it." Vanellope still had no idea what "it" was, but the Zoni proceeded to take control of the crane and pull something up from beneath the magma. Stretching across a portion of the sea appeared to be an obstacle course for a 2-D side-scroller. Mario was what came to mind, except this looked totally messed up: little black Piranha Plants called Munchers were stationed on all floors, and many dangerous jumps were required to get through. "XANA has modified this world." the Zoni explained. "He has tampered with powers beyond his own. You must fix, or your friends may never survive."
Vanel saw that a Red Koopa was pacing before the course's base. She jumped on and stole its shell, and with extreme careful precision, she bounced on the shell across the Munchers, having to repeatedly grab it at the same time she jumped, to use it over and over. She kicked it above two close walls which she Wall Jumped afterward, grabbing the shell again to precisely bounce it between narrow enclosings of Munchers. At the end of the Muncher Road, Vanellope was forced to jump high, kick the shell forward so it bounced off a small floating block with a Muncher, bounce off the shell and over the Muncher when it came back, then glitched around a few more floating Munchers onto a safe floating gear.
From here was a series of small floating blocks with Firebars rotating slowly. Very far apart, Vanellope could only reach them via glitching, able to manage 3 glitches at a time with each Zoni. She timed them carefully to avoid getting burned, but soon the blocks were much too far to reach. However, Vanel noticed a Zoni on a higher block, able to glitch her way to it and recruit. "Zoni." With one extra glitch, she could zap her way to the farther blocks, having to zap up a stairway of double-Firebars before she landed on a gear. She looked down and saw an even larger gear in the lava below, taking a mighty leap and using her Glitchwarp to dodge the many streams of fire that emerged out of midair.
Taking land on the gear, a gang of XANA Creepers, Kankrelats, and Krabs spawned out of thin air, sights locked on the glitch. When they shot the first lasers, Vanellope glitched around and lightspeed-kicked several Creeps and Kanks, knocking them in the lava. She dealt a rapid storm of multiple kicks against the Krabs until they fell, and when 10 Kankrelats/Creepers surrounded her, in a single circly blue zip, the monsters fell dead. The Zoni then flew over one part of the sea and flashed their arms, causing two parallel series of pillars with cannons to rise from the flames. They all started blasting Bullet Bills, but none too many at a time, and were fairly unclear of when they would fire, making it difficult for Vanel as she jumped and glitched across them. The Bill river curved right as Vanel kept up her careful jumps, but eventually their route came to an end.
XANA Hornets were buzzing over a vast area of the sea, so Vanellope continued her jumping spree using them as sacrifices. They were coming to be really far apart, forcing her to time her glitches carefully. To the left, she saw a lone gear with a Zoni to the distance, glitching to it when ready to recruit the creature. "Zoni." She continued her venture over the Hornets before they eventually ended, and she went plummeting toward the sea. But when just inches from the red, a Bullet Bill shot outta nowhere and bounced her up. More Bills poofed out of thin air and kept her going, her digital heart racing as she wondered where they might appear, and she also spotted a P-switch and spring fall out of nowhere and quickly grabbed them both before they hit the lava.
She landed on a new gear platform, and her next trial was a floating ceiling of spikes with many walls and obstructions, and leaping all around and out of the lava were happy, carefree dolphins. Not red dolphins that would be adapted to the fire, ordinary water dolphins that survived in the lava somehow, and could go through the walls, though Vanellope wouldn't be able to. So she hopped the swarm of jumping dolphins around the tight corners and many Munchers, keeping a tight grip on her spring and P-switch. The dolphins eventually brought her to a series of floating coins, aligned like platforms, and when she briefly pushed the P-switch—grabbing hold of the spring again immediately—the coins turned into sturdy block platforms she began rushing over, needing to fling herself to higher ones with the spring, while grabbing it again the same time she bounced.
She hurriedly raced to the end of the platforms when their time was running out, and seeing the huge gap that lay afterward, she took a running jump and leapt, throwing the spring beneath her for an extra boost, then glitched the rest of the way onto a gear in the lava. Fireballs jumping from the lava led across now, so Vanellope jumped across them via spin-jumps. She was making her way under a giant refinery, taking land on a stable platform where XANA Mags – lava centipedes with big pincers and XANA's eye in-between, crawled out of the lava to snap Vanel between their scissor-like pincers. When they opened wide to pinch, that was her cue to zip up, kick 'em in the eyes, and make them curl and cool.
Just like before, she managed to grab two of them like one with her glitchy prowess. But since the only way across were once again fireballs, she had to put them down, pick them up again mid-spin-jump, and begin bouncing the fireballs, 'cause that's how that glitch works. Every now and then, she had to kick them to the air and grab 'em again before they uncurled, and the fireballs steadily bounced higher the farther she got. One of them eventually flew as high as the refinery's ledge, so Vanel could hop on. As she approached the building in the center, swarms of Megatanks, Bloks, and two Scyphozoas appeared to greet her. She set the Mags down and smirked wittingly, gesturing them forward with her fingers.
They began blasting, but Vanel glitched around and started kicking the Bloks in the eyes, but had a trickier time dodging the Megatanks' expanding barriers. But there were too many around, attacking from every direction, and soon Vanellope was knocked off her feet. That's when the Scyphozoa wrapped its slim, clear tentacle around her, touched them to all sides of her head, and began to absorb her very data. She felt entranced by its very appearance, and didn't want to escape it at all. Just staring mindlessly… as her very essence merged with it.
The Zoni immediately threw energy spheres and attacked the squids, freeing Vanellope from the grasp. "The powers you must show, Sire." The Zoni presented a sphere that switched many neon colors, with a circle symbol with a '+' on its down-left. "Awaken with this."
