
KND Newbase

GC: So, how old did you say you were?

AG: 6 sweeps.

GC: Sweeps?

AG: 12 Earth years. ;;;; )

GC: ok. Alien calendar. :P

AG: Well, we were around first.

GC: Whatever. What else was your planet like? Color of sky, food you eat?

AG: It was 8lue like yours. Our food was generally the same too, we ate 8urgers, fries, apples…

GC: Wow, your culture is so unique. *sarcasm*

AG: If you want to mouth at me, you shouldn't 8e procrastin8ing.

GC: I'm the Supreme Leader, I can do whatever I-

"CHERRY PIE!" Nebula splorped inside his office. Cheren yelped and slapped his laptop shut.

"NUMBUH 3621!" Larry MayHence burst in. "Our sensors detected an intruder of incredible power inside the Newbase! Oh, it's just Nebula." He smiled casually. "Ha ha! Didn't mean to scare ya like that!" He left.

"Hm hm hm! I scared him first, by the way." Nebula laughed.

"Yeah, he did that with me the other day. Whatchu want, Nebula?"

"If you weren't doing anything besides goofing off on the Internet, I was wondering if you wanted to come with me to the Mushroom Kingdom and recruit the newly formed Kids Next Door into the council."

"Doesn't the Goddess of the Universe already have everyone as her subjects?"

"Maybe, but it's not gonna last forever. After I change everything back, I still want to build up our allies."

"I'll come along, I guess." Cheren stood up and prepared to leave his office. "I just thought you would've done it by now."

"It's not the same without my buddy." she replied, following him out. "And besides, the people of Mushroom honor stars and Star Spirits. They're probably fans of your father for repairing the Star Rod. They'd love to meet you."

"I guess I shouldn't disappoint. Panini, I'm going to Mushroom Kingdom with Nebula." Cheren told his Global Officer. "You're in charge of the base 'til I get back."

"Cheren, Ay think someone else wants ta come with ya." Panini smirked.


"The pink mushroom right behind ya."

Cheren turned—he was startled by the sight of Goombella right behind his legs. She made big pleading eyes and asked, "Pleeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaa…"

"How did you even hear about it?"

"My-sector-came-here-for-lunch-and-I-saw-Nebula-and-thought-that's-where-you-were-going –eeeeeaaaaaassssssseee…"

"Geez, all right, you can come. It might help make our case."

"YES!" Goombella twirled. "Don't worry, guys, just leave the talking to me!"

Mushroom Kingdom; en route to KND H.Q.

"You've been talking to one of the trolls?" Nebula asked Cheren while piloting the Shooting Star. "How… did you say she found your computer?"

"Advanced chatting technology, I guess. We're going to have to work with these guys in the future, so it doesn't hurt to get to know 'em now. I'm sure you'd like to learn about their culture."

"True, but I wouldn't let my guard down. You know how it is with mysterious inter-dimensional entities who foresee our destiny."

"Pipe down, guys, we're almost there!" Goombella shouted.

The Mushroom KND main treehouse looked like a giant mushroom with smaller mushroom-shaped branches, growing out of a giant pipe. "In fact, did you know that pipes are actually plants that grow in the ground?" Goombella said knowledgeably.

"Really?" Cheren asked. "I thought it was because everyone used the bathroom a lot. Or, is that still the case?"

"We have toilets for that, too, silly. But most pipes are used for transportation."

"You know, they originally thought of installing transport tubes in Coruscant." Nebula mentioned. "But then they thought there'd be a lot of tubes." She pressed the speaker button. "Attention Mushroom KND. I am Numbuh Eternal, Supreme Leader of Galactic Kids Next Door, and I am here to request an audience with your leader."

"Nice, Nebula, you don't sound like an alien at all!" Cheren remarked with a hint of sarcasm.

There was no response for 10 seconds. Afterwards, there was a high-pitched girl's voice, "This is Numbuh Top T., you have permission to enter."

