56. Hybrid Theory

Today, we will meet a couple characters we haven't seen in ages.

Dream Realm; Hall of Doors

Jessie and Spongebob used Bubble Balloons, attached to their wands, to carry Mr. Dark's and Madotsuki's bodies. Murfy led them to a portal that was in a dead-end part of the river in the Hall of Doors. The portal was huge and in a circular enclosing, surrounded by blue pillars that had a faint night light. Blue butterflies also fluttered around it, and there were glass walls with intricate designs of magical creatures. The portal's label was Fairy Glade.

"Who needs a portal this big?" Jessie questioned.

"It belongs to a beautiful Fairy Princess called Mavis." Mesprit replied with an admiring smile. "It's full of so many fairies and magic and… cookies!"

"And she let the Teensies rent out a building to serve as their headquarters." Murfy followed. "They're the main law enforcers around Dream Land. I'm sure by now, they caught on to Bill's message and the monsters running around. We'll need their help if we're going to fix this mess. Follow me, fellas." He flew in first, and the others jumped in after.

Fairy Glade

The Fairy Glade's sky contrasted between orange sunset and indigo night with stars. It was likely in the midst of transition, but this type of contrast was still unrealistic. They crossed a great, long bridge to a humongous castle-like building – all of which was suspended above a bottomless waterfall chasm. Shiny blue fairies fluttered around. In the distance, there was a forest where green fairies (in the form of lights) roamed, and some of the stars were moving yellow lights, possibly fairies also.

"I've been to the council once before." Rayman mentioned. "It was after I beat Mr. Dark the first time. One of my friends, Ly the Fairy works here."

"I'm surprised you remember that, given your brain is all mush." Sheila remarked.

"I made it the best I could, given my limited time and instructions." April replied. "But it looks like it's suiting you well."

"Yeah, but my head feels a bit gooey." Rayman shook his head lightly.

"Here we are, folks." Murfy announced as they arrived at a dark yellow gate that was 20 stories high. "The gates to Teensonius: the Council of Teensies." The big-mouthed bug flew a few meters up and knocked the door with a little tap. There is no way anyone inside would've heard that, the kids thought.

A slot opened, revealing eyes against darkness. "You got an appointment or some ID?"

"We have a dead girl and a pair of burnt clothes?" Murfy responded in more of a questioning tone than a direct one.

"Mesprit here." The Firstborn shot up in front of Murfy and put her narrowed eyes at the slot. "Goddess of Emotion. We want in. You can tell because the seriousness in my voice is stronger than any mortal's."

"Ooo. Well, do excuse me, Your Godness." The slot closed. The area rumbled when the great gates slid open outward, forcing the group to back up. Murfy and Mesprit came back beside them as a troupe of waffle guards marched out of the gate, led by a human-like woman with big green lips, purple hair, a purple dress, and purple tattoos on her tan skin. Her legs were cross-legged as she was floating.

"Rayman…" She spoke with a soft, echoing voice.

"Ly!" Rayman beamed. "It's been months! Maybe even longer since I had my brain stolen…"

"Terrible things have befallen our world, Rayman… The Nightmares once imprisoned by the Bubble Dreamers have escaped, and the demon Bill Cipher has…"

"We already know that, Creepy Voice!" Sheila retorted. "But look! We have the Protoon back!" She grinned and presented the electrical sphere. "AND we caught that bloody Mr. Dark!"

"That is most fortunate… We must bring the Protoon inside. Come into the Council Chamber and we will discuss these matters."

Council Chamber

The Protoon was placed in a protection chamber where some Electoons levitated around it, as was Madotsuki's body. The scorched Mr. Dark was bound by energy balls linked into chains, seated on the defendant's chair while the others sat with the jury. The members of the Council of Teensies – whom were actually an assortment of creatures from different lands of the Dream World – were at their stands. The center, highest stand, awaited its occupant. And there he was, the King of Teensies himself: he was child-size like all Teensies and wore a green and purple robe. The tall, thin crown rested on his big-nosed blue head.

"As the King of the Teensies, I hereby call this meeting of the Council of Teensies to order!" As he spoke, another Teensie snuck up behind him, wearing the same garb. "We will begin by-"

The Teensie swiped the crown and put it on himself. "Don't listen to him! I'M the King of the Teensies!"

"Oh boy, not again." Murfy face-palmed.

Another Teensie took the crown. "Not true! I'm the King of the Teensies!"

Another took it. "No, me!"


"No, me!"


"Give it back-!"

"PICK A KING ALREADY!!" the kids shouted.

"Hahahahahahaha!" Mesprit laughed, sitting in a VIP chair.

"Look, let's just take turns like last time." The current "king" suggested. His cohorts complied and sunk below the stand. "Alright, before we get started, let's do role call and make sure everyone's present."

"Gumsi, King of the Knaaren Tribe, present!" a short, purple-skinned creature with a stone crown and scepter spoke.

"You sound like an old lady!" Sheila snapped.


Gumsi's voice actor broke his microphone while recording this line. Sorry about that.

"Ly of the Dream Fairies, present." Ly echoed.

"Sharkboy, King of the Ocean, present." A teenage boy in a shark suit followed.

"King of his ocean, in case you're confused." Murfy whispered to his friends.

"WHAT'S UP, Brozacks?" a tan-skinned, muscular teenage boy with blonde hair greeted cheerily. "My name's Xyler! This is my bro, Craz."

"Yo, council dudes!" Xyler, a blue-haired teen with peach skin and a red and white jacket, joined in. "I just want everyone here to have a radical time while we're up here delivering justice."

"The law is AWESOME, dude!" Craz exclaimed. They high-fived.

"We're still missing one more person." King Teensie indicated the empty seat. "It's… Ah, he's over there!"

The council members all faced the jury. Their eyes seemed to direct at Murfy. The humans looked at Murfy. Everyone was now facing Murfy. The big-teethed bug looked confused. "…OH, that's right!" He grinned. "I'M in the Council of Teensies!"

"THAT'S NEW!" the kids yelped.