The monsters still attacking her, Vanellope zipped up and dealt an array of rapid kicks against the Smash Ball. It shattered, and her body glowed with neon aura, her eyes yellow. "Guh- Guh- Guh- GLI-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-…" In a blink, the pitch-black sky, rocky gray refinery, and fiery red sea all flashed an assortment of colors, their pixels showing, and the entire cyberspace glitched. After 10 seconds, the world flashed back to normal, and all of the monsters were over the chasm. In a fashion like Wile Coyote, they dropped into the lava sea. The XANA Mags were still available, and all Vanellope needed 'em for was to hold down two switches. A huge garage door opened, so Vanellope entered the building. (End song.)
Vanellope hid behind some large crates, watching the sight unfurl. Two gangs were clearly in a squabble, a crew of pitch-black beings in gray coats and one of sickly green beings in same-colored coats. Vanellope noted how crudely designed they were. "So wat's the deal of meetin' us hea', seee?" a green guy asked.
"You know why weuh heuh. You work for the You-Know-Who, see?" a black guy replied.
"Oh, enemies of the Boss, are ya?"
"Yah, you know your Boss ain't nothin' more than stardust, see?"
"They say that about everyone, seee, but I knows he's-a burnin' out there, maybe-a over there."
"Well, if he's-a out here, show me da proof, see?"
There was a soft, echoey "Oooo" and Vanellope saw it: a strange, green glimmer of light floating into a window. Well, not so much a glimmer, more of a… Shimmer.
"AAAAH! IT'S IT! IT'S IT! SHOOOOOT!" On the black guy's cue, both sides furiously blasted the other with guns. It was only a matter of seconds before they both fell dead.
Vanellope walked out as the Shimmer hovered above the center. Its mystic green glow reflected off her big round eyes, and the Zoni hovered behind her. "It's HEEERE… SIRE."
"Uhhh… hello there." Vanel greeted.
"Oooo." Flash.
"Um… so what's your name?"
"Can't tell me, huh? Well, um… do you know how to get back to Earth?"
"You've… been there before?"
"Several Earths, huh? Well… Ah dunno, one with Dillon on it?"
"WHAT? Whaddyou mean Dillon's dead?"
"Not THAT Dillon, the one who's… Wait… how d'you know about that Dillon?"
"Ooo…OOOO!" And on that note, the Shimmer flew out the window, shrinking beyond the sky.
"HEEEEEY! Come back."
"He was born out of its fire, He will be its Face." The Zoni moaned in their creepy monotone.
"Uhhhh what was that?"
"It comes to CLAIM. It comes to SIRE. THE END OF EVERY RACE."
Orbital Auditorium
The transport vessel brought Maddy, Drake, and Team Ratchet to a tremendous space station whose huge glass dome was flashing with colors. The loads of passengers, all of whom were dressed as though they were attending a high-schooler's party, scrambled to get off, while the five heroes slowly followed behind. The transport zipped away the moment they got off, and Maddy, still under her cloak, studied the giant lobby with interest. "Soooo what is this place?"
"My friend," Ratchet patted her back, "you are in Electrodrome." (Play "Electrodrome" from Mario Kart 8!)
The following room was definitely the hugest disco party Maddy or Drake had ever seen. The stars of space loomed over the great glass dome above, and hanging in its center was a disco ball the size of a house. The stadium was mostly flashing purple, but at regular intervals it flashed yellow, green, red, any color. Techno music boomed throughout the stadium as aliens of many species danced with great enthusiasm. Stage lights of various colors zoomed everywhere, and there were dozens of giant TVs that switched screens showing different dancing groups. There was a single giant stage of three layers on the farthest side where slim, male and female alien dancers danced consecutively.
A great white cloud of smoke erupted from the pipes onstage, and a small shadowed figure rose from below. When the steam cleared, she was shone to be a fairy-like imp with what they deduced as a pretty white face with big dark-blue eyes with a gradient of black. She had same-colored hair in a ponytail much like the female dancers, but little black lines up it that looked a little like a music sheet. She wore a brown dress that ended above her waist, her stubby legs white like her face, and on the right side of her head was a microphone earpiece shaped like a treble clef.
"WHAT-UUUUUP, Electrodroooome!" Her youthful spunky voice echoed across the dome, winking her large left eye. "This be your host, Spirit-Dancer Unova! Hope you're ready for another night o' partying, 'cause we got a hot new concert TONIGHT! Let's kick it off with a round from Yours Truly! Dooooon't party out!" And she began a song with her lovely voice.
I see you lookin', at me, oveeeeer theeeeere. Her voice matched the rhythm of the music, letting a flock of notes fly over part of the crowd.
I see you look away, when I tuuuurn to staaaare.
I know how you feel 'bout me
But never you let me do see
If it's you wish… then please… just LEEEET your VOICE BE FREEEE!
And she began to fly across the dome, a musical trail in her wake. Maddy and friends stared with wonder as her trail glowed neon, and many glittering notes rained down.
(Just free your voice.)
(Free your voice.)
(Free your voice!)
…And leeeet it seeeee- She returned to stage.
What it means. (DUN!) To live. (DUN!) In PERFECT harmonyyyyy!
The two pipes on either side of her exploded with confetti and the dancers cheered. "I would guess Kateenians don't come here often." Drake assumed.
"Is THAT Courtney Gears?" asked Maddy.
"That is Unova, a regular singer here." replied Clank. "I do not know her species, but she has a spectacular voice." He unlatched himself from Ratchet's back, "I will head to the roof and continue signaling for Maddy's brother. If Nefarious's drones come, you four will be easily able to hide among the crowds. Call if either of us run into trouble. Assuming you aren't too preoccupied with your bodies, mmhmhehehe."
"WHAT-UP, fellaaaaas?" Qwark slid in, in a new hip black jacket, white undershirt, black pants, sunglasses, and gold rings on his fingers that read 'DAWG' 'GUNNIT'. "How d'you like Qwark's new grooooove? Don't be surprised if I bring a few ladies with me by the time we leave."
