F-12. Suki’s Sadness

Bill's office

"Uuuuugh!" Bill was on the verge of tearing his hair out. "Thanos, that useless idiot! I knew he was going to get his ass kicked, but the least he could've done was bring back Madara. LORD ENGLISH!" He bolted down a dark, eerie hallway composed of green chandeliers, green grandfather clocks, and other such items. He burst through double-doors into a casino and called, "My Lord, we have a problem on our hands!"

"OH, BILL! Come and meet the Billiard Boys!" Lord English had his arms around two painted green creatures – one with an orange '13' helmet and another with a red '3' helmet. In English's left arm was a jug of beer. "I just picked up these little balls with numbers on them and painted bodies! This guy wants to own a marshmallow shop and that guy over there wants to marry an Eskimo! CLOVER, don't break the slot machines!" he yelled to the '4' hat guy, a pile of coins building up in front of said machines.

"Lord English, Thanos was beaten by the Kids Next Door! He was the strongest Darkness and he got his ass kicked! I think it may be time to take matters into your own hands."

"Did you even kill any of the Seven Lights?" English asked as he chugged down the whole jug.

"Um, not quite, but we have Sheila's soul in our possession."

"Who gives a damn about Sheila?!"

"She's ONE OF THEM, you dummy! One of the LIGHTS!"

"I don't have time to waste with this crap, Bill! I made you the boss of those guys so that I could focus on making my world! You've been listening to my PLANS, haven't you?!"

"Yes, of course I have! But we haven't killed anyone except for a few useless minors! And now that they have Jirachi back, they'll be able to do anything they wish!"

"Let them make the stupid wishes! Thanks to that trick Thanos pulled, I'll be able to have a jillion more." Looking into his empty jug, he whistled for a young woman in a coat to come over. Lord English grabbed her and squeezed the years from her life into the jug. He dropped her and drank the yeer (a beer made of years).

"What are you talking about?"

"Have you forgotten that the Darknesses contain parts of my will? If they are destroyed, then that will returns to me! Including the pieces of it that used their powers…" Lord English raised a hand and conjured a small moon. "One by one, the Darknesses are capturing and using the Firstborn's powers, if only for a brief time. But as long as my will controlled it in Past, then I will have ALWAYS controlled it!" Flowers grew from that moon. "If the Firstborn's powers are mine, then I can rewrite them as well! And soon, I will have Arceus's…" His left eye became a Sharingan.

"Yeah, I remember all that, but we can't just let the Darknesses be killed. What about the Protection Charm?"

"I just want them to kill the damn Lights so I can get rid of Calliope for good! Then after I wipe out Arceus, I can just bring them back myself if I want to. Until then, I don't care what happens as long as they do what I say!"

"Shouldn't we not be too risky about this? I mean, they are your loyal minions."

"WHAT GOOD ARE MINIONS IF THEY DON'T CARE FOR THEIR MASTER'S DREAM?!" he thundered and towered above Bill terrifyingly. "They should screw everything to give me the world I want—the whole UNIVERSE should SCREW OFF! I thought you woulda known that better than any of them! Why do you give a shit about the Darknesses?"

"Because I'M the one who did all the work gathering them, organizing them, deceiving gods and random supervillains just to GET them, while YOU spent your precious time trapped between dimensions and sitting at your computer desk! If it weren't for me, you would've been forgotten!"

"And you came from me TOO, Bill! You did all those things because I WANTED you to! And I can ERASE you, despite that piss-ass human body! So, make yourself worth your existence and erase those useless brats! I WANT 'EM GONE, BILL! ALL OF THEM!" The casino quaked—slot machines erupted with coins that then rewinded—the playing cards turned back into trees—a rift opened and exposed a man showering with a Lucy Heartfilia body-doll. "And I want YOU boys to turn back into balls!" he ordered the Billiard Boys. "I'm in the mood for flicking you around a table." At his command, the green minions hopped on the pool table and poofed into their ballish forms.

Bill bolted out of the casino after his tantrum. Dimentio happened to be outside. "You shouldn't be sad, Bill. The closest friends are bound to fight. Where there's light, there's darkness after all. But I am honored that you care for our lives so deeply. Or, could it be… it is your own life you fear for?"

"I have nothing to be afraid of. The Kids Next Door won't kill me in the real world if they want to save that Madotsuki brat. I'm just afraid that His Lordship's competence isn't fully developed, yet. The Darknesses may yet need further assistance…" He poofed into flames.

"Hmm… Well, I suppose I should get back to finding the IDA's headquarters." Dimentio said to himself. "Imagine the dimensional technology they possess. The limitless potential… But first, perhaps I could attempt to assuage His Lordship."