"Hey, when I'm not helpin' Sheila, I pretty much get hammered." Murfy said as he flew up to his chair. "Can't expect me to keep track of everything."

"Now that everyone's present, I will call this meeting to order." King Teensie banged the gavel, then stepped down as the next Teensie took the crown.

"Thaddeus Dark, for the second time, has stolen the Great Protoon and has wrought terror over the Dream Realm, with the assistance of notorious Black Lum, André."

"It wasn't just them." Murfy said. "The Magician, Ales Mansay was in league with them all along. He's been using a Bubble Dreamer's powers to mutate Lums."

"But wasn't Mansay one of Rayman's friends?" Sharkboy inquired. "He helped Rayman beat Mr. Dark the first time. Why is he suddenly Dark's accomplice?"

"I'm not sure why, all I know is he had a ton of Mr. Dark merchandise in his room. You don't believe me, ask Mesprit."

"NO, don't ask me, I don't remember anything! !" Mesprit panicked like a girl who didn't do her homework.

"They used Mesprit's power to fuel an energy cannon, which Mansay used to destroy the Sea of Bubbles." Murfy explained. "He freed Bill Cipher in the process. Then, Mr. Dark tricked the Bubble Dreamer, Madotsuki into killing herself in the Dream World. Bill Cipher stole her reality and is now running rampant in the real world."

"That is some cold ice, Bromeo." Xyler said.

"Whooooaa!" Craz gaped. "Ice IS cold, man!"

"That's how I emphasize the severity of these events."

"So, is Bill the one that burned Dark into a crisp right here?" Sharkboy asked.

"That is also an ironic play on words!" Craz beamed.

"I hate the idea of Bill doing our work for us." King Teensie said. "How else could we punish him?"

"BURN HIM ON A STAKE!" Gumsi roared.

"HEY!!" Harvey shot a hand up and stood. "Do you guys even know why Mr. Dark did all this?!"

"You're going to defend him?" the king asked before another Teensie succeeded him.

"No. I agree that everything he did was bad, but it was only because nobody helped his creator, Madotsuki."

"We are aware of this." Ly spoke. "The majority vote was to ignore the dark and distorted dreamscape. I disagreed."

"We only became members a few months ago, so someone needs to fill us in." said Xyler.

"I mean, we definitely woulda helped a little girl if she was in danger." Craz reasoned. "You hear me, ladies??"

"We love you, Craaaaz!" The girls in the audience screamed.

"That's right! You're ALL my Dream Girls!"

". . . ." The girls fell silent. They all put on vicious expressions and cried, "There can only be OOOOONE!" Then they began to tear each other apart.

"This is a fun council!" Spongebob smiled.

"ENOOOOUUGH!" King Teensie banged his gavel furiously. "We have more pressing concerns than Mr. Dark's punishment! How we're going to round up all the monsters, and what we're going to do about Bill Cipher."

"Excuse me." April Goldenweek stood and raised her hand. "Regarding the Bill Cipher problem, we need to bring him back to the Dream World so we can get Madotsuki's reality back."

"That's right!" Sheila stood and fist-palmed. "We'll beat the snot outta him and drag him on back here!"

"Bill Cipher is too dangerous to be kept alive." King Teensie argued. "If the opportunity to kill him were to present itself, I would take it. One human's existence is worth sacrificing."

"DON'T SAY THAT!" Harvey shouted. "Madotsuki doesn't deserve ANY of this! People've been using her in the worst ways you can imagine and nobody helped her! We need to get back the life that Bill TOOK from her!"

"WHAT life?!" Gumsi snapped. "According to our real-world records, that child had a CRAPPY life! She had nothing to live for, and getting back her reality in exchange for Bill returning HERE, she will STILL have nothing to live for!"

"Did you not hear Bill's message?" Ly asked. "By switching realities with a Bubble Dreamer, he can have power in both worlds. At least if Bill were to regain his Imaginary existence, he would have limits."

"But we can't KILL Bill in this world!" Sharkboy argued. "Maybe in the real world, they can actually get rid of him!"

"I never noticed those words rhyme!" Craz said. "Brony, remind me to never give my kid a name that rhymes with a negative word."

"Well said, Broniack."

"I love making up synonyms for 'brother'!"

"REALLY? I do, too! Are we even brothers?"

"Our parents mighta switched us at birth!"


"SHUT YOUR MOUTHS or I'll make up a bunch of synonyms for JAWBREAKER!" Sharkboy balled his fist and bared his jaws.

"We cannot give the mortals the burden of slaying Bill." King Teensie said before his crown was seized.

"Don't underestimate us." Sheila said. "We're pretty bloody strong."

"But we can't kill him in the real world." Harvey followed. "We need to bring him back here so we can get Madotsuki's reality back."

"No." Mesprit stated. The Firstborn floated down to the center of the room. "What we should do first… is ask Madotsuki what she wants. We must ask her if she prefers the life of a Dream Spirit, or if she would like a new life in the real world with new potential friends. We could associate with her either way. Then, depending on her answer, we will decide the method in which to defeat Bill."

They hadn't thought of that. Everyone was murmuring conversations. "Yes. That is a good idea." April said, remembering a similar situation. "We will ask Madotsuki's opinion."

"…Yeah." Harvey smiled.

"Very well. All in favor for leaving the decision regarding which means we shall deal with Bill—as well as the ultimate fate of Thaddeus Dark—to Madotsuki?" King Teensie asked. He, Murfy, Ly, Craz, and Xyler raised their hands. "All opposed?" Sharkboy and Gumsi raised theirs. "Motion carried." He banged the gavel.

"OH, phooey." Gumsi cursed.

"Before we continue, is there anything Mr. Dark would like to say and is able to say?"

"Cough…" Mr. Dark's glaring yellow eyes were the only highlighted feature on his blackened body. "You fools are still… ignorant."

"Noted." King Teensie the Fifth nodded. "Have him ironically taken to the cage for now."