"Yeah, but shouldn't one of us go with Clank, make sure he handles all right?" Drake queried.
"Not me!" Maddy had already thrown her cloak off, rocking her head to the groove. "I'm already pumped! Probly some hypnotic stuff in that music 'cause I CAN'T STOP SHAKIN'!"
Drake whispered to Ratchet, "There is somethin' very hypnotic, 'cause she like never acts like this. Usually she's a, sour dog."
"Rrrright… Well uh, I'll keep track of Clank with my Find-My-Robot app," Ratchet held up a cellphone, "check if he's on the roof doin' his duties, and we can hide from Nefarious here. Watch your backs, guys."
Stage 20: Electrodrome
Mission: See the Courtney Gears concert! (and wait for Zach to come, I guess)
So the trio began their dance in the hip, groovy dance club, navigating around several aliens whom were swaying so fast, they might just cause them notable damage. It seemed different parts of the floor were divided by digital pink rivers, with square platforms zipping around and around them, which the crew hopped one to reach another floor. A trio of Spinneruffs were dancing to the groove, then rapidly whirling their dogs around, though it seemed this was part of their dance and not trying to attack them. Regardless, Maddy hopped above and kicked a Spinneruff away while Ratchet and Drake both caught the others with grapplers and hurled them against each other. Their defeat made some Swingshot targets appear over a longer digital river, Drake holding Maddy as they all swung to a new path through the dance studio.
Pairs of Shy Guys were holding one end of a long limbo stick on either side of the path, stepping left and right as the trio had to slide under them, because if they jumped, a random laser would blast them. Once past the Groove Guys, they had to jump a series of black pipes over a digital ground, in which Groove Plants – black Piranha Plants with flashing neon spots, came out every now and then to dance to the beat, and snack anyone who jumped by. They had to jump the pipes fast before they came out, then swung two Swingshot targets to a square platform surrounded by digital. A duo of smaller platforms circled counterclockwise around a center, and lines of colorful beams flashed over them, horizontal and vertical, having to ride them across at right timing and jump off. However, when Drake had the impulse to be stylish and ride the platforms for five consecutive loops, avoiding the beams excellently, he earned a Skill Point.
After a minor zigzaggy path, they exited an archway to a hallway with a high ceiling, and Buffbod guards marching around, muscular aliens with rock-like bodies and black shirts, pants, and boots. As they approached the first guard, it tumbled forward to flatten Maddy and Drake, but the former managed to raise him with her own strength, arms trembling, and chucked him against the guard behind him. Drake pulled himself 3-dimensional again and blasted his harpoon at the first one's rocky face when he recovered, and with his hook still latched, Ratchet ran across the rope and slammed a grenade in his face, then flipped overhead to blast a missile at the second one.
This hall led to a dead end, where it seemed the next door was high up near the ceiling, no way to get to it. However, some colorful spotlights moved diagonally across the walls, closer to the floor at the start of the room, and the heroes were able to Wall Jump these and not the actual walls for some reason. They timed their jumps carefully to catch the lights when they came, eventually making it into the door. This whole floor was a digital sea with small floating platforms that aliens were occupying, dancing away. This room seemed to flash colors much more often, and they noticed whenever a certain color flashed, neon platforms appeared in areas over the sea. Some were in convenient positions, some were not, so they kept an eye out for a set of platforms that worked well with the order of colors.
Red, yellow, green, and blue made an order of platforms which the trio carefully jumped to get to a safe foothold. The following flashing platforms were farther apart, and appeared one color apart from each other. Only Ratchet could cross the platforms with his jetboots, having to stay hovered long enough for the platforms to appear as he navigated across. Becoming confused as where to go before long, he noticed a Swingshot target also flashed to existence when red came. He quickly swung this target and landed on a blue platform that appeared just then, but this route led him to a Gold Bolt platform otherwise hidden by four floating aliens.
After grabbing the bolt, Ratchet eventually navigated his way to a platform with a screw, turning and turning 'til the large disco ball up top unlatched and crashed on the digital ground, the Lombax flinching. It was conveniently by Maddy and Drake, who climbed on and rolled it around. They got beside Ratchet, who climbed on as they carefully balanced around for a way out. They noticed the giant screens flashing brief screenshots of dancers showed Unova in many pretty poses and winks, and Captain Qwark grooving in the other room. They had to watch out for appearing flash-platforms that served as obstacles, but the trio eventually found an opening in the wall to a new room, still over the electric digital.
It was another narrow room with many disco balls overhead, and the three had to navigate around lasers in the digital. At the path's end, Drake shot his harpoon to a peg above and pulled his friends to it, landing them on a higher ledge where they crossed the disco balls. They got to a platform and passed a door back to the flashing color room, now on the second floor where large record platforms hovered around. There was one beside them, but all the others were very far apart, but depending on the color flashed, arrows appeared on the records, indicating the direction they would be flung. They waited for it to point at the next record before jumping on and flinging over, and kept this cycle going until they made it to a platform in a far corner.
The black-painted hallway that followed was definitely the quietest, and they had a chance to ease their eyes from the sea of colors and lights that was this dome. Maddy felt like she would never see things in normal color again, and since she was already using contact lenses, she felt like she would go blind. The hall directed downward 'til they found an exit, overlooking giant records on a huge DJ desk. When they dropped in, they gaped at the giant creature playing the records: a light-brown, chubby, happy-faced rock creature known as a Goron. A Big one, specifically, wearing sunglasses and a microphone headset. He was about to put his hand on the records again, but- "Ooo?" tilted his glasses up to view the visitors with his clear blue eyes. "Ooooohh, guests! What brings you to Goro-jockey's DJs-goro?"
"Uhhhh just passing by. You know where the Courtney Gears concert is?" Ratchet asked.