The Shooting Star parked in the mushroom's hangar. Two Kid Koopatrols (Koopas in 4x4 armor) escorted the three guests to the uppermost floor, located in the roof of the mushroom. The Supreme Leader, Numbuh Top T. (Toadette), was a girl Toad with a pink cap with white polka-dots and pigtails. Around her were Sector Leaders – among them a Goomba with a blue cap, an orange Bob-omb, a blue-shelled Koopa with a red neckerchief, a Boo with big round glasses, a baby Koopa that hasn't left his egg, and an orange Blooper. The leaders were murmuring to each other as they looked at their guests with concern and suspicion.

"That's right, folks, your inspiration has arrived!" Goombella cheered and did a twirl. "You heard right, I'm the one and only Goombella, the first Goomba to EVER join the Human Kids Next Door! These two are my Supreme Leaders, so I speak for them when I say we are HAPPY to welcome you to the Kids Next Door Empire!"

". . . . . ." The operatives exchanged confused glances. "Ugh, just throw the chi-cuffs on them!" Toadette ordered.

The Koopatrol Kids whipped out handcuffs and latched them on Nebula and Cheren. "What-?!" Cheren exclaimed.

"Don't think of trying anything!" Six Bob-ombs in ninja outfits landed around them. "We're ready to blow!"

"Numbuh Top T., what's the meaning of this?!" Nebula demanded.

"We knew you would be coming here to recruit us into your 'empire.'" Toadette stated. "We established this KND for the sole purpose of luring you here. You may already know this, Numbuh Eternal, but you're probably the most infamous girl in the universe. Even us Mushroom World denizens know about the daughter of Dimentia, hundreds of Supreme Leaders in her command, millions of kids under her beck and call. You never sounded like an evil person… until you went and shrunk all our worlds. Being an empress wasn't enough, you wanted to evolve to goddess."

"Wait, you got it all wrong!" Cheren reasoned. "Nebula shrunk our worlds to protect them from Lord English!"

"We ALL heard the story." Kooper, the blue-shelled Koopa informed. "But you can't just project your gihugic face in the sky and not expect billions of people to panic."

"And you have every right to panic." Nebula replied. "But if I didn't shrink your worlds, they would've been destroyed. I'm not the bad one here."

"We can understand WHY you did what you did." Toadette said. "The real question is if we can trust you. The power you used to shrink our worlds was Jirachi's power. As long as you have it, you can do anything. You could force everybody to obey you. You may have earned the loyalty of those other leaders at first, but under these circumstances, how do you know they aren't following you out of fear?"

"I told the leaders what I was going to do and they trusted me to protect them."

"It was a choice between letting their worlds be destroyed by the Apocalypse or allowing them to live under your protection and power. How is that not fear?!"

"My only wish is to destroy Lord English and save our universe. I plan to restore everyone's planets when the battle is finally over, but we would have a better chance at winning if we had as many friends and allies as possible. I established the Galactic Kid Council for this very situation."

"Then let me ask you something else: just how many planets did you save? Was there room in this 'Noah' for every planet, or did you only save the ones that you thought would be of use to you?"

"I…" Nebula bit her lip. This was her most guilty decision. "You're right… I couldn't save every world. I worked on saving important worlds like Mobius, Avalar, Lunaria, Symphonia, and any world that I knew was heavily populated. I didn't waste time with uninhabited planets. The Noah couldn't contain them all and I didn't have enough time to save any more. The universe is endless, there's probably billions of planets and races that… were destroyed. If I knew this was going to happen, I would've spent more time…"

"It's not your fault." Cheren said. "I'm the one who kept the Apocalypse secret until we had one month to act."

"Well, even if you did, we still didn't know where Jirachi was. We didn't think it would come to this. But you guys have to understand." she said to the Mushroom leaders. "I never felt any kind of pleasure with shrinking the worlds. All I felt was anxiety, responsibility, and guilt. And annoyance since Galaxians are ALWAYS wanting to travel…"

"But you are trustworthy." Cheren stated. "And you guys can count on Nebula to protect our worlds. But if you don't wanna sign an allianceship, you don't have to."

"You know, I change my mind about that." Nebula said, casually warping the chi-cuffs off herself and Cheren. "On further inspection, this KND is too undeveloped to be part of the empire."

"SHE WARPED THE CHI-CUFFS OFF!!" Bub the orange Bob-omb screamed.