Two Electoons flew in with helicopter hair, smirking as they began to carry Mr. Dark to the Cage of Irony. "Now, what of André and Ales Mansay? Where are they now?"

"André got away after the Bill Cipher bit." Murfy answered.

"And I just kicked Mansay up to the stars." Sheila said casually.

"I won't mind helping track them down." Rayman offered. "I still need to find Globox, too."

"I'll send my Knaaren out to fight the Nightmares!" Gumsi announced. "But we won't make very much progress without any Bubble Dreamers."

"That sponge kid and that Indian boy over there are Bubble Dreamers." Murfy pointed.

"We know. They're the ones who caught Bill Cipher days ago." King Teensie affirmed. "No doubt, they are powerful. But they alone cannot capture them all."

"My Creator's a Bubble Dreamer, too." Sharkboy said. "But he doesn't need a cheesy bubble wand to make stuff."

"Given the likelihood we would unite them together, I have called for another Bubble Dreamer." Ly echoed. "And I sense his arrival now."

The doors opened at the entrance of the center aisle. The audience looked in his direction. A pair of small, green flipper feet flopped across the floor. It was an old frog with a white beard and yellow eyes with bushy brows. He was walking with a cane and had a pipe in his mouth. "Excuse my late arrival." He blew bubbles from the pipe.

"'ey, I know him!" Sheila pointed. "He's the old frog from the Toad World!"

"Yes, I am Don Gero." He blew bubbles. "I remember you as well, Miss Frantic. I am a subject to Toad Sage Gamamaru. And yes, I am a Bubble Dreamer."

"Madotsuki's Bubble Dreamer powers may still be usable to her, despite being a Dream Spirit." King Teensie predicted. "We must repair her body soon. Ly, you will explain to Don Gero our dilemma, and Sharkboy, you will call for your Creator. Council, dismissed." He banged the gavel once more.

"Eh… I don't know about those guys." Harvey said as the council and audience began to clear out. "What if Madotsuki wants her reality back, but they won't let her?"

"'o says we 'ave to do what they say?" Sheila smirked. "We're still gonna beat Bill and make him give it back, anyway."

"But how do we fight Bill in the real world, anyway?" April asked. "Do Bubble Dreamer powers work there?"

"No." said Jessie.

"Did you forget who we are, April?" asked Sheila. "Me mates are the toughest blokes you could ever see. We'll all gang up on Bill!"

"Did you forget what we've been doing all month, Sheila? We've been fighting enough enemies already. This Seven Lights Quest gives us too much on our plate. Sure, until now, we've been coming through okay, but there are too many enemies for all of us to just focus on one. We don't know how powerful Bill is, and by the time we beat him, we'll be so exhausted, the other enemies can attack us. Heck, Bill might even be attacking our friends right-"

"'ey." Sheila put a finger over April's lips. "Take a few examples from Chimney why don'tcha. She's the only one of your sector I respect. She kicks more arse than all of ya, and wouldn't say things like that. …Mocha's pretty strewth, too, but not as much as me."

"…You're right." April smiled. "I guess we should stay positive. Plus, we can't forget about the GKND either. We have loads of planet KNDs as our allies. So in the event we all get reduced to bones and ashes, they'll jump in next."

"That's… better?"

"Oh, but now we have to get Harvey to the real world, right?" Spongebob remembered. "How do we do that?"

"Oh, I can do that!" Mesprit smiled. "As a creator of the Dream Realm, I have the ability to warp between worlds. I can take people with me."

"So is this your real body?" Harvey asked.

"It is. I'll take ya back if you like." She winked.

"Um… I'm worried about Madotsuki."

"Don't worry, I'll take care of her." Murfy assured with his big grin. "I got plenty of duct tape upstairs just for this occasion."

"But even if I come back, I won't be able to make you my Firstborn, Mesprit. I didn't save Mado and I'm not even good at emotionbending."

"Oh, blah blah. Your mom didn't know any more than shooting a laser, but she caught me easy. I thought your performance was top notch!" Mesprit grinned. "I say you're ready for me."

"Heh… really?" He smiled sheepishly.

"Yeah, just be thankful I'm not Azelf. She is like, SUPER critical! Making her Guardian slay a powerful demon before catching her?? Sheesh! Then there's Uxie with the whole brainiac quiz thing…"

"But I'm gonna need to learn more emotionbending before I can be any help. Will you teach me?"

"Aw, I'd be happy to, Harvey. But Emotion's a tricky element to master. You can't be great at it in just a few weeks."

"Maybe… but I don't feel like I deserve to be your Guardian until…"

"Until you can kick a bit more butt, am I right?" Sheila asked with a grin. "Gettin' stronger is always better when ya have something to work toward! I gotta admit, I admire ya for doin'-"

"On second thought, screw it, I chased a girl around her disturbing dream world, which is more than my mom ever did, so I'm gonna capture you the second we get home!" Harvey decided.

"Fair enough!" Mesprit beamed.

"OH, lame!" Sheila scoffed.

"You know what else I was thinking we'd do?" April asked. "Bring our friends here to meet Madotsuki. We'll find their dream worlds."

"Actually, maybe we should bring people that Madotsuki can… relate to." Harvey suggested. "People that've had bad pasts. Like Phosphora."

"Or Mary. Yeah, I think that would be best."

"Oi, should we go back to the real world and tell our mates about what's happened?" Sheila asked.

"Yeah, we should." Harvey agreed. "I wonder if Bill Cipher made himself popular, yet."

KND Moonbase

DOIIIIINNNG! Sector V, W7, and many others gaped at the horrible state Moonbase was now in. "I'm guessing Bill Cipher said 'hi.'" Jessie remarked.

"Yes, he did." Cheren sighed.

"AZZIIIIEEEEE!" Mesprit flew up and hugged her sister, twirling in the air.

"MESSIIIIIEEEE!" Azelf hugged back.

"I missed you so much!"

"I missed you, too!! Let me examine your Power Level!"

"No, we'll overwhelm the kids!"

"Who cares, we're Firstborn, they expect us to be powerful!"