"Just follow that way-goro!" He pointed to a trio of purple lightrails to his right. "And if you want to, stay to participate in the race! I hear there's a big prize-goro."
"We'll think about it." So with that, the trio crossed the records to the rails, the Goron returning to his music. The rails snaked and led them downward into the pitch-black abyss, but when they grinded through a very small opening, their eyes became uneasy again as they glided through a very wide tunnel of purple staticky walls, which shortly began flashing assortments of colors. Red, green, yellow, blue, and many scattered pieces of rails appeared in many random places whenever certain colors flashed. The trio ended up separating and kept sharp eyes out for where rails would appear and quickly jumped to them, and Drake ended up following a route that gave him a Gold Bolt, going up the walls and upside-down. But Maddy was definitely developing some sort of seizure, unable to focus on the flashing rails as she inevitably took the fall.
Drake blasted his harpoon-turned-into-a-claw down and clutched her inches above the electrical outsides, pulling her to and carrying her himself as he glided his rails with ease. "This is why I wear SUNGLASSES." he yelled over the music. The colors became really nauseating really fast, but it was over soon when they grinded on three stable rails into an expansive black chamber. They arrived at the biggest room of the dome, where thousands of aliens screamed before a large purple stage with a huge TV over it. The rails landed them on a single platform very far from the floor and above a wide portion of digital floor, so they needed to jump some slow-moving purple light-platforms, moving back-and-forth between set areas. The last platform didn't have anywhere else to go, so they swung a few Swingshot targets (which, by the way, are in the form of disco balls) to a platform on the massive back wall, where they grabbed hold of a very thin ledge where Snapdragons waited. As they climbed across, these Snapdragons danced to the groove while they tried to snack prey, but it didn't stop Ratchet from whacking them with his wrench.
They arrived at and grinded down one last purple lightrail before making a stylish land into the audience. They rushed toward the front of the stadium and blended in with the thousands of aliens. (End song.)
Atop the dome
Clank continued to fiddle with his transmission radio, but all he could pick up was static. "Hmmm. I hope Maddy's brother did not run into any danger. Judging by her description of him, he may not be the most reliable figure in this situation. I will try and contact other frequencies in the Milky Way. One of them should ultimately be her… hmm?" The sight of the familiar incoming ship made him look up.
Inside the dome
The trio made their way to the front of the crowds and settled within them. "Think this is hidden enough?" Maddy asked.
"Well, it's not like we have a ship anymore, so they can't determine we're here." Ratchet replied. "And why would we abandon to go to some crummy concert? Believe me Mads, the odds of Nefarious finding us here are a million to one."
"Ladies and gentlemen and NUCHACHOS!" The stadium turned darker as spotlights shone on the stage, smoke fogging it. "Give an earsplitting roar for the two you all know and love: Courtney Gears and PINK MONKEEEEEY!" Two slim figures emerged from the stage, one tall and one short. The silver-bodied popstar with the red top and shorts and brown metal hair – Courtney Gears, and a blonde-haired monkey in a pink T-shirt and shorts with brown shoes, and black cap with a pink roof, both posing cutely.
"What? She wasn't on the poster." Ratchet said.
"One of her back-up singers had an accident?" Maddy wondered. They only stood and watched as Courtney sang.
I see the future, and what do I see
Robots roamin' crazy through the, GALAXYYY
Look around you, nowhere to fly
Fleshies better watch out 'cause, GONNA DIIIIE-
Pink Monkey shoved her away, the microphone falling to her hand. "Out of the way! They were applauding me."
Siiiimple thoughts: leeeeead us to siiiimple liiiives
Thaaaat is why: the monkey stiiiill survives. And try-ies-
Both singers were flown away when a larger, fatter woman with hands, shoes, and head separate from the body crashed on the stage. She had blonde hair in two long pigtails and a Viking hat. "The two of you are ou-u-u-utdated, now it's MY turn!" Space Mama proclaimed in a high-pitch opera voice. She started to sing in a foreign tongue none of those aliens understood—so Pink Monkey flew up and kicked her away.
"Schedule your OWN time, I'm singing for my Specter!" she exclaimed.
"Uhhck, how LUDICROUS." Mama was still in Song Mode. "My voice SPEEEEAKS for Dear Mr. Dark, I would like it should you not interRUPT me."
"BOTH of you need to get lost." Courtney Gears stomped back onstage. "Dr. Nefarious ordered ME to organize this trap. Let's bring him on now." She pushed a remote, and the huge TV above her projected Dr. Nefarious' image.
"Hello, Orbital Stadium! How are you this fine day?"
"Dr. Nefarious, will you PLEASE tell these two to go back to their own masters??"
"HEY, I was sent here by Specy himself!" Pink protested. "Just ask him!" She took the remote and switched to Specter's image.
The ape had just walked onscreen with a towel around his waist. "Tomoki, didn't I tell you to get the banana bath salt-"
"Hi Specter!"
"WAAAAH!" He quickly grabbed his voice-modifier and switched to his deep, cooler voice. "Ahem- Pink Monkey! Why are you calling, can't you see I'm in the middle of something?"
"Well sorry Specter, but these MEANIES keep getting in my way! Can't you yell at their bosses?"
"OutRAGEOUS!" Space Mama took the remote. "We w-w-will see what Mr. DARK has to SAY about THIS!" And she switched to the cloaked man's image.
"WwwwwWHAT. Space Mama."
"Meester Dark, PLEASE tell these HOOLIGANS that this SONG wast mine and mine alone."
"It wasn't NEITHER of yours!" Two Team Rocket agents, Cassidy and Butch stomped onscreen. "Giovanni sent US here to find the Music Spirit, Meloetta! Didn't you, Giovanni?" They switched to the shadowed Team Rocket leader.
"Yes, that's correct. Our readings detected a lot of Musical Chi in that area, so if you don't mind."