Lord English turned his golden peg-leg into a pool cue, going to the billiards table and positioning himself to hit the '2' ball. "This is a beautiful castle, My Lord." Dimentio approached him. "I cannot imagine a more relaxing abode for the Writer of the Universe. Yet, you seem terribly stressed. Why remorse, knowing that victory will be yours in the end?"

"I don't know, Dimentio. I guess I still have a headache from that dumb Zach trick. Just when I thought I figured Calliope out, she pulls that shit…" When English hit the '2' into the '13', they ricocheted and hit every other ball, all bouncing around the casino like little comets.

"I know the feeling, My Lord." A ball whizzed through Dimentio's space-made head. "Little sisters can be very annoying. Perhaps the Kids Next Door need another reminder of our power. Then they will again fear you. Let's do it, English! Let's combine our chis and perform a Chi Unison!"

"Very well, Dimentio. I guess I'll lend Aizen a hand while we're at it." Lord English closed his eyes and pressed his hands to Dimentio's. Both kings channeled their Logia powers to a center.

Oooooohhh yes! So beautiful! This power!

Somewhere in Paradox Space, a gigantic green clock tower materialized over an ice planet. BONG. . . .


Nebula chucked the Mini Thanos into the Penance Chamber and slammed the door shut. "ZEE HA HA HA!" Blackbeard laughed. "Even the mighty Thanos was no match to a couple of kids!"

Thanos leapt up and PUNCHED Teach in the side of the head, strong enough to make the pirate topple over. "Thanos is STILL the strongest one in this chamber!"

"Sigh… Like animals in a cage." Nebula shook her head.

"Are you sure it's okay to keep all of them together like this?" Cheren asked Ford Pines.

"Positive! We tested this cell on the Dimension Rebels and they didn't leave a scratch on it." Ford knocked the glass proudly.

"That's good to hear, I guess. …Mr. Ford, you used to live in Gravity Falls, didn't you?"

"Why, yes I did. How do you know that?"

"There's two people I'd like you to meet. They're upstairs, I'll take you."

Feferi's room

"Sniff-sniff…sniff…" Suki Crystal had her face buried into her father's chest. "Daddy… I'm sorry we weren't there. We coulda saved you from the mean ice lady." She turned around and asked, "Miyuki-chan, can't you bring him back with timebending?"

"Yeah, like you guys did for me back in Arendelle." Terry recalled. "Why not?"

"But, that was only because the Grim Reaper secretly added his power. Timebending can't revive the dead; the least I could do is restore the heart. Suki... I'm afraid your dad will have to support us from the Spirit World now."

")(e may not quite be in the Spirit World." Feferi Peixes said.

"Why? And please talk normal." Terry requested.

"When Arceus first made our dimension without making law, spirit entities naturally formed from elemental chis and took charge in those areas. One of those spirits was Hemera, a Life Spirit. She collects dead souls and lets them live on a ghost planet."

"So, in a universe without Balance, there actually are spirits making rules?" Kayla asked.

"Sometimes, we think these spirits exist to fix this dimension with rules. White Diamond was one of them."

"Sector IC?" Cheren knocked on the doorway. "I know you guys are having a moment, but I thought I'd introduce you… George, MaKayla, this is Stanford Pines." The 12-fingered man walked in.

"Stanford… Pines?" repeated Kayla.

"You sound like you know that name." Ford inferred.

"We heard about you. You're our… grandfather."

"You mean… you're Ruford's daughter?"

"Our dad's name is Ruford?!" George yelped.

"I don't believe this." Ford scratched his mind. "It feels like I only fled my dimension mere months ago. And now… I have grandchildren. Where is your father?"

"Um… he's dead." Kayla bowed her head.

"It's a bit of a complicated story." Cheren followed.

"What else is new around here, heh heh!"

"Right now, we're in the middle of another one." MaKayla turned to Yuki. "Their father was killed recently. And timebending doesn't work."

"So, you're timebenders, too… I wanted to study my son's use of the abilities because not many books record how timebending works. But now is not the time for that, I suppose. Still… I'm very happy to meet you two." Ford put a hand on George and Kayla's shoulders. "I wasn't there for my son… but I want to be with you kids as much as possible."

"Thanks, Mr. Pines." George smiled. "I mean… Grandpa."

Miyuki, unable to feel any warm emotions, looked back to her sister and father. "I…I need to step out." She calmly left the room as Cheren joined her.

"Where you going, Sister-chan?" Suki called.

Miyuki paid her no response. She said to Cheren as they were walking, "I knew our father's death was coming. I didn't say anything to Suki. She's been upset ever since we explained the quest to her."