"Cheren!" Panini and Francis ran up to the Supreme Leader, holding an empty T.H.E.R.M.O.S.. "The Weapons Storage was broken open, and the shadow we were holding in this T.H.E.R.M.O.S. escaped!"

"Marcus called from the Arctic Base," Francis began, "and the World Leader escaped! She freed the Teen Ninjas, Gideon, Sector DR, AND the old Supreme Leader!"

"ABRAM JOHNSON ESCAPED?!" Cheren screamed.

"NO FREAKING WAY!" Sheila panicked.

"This is terrible!" April followed.

"…Um… Can someone tell me who that is?" Mocha asked.

Cheren bit his teeth, remembering his former commander very well.

3 years ago

When 6-year-old Cheren was admitted to the KND, he was given the honor of Supreme Leader's assistant. He was so proud, and operatives like Karin and Sunni were jealous.

"I do solemnly swear to do everything you say!" Cheren saluted in a way that was adorable for a child. A single loose tooth hung from his mouth. "No ifs, ands, butts, or any negative or unexciting remarks!"

He mostly organized the office, carried papers and food, and got a status report on his operatives. But every once and a while, an operative came to Abram to request him something. One day, Dipper Pines, who was 3 years older than Cheren, came to the office.

"So like, my great-uncle owns this Mystery Shack in Gravity Falls, Oregon, which is kinda close to Sector O, and well, to get to the point, I was thinking of starting my own independent sector where we like, solve mysteries that could be beneficiary to the KND."

"No, it's a waste of space. We don't need a sector like that."

"But I wrote a five-page proposal on how a mystery-based sector could be helpful-"

"You'll go back to your treehouse and go on missions like any other sector. Any more talk on your 'proposal' will fall on deaf ears."

"Um… alright." Dipper left, feeling disappointed.

"HOWDEH, Supreme LEADUH!" Numbuh 2=1 from Sector E greeted with enthusiasm. "S'listen, the fellas at my treehouse… don't have a good opinion on my… preferences. So, I was wondering if I could change sectors."

"If you don't like how they treat you, don't be gay. I don't believe that 'it's not a choice' crud."

"Heh, well I can't just CHANGE how I am. I mean, boys are handsome, don'tcha agree?"

"Even if I do give you a different sector, they'll just mock you, too, it's not a common thing."

"Well, maybe we can build a treehouse in my homeland and invite OTHER gay operatives to join! We'll have fun and no one can judge us! It's perfect!"

"I'm not wasting resources on that, so scram. Either deal with your sector or just quit."

"But I-… sigh." Bon Clay's bright smile faltered. As he left, dressed in his swan suit, Cheren looked at Abram with spite.

"Greetings, Earthling Child Commander!" Nebula D. Winkiebottom, at 8 years old, greeted with a happy, though nervous smile. She spoke in a way that Cheren thought she wasn't sure what she was doing. "Do not be alarmed, but I am an alien from a distant galaxy. I have recently established an all-kid organization known as the New Galactic Kids Next Door. Unlike the GKND you might have heard in stories, our goal is to establish peace in the universe for kids and adults everywhere. I am currently looking for KNDs to form alliances with, so that all kids may aid and support each other if the need should arise. My organization is founded on friendship. I would very much like you to be a part of it."

"It sounds cool!" Cheren perked. "Do it, Sir, do it!"

"No." Abram said firmly.

"I implore you to read the treaty I specially designed for this." Nebula said, pulling a paper out of her tux. "If we become allies, we will provide your organization with new technology, protect your planet from foreign invaders, and-"

"You alien scum tried to destroy the universe, get lost."

"Oh…" Nebula frowned. "If that is your wish. I will return in the future to see if you changed your mind." She warped on the spot.

"OI!" Chimney shouted at the Supreme Leader during a graduation ceremony. "What you mean Aeincha can't join?! She KILLED in the Spy Course!"

"A child that small will never survive. If she is meant to serve as a treehouse hamster or a pet, she doesn't need to enter her DNA."

"Chimney, it's okay." Young and tiny Aeincha said. "As long as I can still be with you guys-"

"NO!" Chimney leapt and gripped her hands and feet onto Abram's shirt. "Aeincha can walk and talk like any person, and I want her to be treated like ANY operative!"

"The Code Module won't even be able to recognize-"

"DNA accepted." The supercomputer spoke. Abram gasped, seeing Aisa holding Aeincha, and her finger in the Code Module. She shot a taunting grin at Abram. "Please, choose your codename and sector."

"I choose Numbuh 76.2 and Sector W7!" Aeincha proclaimed.

"TAKE YOUR BOOGER OUT OF THAT!" Abram stomped over and snatched the Lilliputian, squeezing her tightly.

"Ow! Okay, I will, please stop it! AAAAHH!"

"HEY, what's the big idea?!" Paula Doublefinger of Sector GD shouted. "She's only a little girl! Er, no pun intended."

"YEAH, Mr. Macho!" Jinta Hanakari stomped up, looking furious. "If you're gonna ban someone for being little, why not Ururu?!"

"P-Please don't reference me, Jinta-kun." Ururu blushed.

"I thought the KND was about protecting kids, NOT hurting 'em!" Dillon yelled.

"Maybe we should get a new leader!" Chris shouted.

Nearly the entire audience began shouting protests as some operatives climbed on stage, approaching Abram with fists raised. "GIVE AEINCHA BACK!" Chimney leapt from behind, grabbed Aeincha, and ran away.

"YOU PATHETIC-!" Abram whipped around, swinging his fist to punch Chimney—he socked Cheren in the eye and broke his glasses, knocking the younger child back.

"BRO!" Chris and Aurora yelped.

"YOU FUCKING PRICK!" Panini pounced on the tall, muscular leader, furiously pounding his head, but Abram grabbed her shirt and held her away.