"Duh. I still have Jirachi's God Chi. It takes more than one measly chi-block to hold that. Anyway, I realize now that YOU operatives probably have NO real experience. You're just a bunch of kids that felt like building a treehouse and starting some phony rebellion."

"Isn't that how every KND was founded?" Toadette questioned.

"Maybe, but those kids had the gumption to fight for it." Neb smirked.

"How's THIS for a fight?!" declared Jr. Troopa, the Koopa in the egg. "WAAAAAAH-!" He charged for the attack—Cheren went God Tier and grabbed his little baby fist. "I GIVE I GIVE I GIVE I GIVE!"

"Nebula, I still don't understand what you're trying to do here." Cheren replied, not releasing Troopa's fist. ("Waaaaahhhh!")

"The fact is, this KND didn't start a rebellion against a tyrannical ruler, you started one against a kind ruler. Which is why you are undeserving to sign this treaty!" Nebula smiled, floated up, drew the treaty from her pocket, and tore it to pieces.

"W-Wait!" Toadette spoke up. "We didn't mean to hurt your feelings. You sounded sincere when you said all that, so-"

"Too late. If you guys want another shot at me, go take down Bowser. Hasn't he been kidnapping your princess enough? Cheren, Goombella, I'll be waiting in the Shooting Star, come on when you're ready to leave." With that, she floated off.

"I'm still open for autographs if anyone wants one!" Goombella smiled.

". . . . . ." There was still no response. "We don't know you." Boostein said.

"Wellp, this trip was a waste of time." The Goomba frowned. "I'm confused about something though. If you guys never signed a treaty with Nebula, then why did the Newbase get Mushroom Kingdom food?"

"Well, that stuff came from Roguetown." Cheren answered, finally releasing Jr. Troopa.

"Even the Hue Pudding? Roguetown doesn't sell that."

"Hue Pudding?" Goombario the blue-capped Goomba heard this. "That comes from Prism Island. We don't have a KND branch there, yet."

"The paper said it was from Roguetown. Maybe I'll check up on that…" Cheren figured. "Well, we'll see you guys later. Sorry for the trouble." The two proceeded to leave. Jr. Troopa sucked on his aching fist, glaring in Cheren's direction with hatred.

Noah; Planet Storage

Nebula sent Goombella back to Earth, while Cheren accompanied her in the Noah. "I guess you can't expect to win them all, right Nebs?"

"I expected this type of thing to happen eventually. I didn't expect Mushroom Kingdom to put up much fight, but I wanted to bring you just in case."

"Oh, for protection, right." Cheren sweatdropped.

"They were right, though… there were so many planets I could've saved. So many species…"

"You need not fear."

The two gasped at the echoing voice. Nebula recognized it, so she hurried to the ship's deck with Cheren behind her. It was then they remembered the Encyclopod, the tremendous manta who led their voyage through the endless vortex.

"The burden you feel is mine too, Nebula. I have taken the liberty of rescuing as many species as I could in the vast reaches of the universe. There were many souls who had to perish, sadly… but if our voyage is successful, they may yet be reborn. Don't forget, Nebula… you are only human. (Well, somewhat.) The life of all beings is not solely your responsibility."

"Well, that softens the blow a little…"

"Indeed… however, I fear for the worlds suffering under the tyranny of the Thirteen Darknesses. They are not in such capable hands…"

Original Mushroom Kingdom

Like many worlds in the Dimensional Fusion, the Mushroom Kingdom also had an origin. The people of this world were in a deep panic—a vortex appeared in the sky, and it was expanding, the earth was shaking. The people had only seen this one other time before. And it seemed like the same person was responsible.

Dimentio Z. Winkiebottom's terrifying mismatched face was displayed in the sky. "So… this was the universe where my original self came from. The one who was so unfortunately destroyed. By such adorable little urchins. Their pitiful cries of agony… irritate me. But I'll fix that."

Dimensional gaps cracked across the earth and the air. Dimentio, using the most minimal effort, tore pieces apart, sent Toads drifting to the air like fallen leaves, placed snowy mountains in the desert and skies in the ocean… "After all… if the multiverses will not bow to Lord English… then they will tremble before ME!!!"