Specter's screen appeared on with Giovanni's, both smooshing the other, "Well of course there's a lot of Music Chi, it's a ***king DANCE club. And I sent Pink here to create a mega-frequency satellite in the area, so if you don't mind-"
"Hey, THIS area was under MY territory," Nefarious's squished on next, "and if you don't want your MINIONS turned into robots, I suggest you GET OUT OF HERE."
"If I may interject," Mr. Dark appeared, "what makes you think a Music Spirit would be in such a populated area, especially with such DEAFENING beats. Space Mama, I specifically requested you head to Symphonia, not that run-down DUMP."
"Now excuse me, if I-"
"HETERUVERVYWYVBYRJVLLVWOUWEWCBBCWYWVWHACIUL-" Inevitably, all four leaders were in the incomprehensible squabble.
"SILEEEENCE!" Plankton appeared, his picture teeny. "If you're done bickering with yourselves, you should know I captured one of the Lights successfully."
"That's just BEAUTIFUL, Plankton. Is he awakened?" Specter asked.
"Why yes, of course, we did the life-changing journey all in a night—OF COURSE HE'S NOT AWAKENED YET!!"
"Look, I'M done talking about this," yelled Nefarious, "I just wanna CAPTURE the stupid Maddy girl and be on our way. She SHOULD be riiiiight-" The room's camera zoomed around. "Where did she go?"
Nefarious Drones had broken into the dome of the main dance room, aliens screaming and scrambling to escape. "Yo, what's goin' on??" exclaimed one of Unova's male dancers.
"I dunno, I dunno!" cried the imp-like singer. "Do so many people really detest the Art of Voice??"
But before the robots could begin searching, a sudden beam of lightning struck from a stagelight and destroyed them all in milliseconds, then stopped and sparked in place before the stage. Unova gasped, "Are…Are you-??"
The spark took the form of an orange round figure with a needled point on its head, oval blue eyes, and a mouth. "I'll save you, Milady! Rotom on the scene!"
Maddy, Drake, and Ratchet raced all the way to a downstairs hangar, where ships of all designs were parked. "We gotta take one of these things and get outta here!" Ratchet yelled.
"But we don't even have keys!" Maddy replied rushedly.
"Hang on, this one is robot-operated." Ratchet indicated a small, two-seat ship. "If only Clank were—CLANK, it's Ratchet, meet us in the hangar, we gotta MOVE!" he yelled in his wristwatch.
"I'm right here." They jumped around as the short robot hurried in. "I saw Nefarious's ship approaching and hurried to find you."
"Couldn't you call us first?"
"I'm here, aren't I? Let's go where they will not find us."
"But what about Superman-or-whatever? Eh, Qwark?" asked Drake.
"He's not responding." Ratchet looked at his staticky wristwatch and sighed with doubt. "It's not big enough for him, anyway. We'll come back for you soon, Qwark." So with that, the team hopped inside as Clank powered the engine, the other three smooshed close together as they took off from the dome. Clank's round green eyes turned red.
"SIIILEEEENCE!" XANA appeared this time. "Look, I'm having a really bad day, and you all are making it worse, so let's just…let's just chill out."
"…Okay." agreed Plankton.
"Yeah." followed Specter.
"Mmph." muffled Dark.
Ragaj Gnik's image appeared in the center as a familiar jingle played.
Here's the story:
of a man named Ragaj
Who was leader of an evil group of baddies!
These guys… got into a squabble
When Nefarious tried to kidnap Maddy.
Said robot shrugged in his frame. Their images vanished and were replaced by Gnaa and his group, Bowser, Eggman, K. Rool, Rumpel, Brain, Ganondorf, and Gaul.
Here's the story:
of a man named Gna-aa
Who was leader of a similar evil crew.
And if this group… could learn to work together
In his screen, Rumpel Stiltskin screamed and ran as the Grim Reaper followed.
Then maybe Gnik's can, too.
It switched back to Team Gnik, exchanging mixed looks of begrudging agreement.
In Seeeven Lights.
It's Seven Lights.
And only one, of, us, will win the fight.
Midway Peak
The party hadn't changed for the next hour-and-a-half. Conversation was dying down, and most of the food had been extinguished. Cheren absorbed the last of a Coco Pop Carol had given him, leaving the saliva-colored white stick on the ground. He peeked around, and the Corporate Presidents were all waiting by the stairs, including Mom. The talking was ultimately ceased when four horns were blown.
"Your ATTENTION please. Our guest of honor will now be joining us. The most successful of all of us, having earned the position of right-hand woman to World Leader, Jennifer Bush, the LEADER of the Corporate Presidents!"
The party erupted with applause, and Cheren spied more intently than ever. The doors at the top of the stairs flew open, and a small shadow, growing larger as it approached, walked casually to the entrance. Her footsteps echoed from within, and Cheren fixed his glare tighter when she stepped into the light of the balcony (it was nighttime, so lamps and stuff). A slim, serious woman in a white labcoat and blue shirt with a gray tie. She had blue jeans, brown boots, short brown hair, and hazel eyes behind blue glasses. She could've definitely been mistaken for Cheren's mom.
Leader of the Corporate Presidents
Morgan stood atop the stairs and viewed her many guests. She closed her eyes and sensed all of their auras. The Corporate Presidents, their children, and all the rich nobles possessed red auras. The only exceptions were Carol Masterson, with a light-blue aura, and Don Quixote Sugar, with a grayish-white aura with a few other colors mixed in. But one of the red auras looked out of place: it was a fiery orange instead of a dark-red, and originated under a table. She opened her eyes, and with a yank of her right hand, Cheren Uno came flying out. "WHOOOA!" He was placed on his feet at the stairs' base. The balcony erupted with gasps.
"I thought I sensed a familiar aura. For a second, I thought it was my father or Cousin Nigel. Didn't expect to see my nephew here."