"A PRICK, huh?! How about I throw all you twerps in Arctic Prison with nothing but your underwear?!" As the leader spoke, Cheren was on the ground, holding a hand over his left eye. There were small bits of glass punched inside of it. "That oughta straighten up you whiny-…" Cheren's sadness, hate, and anger molded into one, burning in his right eye. He glared at his Supreme Leader, for whom these feelings burned for.

"AAAAHH!" Cheren flew up and PUNCHED the boy across the chamber, smashing some audience chairs. Everyone gaped at Cheren. He was on fire, and his body was darker. The left eye that had been injured was a fiery yellow. The adorable boy who was loyal to his leader looked like a demon.

Abram recovered and growled at his traitorous assistant. He stormed up to deal punishment—Cheren zipped behind, grabbed Abram's neck, and started dragging Abram all around the auditorium, scraping his face on the floor and carving a trail. Cheren moved faster than anyone ever saw him. When Cheren was finished, he leapt up to the ceiling, faced Abram at the Code Module's pedestal as they rocketed down, and SMASHED his head through it.

Abram didn't show motion and didn't speak. Having let his anger out, Cheren's flames poofed, his color returned, and he fell over exhausted. …His loose tooth fell out.


"Are you okay, Cheren?" Aurora asked her brother as he lay in a bed.

"Yeah… I don't remember anything. …W-What happened to Abram?"

"You went Dark Super Sonic on him. He's okay, but… we're thinking of putting him in Arctic Prison. We'd kinda like a new leader."

"Maybe you're right… Who were you thinking?"

"Find out yourself." Aurora threw open the room's curtain—they were actually on the stage in the center of the Sooper Convention Center. When Cheren peeked out, everybody was cheering him, raising banners that read CHEREN, flags with his face, and flags with an "X" over Abram's face. "While you were out, we had an election. It lasted for… an hour. There were other votes for like Doflamingo and Mabel, but the majority is, well… you."

"But why do they want me?? I dunno how to be leader!"

"Yes, you do! Cheren, you think we don't hear you talking to yourself every day after you come home? 'I think a friendship with GKND would be cool' and 'What's wrong with an all-gay sector or a mystery sector?' Cheren, you might not have experience, but you sound to me like you'd make a way better leader than Abram! Just try it out. I'll help you get started if you want."

The operatives were cheering outside, eagerly expecting their new leader to walk out and acknowledge them. "Well, I did have a few ideas… Fine, I'll give it a shot."

Current time

"…Wow… They made you leader just because you went Demon Mode on a bully?" Anthony said, astonished. "Rock on, Cuz!"

"Why would you say that, YOU'RE a bully!" Aranea remarked.

"Well, Vweeb didn't stand up to me, he just got all you guys to gang up on me!"

"And then Abram joined the Teen Ninjas." Cheren continued. "He broke out of prison and attacked us a few times before we caught him again. Sigh… but I guess he's free again."

"His last name was Johnson?" Jessie asked. "Is he related to Shelly?"

"I just noticed that, actually. Is Abram Shelly's cousin, do you know?"

"I could ask her."

"Sigh, I'm not sure it would matter much, though. Man, Moonbase is a mess…"

"I would be willing to repair it for you." Everyone turned to face Mom, whose three sons were standing in a line like soldiers.

"What's the catch?" Cheren cocked a brow.

"The catch is that I need a place to lay low. And I still want you to kill Morgan."

"I'm not going to kill Aunt Morgan. Just maybe, really hurt her… real bad. We'll accept your help, Mom, but you'll be monitored. We'll also lock you in a cell after we finish repairing."

"You're not very trusting, are you?" Mom remarked.

"Is that a deal-breaker?"

"No, I'll still help. But it won't be long until you'll desire my assistance again." The woman smirked.

"And why would we? Dare I ask?" Carol retorted.

Mom's face wrinkled and showed her teeth in her smirk. "Let's just say you'll want a ride to the Great Clock."

Planet Poké; Giovanni's Mansion

Giovanni's mansion was built in the middle of a forest. It was a massive whitish-yellow building with a red roof, four castle-like towers, and had the security one would expect from a military fortress. Team Rocket Agents patrolled inside and outside the electric fences and around the ground turrets. Darcy Chariton and Lucario slightly lowered their camouflage cloaks as they were backed against a tree, studying the mansion.

"So is this they place they got my mom trapped?" Darcy asked.

"I do not feel your mother's aura." Lucario spoke telepathically. "However, I am sensing two different, very powerful auras. And one of them… belongs to Mew."

"Mew is in here? Really?"

"Yes. Now is your chance to put your new skills to the test, Darcy." Lucario showed faith and strictness in his narrowed left eye, the only one visible to Darcy from this sideways perspective. "I have toured you around Poké's regions to teach you the ways of Elemental Martial Arts so you will have the strength to save Mew from this prison. Once we have succeeded, we may return to Earth. You and Sunni will be able to show each other your newfound strength with proud faces."

"But what about saving my mom?"

"We will rescue Mikaela in time. I am sure she will love to see her two daughters again, and how far they progressed."

"All right, then…" Darcy narrowed her eyes at the base. "Time to show them what I'm made of." (Play "Baron's Palace" from Daxter!)

Stage 59: Pokémon Palace

Mission: Rescue Mew.

A group of agents outside the fence marched left, while a group inside marched right. When both groups passed, Darcy squatted down, channeled strength inside her legs, and performed an Air Jump. She landed over the fence, but quickly hid in her Camouflage Cloak before the agents turned and came back. Two Magnezones were floating over the next fence, but when neither they or the agents were looking, she Air Jumped over the fence and camouflaged again.

From here, Darcy was in view of the stairs to the front entrance. Darcy wouldn't be able to creep up the stairs under camouflage, so she snuck to the left side of the stairs to do a weaker Air Jump. She landed on the spot before the entrance and quickly cloaked to hide from the agent coming up the stairs. He slipped a card key through the slot, and when the door allowed him entry, Darcy crept in without his knowing.

The Rocket Agent headed to a door on their right. Darcy was inside the palace foyer, which was brightly lit by sunlight through the windows. "Intruder in the palace foyer. Activate security defenses." The alarms started blaring, and Darcy saw holes open up on the floor. Spikes rose—Darcy had already Air Jumped and landed on a small platform on the side of the wall. Three Magnetons came out and blasted electric balls, which Darcy blocked with a psychic shield before psychically grabbing the Pokémon and throwing them against each other.

The spikes wouldn't allow Darcy to access any ground floors, so she would have to take the route above the foyer stairs. Darcy Air Jumped, used psychic to float atop the ceiling chandelier, and from there jump to the top of the stairs. (Since she wasn't a master of psychic, she couldn't float for too long.) The door was sealed to keep her out, so Darcy would use what is probably her least favorite Element Style: she channeled strength to her head, making it hard as rock as she bashed it against the door. She did it three times until it was dented enough for her to pull open with psychic. She would always need a moment to let the dizzy feeling settle.

The next hallway was gold-colored, lined with vases with Pokémon designs, a red carpet, and security lasers skimming in any direction. There was a Bronzong hovering near the ceiling, shooting Psycho Spheres that Darcy threw back. The Bronzong fell to the ground in defeat. A short wall of lasers blocked her path, but when Darcy tried to jump over, they changed position to keep her blocked. Darcy grabbed the Bronzong in psychic and discovered that his steel body was immune to the lasers. She used him as a shield to get past them, then held the steel bell above her to protect from ceiling lasers. A single laser locked on Darcy and followed her, so she kept the Bronzong in an appropriate position to block it.

Darcy turned left at the end and came to a large room set over a pool of water. Darcy dropped the Bronzong, having served its purpose, and jumped a set of platforms with Goldeen jumping up in-between, to poke intruders with their spikes. Darcy landed on a walkway where a trio of Totodile all blasted Water Guns at her. Darcy swung her arms and legs nimbly, catching their water with her Fishman Karate and knocking the Pokémon off the edge by sending it back. She would have to cross a large gap with three fire columns blocking her way. Thankfully, Tentacools were spitting water up at her, so Darcy redirected it with quick hand thrusts and put out the fire.

She Air Jumped across the gap to land on the platform, then had to use Fishman Karate on another fire spire a few feet to her right. She Air Jumped across, but instead of a flat foothold, she had to kick off a rectangular sideways platform, using Air Jump to go higher, and Wall Jump her way up several sideways platforms before she landed on a new floor at the top. There was a fountain in the center, and several Rocket Agents flying with jetpacks.

The agents summoned Gardevoirs to create shields that would bounce away projectile attacks, so the Quilavas inside the shields could shoot fire at Darcy without hassle. Darcy dodged the flames and jumped through each Gardevoir's shield to knock the psychics unconscious. She then used Fishman Karate to grab water from the fountain and knock the Quilavas out. The Rocket Agents sent Geodudes next, but Darcy could defeat the Rock-types with water as well, then tossed Psycho Spheres to blow the agents out of the air. Darcy headed for an elevator and rode it one floor down. She exited into a room with many plants and flowers, providing a lovely fragrance.

Some of these plants were actually camouflaged Victreebels, who seized the chance to snatch Darcy in their mouths when she came close. She was caught by one of the hungry bell-plants, squirming furiously until it spat her out. Angered, Darcy balled her fists and channeled enough power to them until they were red with flames. She punched the Plant-types out of submission, then tried to get a handle on her whereabouts. Half of the room was blocked off by a pool of poison sludge. She could climb up a vine wall on the opposite side from the sludge, avoiding the Spinaraks crawling on it.

She climbed to a platform with two small handles on the wall. Darcy faced the room, grabbed the handles, jumped, and pulled the handles while planting her feet against the wall. The handles allowed her to keep a firm stance on the wall, building momentum in her squat legs. When ready, Darcy Air Jumped and flew across the room, over the poison river and to the other side. There was a walkway that sloped up along the wall, leading to a door, but thick brambles were grown over parts of the walkway from the ground. There were weak stems that Darcy could break with Fire Kung-Fu—but she chose to destroy the one closest to the door and simply Air Jump above the path.

A Donphan rolled out of the doorway and pushed her back to the lower ground. She couldn't get close enough or have good view of the elephant Pokémon without it rolling out and pushing her. Darcy decided to Flame Punch and destroy the other brambles, but when she set foot on the path, the Donphan rolled out and knocked her away again, and it was too strong for her to grab in psychic. When Darcy looked around, she found a Rattata wandering in the grass of the flora-filled floor. She caught the rat and took it with her up the path. The Donphan rolled out—it freaked at the sight of the rat and jumped off the path. Darcy giggled, throwing the Rattata to chase the elephant while she proceeded.

She entered a library corridor with lights on the orange ceiling, and some books were dropped on the green-tiled floor. "This place looks kinda nice." Darcy smiled, walking forward as she viewed the books. "Would Giovanni mind if I-"

When she stepped on a dropped book, a laser shot it—she jumped back with a start, heart racing rapidly. "Okay, I guess not! Gee, how much security does this guy need? Talk about freaking paranoid." A wall of lasers blocked a wide archway, but there was a big gap at the top, so Darcy could Air Jump and float through it. More lasers blocked access further down, but the right hall was open, except for floor lasers. Darcy Air Jumped and swung the ceiling lights across the floor, setting foot on the other side where it was safe.

She could then turn down a left passage—a Rocket Agent commanded a Pidgeotto to use Gust and keep Darcy from crossing the hall. Darcy put her Earth Style to use and stomped through the strong wind with sheer force. When she was close enough, she blew the bird away with psychic and knocked the agent out. Darcy turned left and was now behind the laser wall that blocked her previously. The next hall had books lain everywhere around the floor, and bookless areas on the wall shelves. Given what happened before, lasers would shoot Darcy if she touched the books. She leapt to the first bookless area, kicked to the next one with Air Jump, and repeated until she landed before the elevator.