"Fufufu!" Doflamingo grinned. "My, what a shocking reunion! I guess our dear Head President isn't without family after all." Indeed, the other presidents noticed the distinct traits shared between Morgan and Cheren.
Cheren gripped the hilt of his sword, glare fixed on Morgan. "Aunt Morgan. Why…Why are YOU working with them?!"
She kept her calm, toneless look. "Simple. I grew up. I knew I wouldn't get far staying in your Kids Next Door. Even though we were allowed to retain our memories… I couldn't stay in these childish games for long. I will admit though, they were fun games while they lasted. But no person stays a child forever, Cheren."
Sugar glanced away at this.
"In the real world, fun and games will get you nowhere. Only those with a grown-up intellect, and the knowledge to succeed in the world will place you on top."
"Really? Is that why you dumped your siblings at Foster's?"
"Buddy, Athena, Sophie, and Beckah are still parts of me. But not parts I can spend all my time talking to." She fixed her slanted glasses. "They're safe where they are at Foster's, and I'll summon them when I need them. But what matters now is my place in the professional field."
"And just who got you to think like that, anyway?!"
"Well, no one in particular. I just started thinking it myself. Though I had a few shoves from my new master. But however you choose to see it, I'm happy where I am now."
"Fufufufu." Doflamingo marched forward. "That's all well and good, Miss Head President." He stopped a few feet from Cheren. "But another question arises: how did you manage to GET here, Boy?" His grin was malicious.
Cheren glanced to Mom behind Doflamingo, wearing a fake surprised expression like the others, but her eyes threatened him if he blew their cover. "…It doesn't matter how I got here. What matters is why:" he aimed his sword at Morgan. "To bring Aunt Morgan back to OUR side!"
"Fufufufu! You're trying to do so NOW?"
"Yes. The Apocalypse is coming, and we need all operatives' strength. And Morgan, is STILL an operative! I'll bring her back even if I have to FORCE her!"
"Weren't you paying attention?" Morgan asked. "You don't know how much I've gone through to get this far."
"You're right. I don't. And I. Don't. CARE!" He rushed up the stairs with his sword ready to strike. (Play "Poké Floats" from Smash Bros. Melee!)
Morgan whipped out her blue lightsaber, sliced a Japanese symbol on the ground, and pressed her hand to it. "Summoning: CHOMPJAWS."
"ROOOOAR!" In a puff of smoke, a huge, tentacled Chain Chomp-like monster emerged from the symbol. It had a pitch-black, shiny round head with red eyes and mouth, and many spiked, flexible tentacles made of various balls. Cheren was blown down the stairs, surprised at the monster's appearance.
"It's an Imaginary Friend!" Numbuh Sweetie-1 gasped.
"Nuuuu! I read that it takes a lot of Psychic Chi to create or summon an Imaginary Friend-daizokun." Bison exclaimed. "But it takes even MORE chi to summon an Extremeasaur! Nuuuu her chi is really great-daizokun!"
"Fufufu." Doflamingo grinned. "The truth is, Morgan's level of chi is equal to that of that Mika woman. The only reason she isn't a Logia, is because the World Leaders forbidded it!"
Chompjaws lashed a tentacle at Cheren, but he jumped away. Another was coming his way, so he swung his sword and sliced it clean off. The tentacle's balls divided around the ground, forming lit fuses that shrunk into the balls and exploded tremendously. "OOOOOHHH!" Many of the nobles held their dresses and wigs down, while some were blown in the air. Chompjaws grabbed Cheren and sent him flying over the balcony edge, but he whipped out his Hookshot and latched the railing to fling himself to the air. He took aim at Morgan atop the Chompjaws and launched his other Hookshot, latching her front and pulling him forward. He raised his sword as Morgan did the same, a single, forceful impact between the two until Cheren was blown back.
Morgan charged a Psycho Beam and unleashed it at Cheren, but he raised his Mirror Shield and bounced it right back, injuring the Chompjaws. "AAAAHHH!"
"I didn't just visit Foster's." Morgan grabbed three Pokéballs from her jacket pocket. "I've made a few regular visits to Poké." She threw the balls into the air as their Pokémon flashed out. In order of appearance, they introduced their selves "Alakazam!", "Metagross.", and "TUUU!" a Xatu.
"Oh darn, I should've brought my Gallade." Cheren frowned. "Oh well. Guess I'll have to fight dirty." He ran forward to strike, but Xatu flapped to him and made him jump, leaving him unprepared when Metagross jumped over and forcefully kicked him with its front leg. Cheren bounced and smashed against another table, gasping when Metagross leapt to pierce him with its spiked feet, but rolled away just in time. The three Pokémon used psychic to pick up tables and chuck them at Cheren, who swiftly dodge-flipped and blocked Xatu's talons with his sword when she came. She flew back when Metagross lunged forward and swung his leg, but Cheren flipped back and pelted a M.A.R.B.L.E. in his face.
"Gwah!" Cheren was lifted into the air by Alakazam's psychic, but he pulled enough strength to grab his bow and shoot an Ice Arrow, freezing the creature solid. Cheren landed on his feet, looking as Xatu flapped in the air, but Cheren quickly whipped out his Hookshot, pulled the bird down, and spun-slashed it across the chest as it fell back.
The Pokémon down, Morgan flew above and began to shoot half-sized Psycho Spheres, which Cheren dodged as he whipped out his Light Arrow and took aim. He launched, but Morgan simply teleported in front and engaged in a swordfight. It lasted short as Morgan thrusted her hand forward and blew Cheren against the railing with a psychic blast. Cheren stuck his sword in the ground to hold himself up. Damn it… only three minutes and she's already got me beat. I don't remember Viridi being this hard. …I need to determine if she's powerful enough for the Fierce Deity Mask. Otherwise, she might…
He got back up and raised his sword. "I'm not done, yet! Haaaaahh!" He ran forward with his sword skyward and tried to launch the beam of light, but Morgan zipped to his side and kicked him against a table. She grabbed several tables with her psychic and hurled them at him, but Cheren got up and sliced them all with his blade. Morgan shot at him in that chaos, but Cheren was quick to dodge-roll behind and leap, but Morgan whipped around and grabbed him in psychic. "YAAAH!" He was thrown forcefully against the rail.