Darcy rode further down and came to a basement level. "I'm actually feeling Mew's presence, too. He can't be too far away." Darcy cloaked herself when the elevator opened in case anyone was waiting for her. Indeed, a Noctowl was peering at the elevator with glowing red eyes, looking very eerie in the dark hallway. The owl was confused as to why no one was in there, so it looked right. Darcy crawled out during this time, hiding under its perch. Several Noctowl were skimming the hall with searchlight eyes, so Darcy kept under her cloak and crawled through. She had to stop when their eyes directed at her, for they would notice the ripple of her cloak.

At the end of the passage, she could stand up and walk down a dimly lit stairwell of grated steps. At the bottom, she passed through a hallway with cages of rare and unique Pokémon, like pink Rhyhorn, Butterfree with faces on their wings, a four-headed Dodrio, a tiny Golem, and many others. There was a doorway at the end of the hall. She hid behind it and peeked into the room. (End song.)

A thin bridge with no railing led to a machine with a three-computer keyboard. There was a glass capsule above it. The man inside the capsule had tan skin and long, spiky white hair. He had blue dragon tattoos, wore a necklace of dragon fangs, black pants, and his muscular body was shirtless. There were also several huge areas of burned flesh, and he was missing his right arm. There was a smaller glass case stationed above him: it contained none other than the Firstborn, Mew. Cords were transferring Mew's pink energy into the sleeping man's capsule.

The person operating the controls appeared to be a man-size robot, which had a wooden board for a head, inside a glass helmet. "The project is nearing completion, Master Giovanni." The scientist spoke in a British accent. "This is a most fascinating body you found… Where did you say you discovered him, again?"

"I found him from the remains of the Lunar Sanctum. Lesser Lord Gnik told me he was there." Giovanni's silhouette spoke on a screen. "He ordered me to use Mew's power to revitalize his energy. Apparently, even though his body is a corpse, this man kept his soul bound to it and kept his flesh from decaying too quickly. Lord Gnik wants him to destroy the Moon Planet, Lunaria. It works in our favor, since we have a need to find Lunaria as well. Make sure you finish soon, Dr. 20x40." The screen went off.

"Will do, Sir. I am most interested in what this man's power can do for us. …You can come out of hiding now, girl. My assistant has ears like a squirrel."

"Yeep!" Darcy flinched. She sighed and walked out of the doorway, crossing the bridge that led to the machine. She stopped halfway and asked, "Why didn't you tell Giovanni someone was spying on you?"

"He did not need anymore concerns. Besides, you do not look like someone worth having concern for. Don't you agree, Johnny?" The cyborg turned around. Johnny 20x40 had a psychotic and maniacal grin on his face, which was the only human part of his robotic body. His friend of superior intelligence, Plank 20x40, was set on top, though his wood was slightly withered and his left eye was smeared red.

"Oooooh!" Darcy gaped and pointed. "I know you! You're that Plank guy that was in the first part of the Firstborn Story, but you were like, so lame!"

"Yes… I had assumed conquering the world with an army of living mutant planks would be easy." Plank recollected, staring at his left cyborg hand. "Apparently, not. Poor little Johnny here became a victim of a horrible car crash. Team Rocket found us and created this convenient new body for us. Now we work for them."

"Well, if that doesn't put you two closer. So, what is this machine? What're you using Mew for?"

"This device is the R System, created for the purpose of reviving the fallen through means of a super powerful life support. Have you ever read the book on Hybrid Theory? Well, part of it reads that Mew is the original hybrid, as he possesses the DNA of all creatures and can become anything. By using his power, a hybrid is able to unlock the full potential of one or all of his genes, and become a formidable force."

"So that guy is a hybrid? Of what?"

"You do not need to know that. In any case, we have big plans for this subject, and we will not let you disrupt them. It is time to demolish you." Plank pressed a switch on the terminal, and the bridge dropped Darcy down to a wide floor below. Darcy looked up as the cyborg hovered with jetshoes.

"HWAH hwah hwah!" Johnny laughed. "HWOW, Pwank! Do we make awesome traps or HWHAT?!"

"Yes yes, settle down, dear John. Ah, it is ever so nice to be in control of both the brains and the brawn. I wonder how efficient this psychokinetic is in either world? We shall soon find out." (Play Megahammer's Theme from Mario Galaxy 2!)

Boss fight: John-Plank 20x40

John-Plank aimed their right arm at Darcy, which became a cannon that shot bombshells at the floor, creating electrical shockwaves that Darcy jumped with careful timing. The cyborg flew circles around her, shooting more bombshells as Darcy rapidly jumped them. John-Plank flew down to start swinging punches, but Darcy was swift to avoid, ducking and kicking them off their left leg, then punching Johnny in the face. "Ow!" She shook her hand from the pain.

"I would not do that." Plank smirked. "He is more bulk than blood nowadays." He activated the jetshoes, flipped up in the air, and slammed his feet down at Darcy, but she dodged once more, focusing power to her fists, lighting them with fire, and dealing a storm of fast heated punches. "Just pray you don't overheat!"

The cyborg felt its temperature rise and Plank's marker face drip a little. When his defense was down, Darcy leapt and kicked Plank's capsule off the body. Johnny seemed to wobble dizzily and hunch forward mindlessly, so Darcy seized the chance to attack Plank. However, Johnny's eyes suddenly burned red, crying a "YODELY YODELY YOO!" as he charged at Darcy, flailing his arms, and punched her with enough force to fling her several yards. She got up and saw the cyborg charge at her again, so she squatted her legs and jumped high into the air, then she spun like a drill and dove at him headfirst with her body on fire.

She smashed the cyborg against the floor, jumped to her feet, then tossed a Psycho Sphere to knock Johnny a short distance. She saw Plank's castle floating with mini rockets, so she Air Jumped up and kicked him, cracking his glass. Johnny caught Plank and reattached him to his body, his red eyes returning to their normal craziness. "Johnny can't bear to be separated from me. He goes a tad wild, you see. Now we need a recharge, do excuse us." The robot grabbed some Pokéballs from slots in their body and threw them open.