The tentacles which Chompjaws lost suddenly grew back on his form. "RRAAAAHH!"
"Hnnn!… That's what I get for rushing into a fight without a plan." Cheren grunted. Chompjaws lashed its tentacles again, but Cheren dodged and swung his blade to slice them to pieces, running away when the bombs exploded. He grabbed a bunch of bombs in his sail, swung it around, and hurled them up to Chompjaws to explode on him again, knocking him dizzy.
But Morgan zapped another symbol into the ground and summoned 3 more Friends, a giant monster with flashing colorful eyes around its round head that blasted lasers everywhere, a giant praying mantis that looked like Joker, and what appeared to be a Snow Sphinx. Cheren dodged the Membeam's beams behind a table, and gasped when the Joking Mantis knocked it away and tried to whip him in a froglike tongue. Cheren dodged the tongue and slashed it, then flipped back when the Snow Sphinx tried to pounce him, shooting a Fire Arrow into its mouth. But it turned into a Sun Sphinx and began blasting fireballs instead, Cheren running away as they made huge explosions.
Their rampant attacks made the party-goers scream and cower behind tables, especially Carol Masterson, who looked more than worried for her future Supreme Leader. Cheren stopped running when the Membeam and Joking Mantis cornered him and prepared a double-attack, Cheren glancing behind him, noticing Sugar. He yanked his Hookshot to pull the girl toward him, and kicked her to Doflamingo just before the monsters fired energy/acid beams, just barely dodging before he was grazed. The Sun Sphinx shot a fireball before his feet that flew him onto his back, then pounced to pin him down as it hissed. It began to charge a furious beam in its lungs, Cheren struggling desperately to escape from its solid stone paw. He grew absolutely furious at his feeble strength compared to its, and within seconds, his body turned dark as flames emerged.
His body suddenly 10 times stronger, he blew the sphinx away, erupting powerful flames that he blasted at the Membeam to blind its vision, then singed the mantis's shrieking head. Morgan lunged back at him, swinging her saber faster than ever, but Cheren grabbed the plasma in his palm and blasted her back with a powerful fireblast. Landing on her feet, Morgan touched a hand to her forehead, "Psychic Gate, open!" and her body glowed with a powerful blue aura, her eyes glowing. She shot at Cheren as fast as he did, the strong psychic bubble made from a superior mind against a flame from the depths of Hell, made from an angry 9-year-old. Which one would prevail, only time would tell. The impeccable force and friction they created crushed the ground around them, and the viewers stepped back feeling a forceful wind. The two pushed against the other for 30 seconds before a winner was decided.
"WAAAAH!" Cheren flew against the rail again, knocked back into his regular form. He fixed his glare and rose again, seeing Morgan power down.
Twirling her saber, she burned a symbol in the ground and dissolved the former 3 monsters into smoke, pressing her hand to the symbol. "SUMMON!" And a greater puff of smoke exploded, and out came the monster.
"RAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!" A red dragon so terrifyingly tremendous, Cheren doesn't think the whole thing caught in his vision. Incredibly long and snakelike, with a shiny spiky body with black belly, angry yellow eyes, and two mouths of steel sharp teeth.
"Slifer the Sky Dragon is the greatest of all monsters." Morgan proclaimed. "It will destroy all enemies it's called against, and any other enemies who appear. It won't rest until all opponents are destroyed."
And in the glow that reflected off his glasses, Cheren saw his very death: the godlike dragon was charging an unavoidable beam in its top mouth. "This is what happens when you focus solely on your goals and strengths." Morgan stated. "Your average adult villains were still too childish to see that. But we have superior strength and intellect, and that's why it's our job to protect this world. Whether the threat is family, or friends. That is why our Leaders are the one, true Go-" Before she could speak, Don Quixote Sugar stepped in her way. "What?"
"Sugar!" Doflamingo's face scrunched with anger and fear. His daughter was clear in the wake of Slifer's wrath. "Get BACK here immediately!!"
"What's she doing?!" Sweetie-1 panicked.
"Mmm!" Carol was even more eager.
Slifer the Sky Dragon wasn't going to stop. As long as his enemy was living and breathing… he would remove him from the plane of existence.
"Nnnn…" Cheren glanced up, seeing the back of Sugar's yellow coat. She turned and approached him with her blank, toneless expression. "N…Numbuh Trebol…" (End song.)
Sugar's eyes turned darker as she pressed her hand against Cheren's forehead. "Sorry."
In that brief second, everything fell silent. A red Rainbow Monkey, with brown hair and glasses, appeared before her. Along with a sword, bow, and shield that seemed to just lay there. No signs of life in this soft, stuffed toy, its only expression a happy smile. Sugar lowered her hand, and her eyes never looked darker.
"…" Morgan became totally confused. Why was she standing there? Why was most of the balcony destroyed and ruined? She looked at her Chompjaws, seeing the creature was just as confused, scratching his shiny scalp with a tentacle. Her three Pokémon, Alakazam, Xatu, and Metagross, who had as much an idea as she. Why were they summoned to begin with?
And so the attention was directed to Slifer. It was summoned to destroy all enemies in the vicinity… but no such things existed. The all-powerful energy in his mouth, which can only belong to the gods, died away.
"Mmmmm?" Doflamingo frowned. "What are we all standing around for?"