A Blastoise and a Venusaur shot Water Gun and Vine Whip, to which Darcy used Fishman Karate to redirect the water and cut the vines. She saw two Magnemites channeling a gentle electric charge into John-Plank's body, so Darcy kicked a water strip up and caused the cyborg to electrocute. "NOWEEEEE!" Johnny screeched. "NANIIIIII!" His jetboots malfunctioned and began to fly him around the room. "Neenonee-NY-NOOOOO!" He crashed into Mew's cage on the R System, cracking the glass.

Darcy grabbed the Venusaur with psychic and slammed him against the Blastoise, then readied herself when the cyborg flew down again. John-Plank shot two bombs from his hands to land on Darcy's left and right—they POPPED a blinding flash that made Darcy dizzy, giving the cyborg the chance to punch her several meters away. "HWAH HWAH! We got that psycho freak GOOD, huh Pwank??"

"Okay, psychicbenders are a normal thing now, so that slur lost its touch." Darcy said as she rubbed her head. "And you don't even deserve to use it, you Cyfreak!" She threw a Psycho Sphere, but John-Plank dodged and rocketed at her. She dodged right, and when the cyborg turned around, Darcy was gone.

"HEHN?! Where she GWO, Pwank?!"

"Keep your ears open, Johnny. She cannot hide from you for long." The cyborg began pacing around the room, listening intently for the sneaky psychic. Darcy was crouched on the ground with the Camouflage Cloak over herself. She quietly sidestepped left when John-Plank was about to pass close by. When Darcy had a good view of his back, she Air Kicked at and grabbed hold. "DAH! Johnny, on our back!"

"I'm more annoying than a monkey, aren't I?" Darcy used Psycho Stun on his back and caused him to short-circuit again. John-Plank flew around with rocket shoes in attempt to blow her off, but Darcy held on and maneuvered his flight path. She flew them up and around the R System, and crashed the cyborg into Mew's capsule again. Darcy fell back to the floor while John-Plank hovered above her.

"Perhaps THIS chap will give you a shock!" John-Plank released an Electabuzz from a Pokéball. Darcy made a psychic shield to block its Thunder Shock, then threw a Psycho Sphere at the Electric-type. John-Plank grabbed her from behind by the shirt, rocketing upward, spinning around, and hurling Darcy headfirst at the ground. She was quick to raise her arms up, plant her hands on the floor upon landing, and bounce herself to the ceiling with an Air Jump. During which, her legs bent against the ceiling, giving strength for another Air Jump toward John-Plank, spinning in a Flame Drill and ramming Johnny in the face.

The cyborg crashed on the floor as Plank fell off of him. Johnny's eyes turned red, but he turned around to retrieve his master. However, Darcy used psychic to pull Plank over to her. "Come catch me if you want 'im!" Darcy squat her legs and Air Jumped up to the second floor bridge, facing the R System. Johnny rocketed up, then dove at Darcy, but she fell flat on her back and avoided him by inches.

"You missed, you fool!" Plank shouted. Johnny shot a bombshell that popped an electric shockwave, which Darcy Air Jumped, but while she was in midair, Johnny flew at her for a punch. Darcy smirked, having lit a Fire Fist to punch him in the humanoid face. Johnny got dizzy and crashed in the wall beside the machine. "Get ahold of yourself, Johnny!" The cyborg recovered and blasted lasers that Darcy dodged. He dove at the psychic, who Air Jumped again, kicked backward, and grabbed hold of Mew's case. Johnny locked on and readied to shoot a missile. "NO, JOHNNY!"

The mindless mecha shot the missile, and Darcy jumped away so it would crash and shatter Mew's glass case. "Darcy shoots, SHE SCORES!" Still in midair, Darcy used psychic to slam Plank's capsule against Johnny, breaking it. The martial artist spun vertically with her feet lit aflame, going faster like a flaming wheel, until she SMASHED Johnny's head and popped several nuts and bolts out of his body. The cyborg short-circuited and fell on his back, his eyes turning off, but his mad smile was still stretched. (End song.)

"Mew…" The catlike Firstborn softly landed on the floor, his blue eyes weary.

"Mew!" Darcy ran up and lifted him in her arms. "Are you alright? It's me, Darcy. I dressed up as you for Halloween and got turned into you. And then Sunni almost got killed by Lucario. Hehe, remember?" She grinned.

Alarms started blaring as the base flashed red. Team Rocket Agents swarmed in, commanding Magnezones, Mismagius, and Inkays. "HRAH!" Lucario landed before Darcy and cast an Aura Beam at the agents blocking the entrance. "Let's go, Darcy, HURRY!" He dashed through the base's halls, throwing Aura Spheres at all incoming agents while Darcy kept behind with Mew in her arms.

"LUCARIO EX-MACHINA!" Darcy cheered.

Plank got up off the floor and saw the unnamed man's capsule sinking into the wall, due to the security program. The living piece of wood quickly hopped inside before that wall closed.


Agents scattered about the woods in search of the escaped intruders. When a group of five passed by, Darcy and Lucario took off their Camouflage Cloak. They were knelt on the ground as Mew lay in Darcy's arms. "It seems they drained much of his energy already." Lucario observed. "But it should recover with the proper treatment."

"Just what were they doing with him? Who was that man in the R System?"

"I am unsure… and yet… I seem to recognize him from somewhere." Lucario closed his eyes. "Although his body was dead, I felt a strong aura within him. Was he a zombie, perhaps? Or was he…"

Darcy stared at him, anticipating another theory. "…Oh, well." Lucario said. "The point is that we saved Mew. I will teleport us back to Earth."

"Finally. Only Arceus knows how much we missed…"


"That girl was more clever than I anticipated." Plank said as he typed on a keyboard with his little branch hands. "No matter… They may have rescued Mew, but we transferred enough of his energy to proceed with our plan. I'm sure some Moon's Tears shall quench what remains of your thirst." The man was lain on a bed connected to two machines with shining blue, tear-shaped stones. Their light was transferred through cords into the man. Plank approached him with a malicious smirk. "Isn't that right, my dear Logia?"