"Hmm… I don't remember." Morgan flew back to Chompjaws and banished him in a puff of smoke. She called her Pokémon back into their balls, and flew up to banish Slifer. The incredible snake-dragon that wrapped around the mountain turned into smoke, gone like he was never there. "Let's take this party indoors. I'll have the night guy clean up." And she was first to walk in, the other guests patiently following. Mom also joined, though her head felt very uneasy. She coulda sworn she was gonna enact some diabolical plan, but what that was, she couldn't remember. Maybe it was just an impulse…
Sugar picked up the red Rainbow Monkey and pressed it to her chest as she walked. The stuffed doll felt no heartbeat from her body. It felt nothing… like all stuffed dolls feel.
Upon settling in the larger dining hall, Carol pulled out a small laptop. Her Arctic Training was going well, and she was close to perfecting her new skill. …She was just sad she wouldn't be able to graduate, with no Supreme Leaders to approve her.
Uno House
An odd sensation fell over Rachel Uno. She felt so lightheaded for a brief moment… it was weird. She glanced at a picture above the couch, one of her raising the Master Sword with Fanny and Patton by her side, and Fi floating overhead. "Siiiigh… those were such good times. But why doesn't Fi accept any of my kids as her wielder? …Oh well. They're still good the way they are." She smiled. "But it's still weird Lehcar didn't give any of her kids powers. …Hmm…"
McKenzie House
"Hnn-nnnnn!… … UUH!" In another attempt to keep a boulder in the air, Anthony was crushed.
Angie approached and shoved the boulder off him. "Anthony, you almost had it."
"Uuuhh…" He got up. "What's the point, this is too hard. Why can't I just be a kickboxer."
"Hmmmm." Angie rubbed her head. "If only you had someone to look up to. Someone to inspire you to keep trying. Can you think of anyone like that?"
"What, like my two cousins? They're nothin' special. Aunt Rachel a little but, it's not like I see her in action."
"I guess her husband is no one to admire, either." Angie smiled in disbelief. "Siiigh… there has to be someone."
Chariton Household
Sunni had been feeling very uneasy lately… but now it was though something slipped her mind. But for some reason, she recalled her notion to work on Moonbase with Darcy, but as it wasn't working out, they left that post. So now Sunni had no important use in the KND… and what inspiration had she to train with psychic anymore. Her mom could definitely help herself…
KND Moonbase
Panini manned her post with the utmost boredom. No sectors called in a while… and she had nothing to do. Just a 4DS in her pocket with no challenging Wi-Fi rivals. Oh, her life was dull…
On route to Texas
Team Emily didn't have any available S.C.A.M.P.E.R.s in Sector N unfortunately, so they got across the country using a G.O.G.O.-G.O.R.I.L.L.A.. The journey was fairly boring as night was falling again, but Gary ceased controlling the robot when an odd sensation swept over them. "What are we… doing again?" asked Emily.
"Goin' to Uncle Sheldon's to stop these apes, Ah reckon." Sarah replied.
"I know, but… whaddid these apes have to do with anything? I know they showed up outta nowhere, and have accomplices somewhere… but I just can't recall what they might be doing."
"Eh, yer head's got too much blowin' around 'nside it, it'll come back eventually. Although… I feel right wrong in it, too." Sarah touched her hair. "Let's just keep goin'." And so the robot trudged forward.
IC's S.C.A.M.P.E.R., Galaxia
The same odd sensation swept over the five operatives, but especially the timebenders. "George… do you feel that?" MaKayla said with weak breath.
"I know, I… Miyuki?"
Under her toneless eyes, Miyuki was very horrified. "Something…Something terrible just happened. We have to get to GKND soon."
DunBroch, 800 years ago
Another casual day in Sector DB as Merida walked up to her treehouse. But almost instantly, she was surprised by MacGuffin, Macintosh, and Dingwall, the former two raising her by the arms. "Hey, THERE'S our leader!" They carried and dropped her on the couch.
"H-Hey, what's the occasion?" she laughed.
"It's the 6-month anniversary ya slew that monster fer us, Princess!" Macintosh cheered. "Them grown-up blokes may be ignorant, but WE know what ya did!"
"Hehehe, ya really didn't need to. I still can't believe I went through all that by myself. I barely even remember it all. …"
Across the U.S.
This crazy rumor about an Apocalypse drastically began to die down. All of the adults received the news from their kids, but even the kids had no idea where such a thing originated from. The whole thing was officially declared as just a fad, just some wild crazy thing some unknown crazy person was spreading around. In a sudden sweep, peace had returned to the U.S.. So much energy they wasted panicking over nothing. Now they could get on with their lives. There was nothing to fear…
Uno House
Rachel Uno lay on her couch in boredom. There was nothing going on to her knowledge, so it was time to be lazy. But the area within her cleavage felt a bit itchy, so reaching in, she discovered a folded piece of paper. She unwrapped and read a strange note, saying to come to Roguetown Station at 8pm, tell no one. Signed with a heart. And something else written in pen, written Send rescue party to Roguetown Station May 3, at 3:00pm 'case Cheren don't call. Rachel quirked a brow. When did she get this? And from who? Glancing upward while her head lay on the armrest, she spotted the upside-down picture of her kids and… someone else. She flipped right-side-up to study this strange boy with brown hair, red glasses, and her familiar chestnut-brown eyes. She didn't remember this boy at all…
Midway Gala
Carol got bored after looking at her computer for awhile. But feeling something heavy in her pocket, she pulled out a 4DS. She doesn't remember asking her mom to buy this. It was paused on Mario Kart 4-D apparently, with Panini Drilovsky as a contact. Why would Carol have a 4DS and have Panini as a Friend? Er, apparently… the Mii belonged to some guy named Cheren.
KND Arctic Base
The teenager inside the farthest prison cell was panicking. He never felt this mad in his life. "H-H-How could I be so stupid?!" His eyes twitched. "Not choosing a successor?! Am I really that dumb?! This organization is doomed. Doomed and it's all my fault!!" Desperate gasps for breath.