"I thought Suki still didn't know what we were doing." Cheren sported a laugh.

"She's just acting. I explained during the voyage and she couldn't stop crying. She's too young and too innocent to comprehend such a responsibility. Even more so than we are. I considered wiping her memory about the knowledge, but I knew she needed it. Instead, I told her to pretend I never mentioned it and all this was for fun. It's what she learned from Jack Frost. It's what gives her Light. Having joy and fun."

"Poor kid…"

"I know. And I can't bring myself to darken that light with a responsibility. What do you think I should do?"

"She's your sister, Miyuki. I think only you can decide. However, I think I know somebody we could ask: those new people that came back with us. They were the ones from that fake Poneglyph in Enies Lobby."

In the base's living room, Chris Uno appeared to be chowing down spicy foods alongside Natsu, and Ruby Rose was telling Kimaya about her scythe. Other operatives were eating the packed lunches Yuzu made for them before the journey. Miyuki recognized the orange-haired boy—specifically, she recognized the black robe he was wearing. Miyuki approached him and said, "Excuse me. Your name is Ichigo Kurosaki, isn't it?"

"Hm? Y-Yeah. You've heard of me?"

"You wrote my sister's Poneglyph. The one that made her one of the Seven Lights."

"Poneglyph? What are you talking about?"

"Hey, I heard of those things!" Luffy jumped him from behind. "They're those big square stones with weird writing on them. Wait, how do YOU know about Poneglyphs?"

"Are you kidding? You were the ones who wrote them!" Cheren argued.

"We did?" the two chorused.

Cheren couldn't think of a rebuttal. "You don't… remember?"

"Um, Cheren?" Vriska fluttered above them. "I think you're thinking of something that happens in the future… or should I say something that will have happened. The point is, if these guys don't know what they did, they pro8a8ly haven't done it."

"Tell that to my teachers. What are they even doing here, then?"

"We're here because our worlds were destroyed by Lord English!" Ichigo shouted. "The IDA rescued us and we all formed a team! Isn't that why YOU'RE here?"

"Ain't you people from the same worlds the Darknesses are from?" Kimaya asked, overhearing the conversation. "You should know how to fight them, right?"

"Hey, I tried to fight Zeref, but that Key-thing made him stronger!" Natsu shouted.

"Well, we got Keyblades, too! Ain't you give 'em to us?"

"We don't have weapons like those, only Sora does." Naruto responded. "He's somewhere else right now."

"4HHH! TH4T'S R1GHT!" Terezi poked her forehead with her four right fingers. "COW G1RL! YOU MUST GO TO L4ND OF LOCKS 4ND S3CR3TS! That's where the Keyblade Wielder waits!"

"You mean the guy who wrote my Gibberish Cube? Can he help me?"

"Y3S. There's just one problem: TH3R3'S NOT 4 ST4BL3 GROUND 1N TH4T WORLD! That's why 1'M going to take you with me. And YOU! 3MO G1RL!" She whipped her walking stick toward Miyuki. "Tell your hivemate to stop crying! You still need to go to Frost and Frogs!"

"Suki is upset right now. Give her some time." Miyuki reasoned.

"YOU'RE THE F**KING TIMEBENDERS." Karkat shouted. "We can't give you our time because it's ***ED UP. We need to keep acting fast if we're gonna win this war."

"We defeated the strongest Darkness, give us at least another hour or two." Cheren stated. "Heck, with Thanos' Infinity Stones undone, Davy Jones should be toast too, right?"

"Ahem… Bad News." Kanaya coughed, viewing her computer. "The King Dutchman Is Closing In On Our Hideout And Davy Jones Is Sailing It."

"HE'S STILL ALIVE?! But it was Thanos that brought him back, right?!"

"I Don't Know The Details. I'm Going To Hide The Base Now." She began typing quickly. "Compressing Exterior To One Square." Outside, the purple squares hid inside one-another. "Compress To One Dimension." The single square became a string.

"Wait, isn't the Noah outside?"

"Nope!" Jirachi beamed, reaching under his hat and taking out a three-inch-long Noah. "I shrunk it down to make it more hideable! The planets are still nice and safe inside."

The King Dutchman calmly sailed by without detecting the one-dimensional string. "No sign of the Gummi Ship, Captain." Koleniko reported.

"Hmph… I feel trickery is afoot. Drop Akuma and have them scour the region-ah."

"As you command, Captain Jones." grinned the Millennium Earl. A hatch opened on the back of the vessel, releasing swarms of Akuma robots.

"It's those robots again." Nepeta frowned worriedly.

"Akuma can only be destroyed with Innocence." Allen Walker mentioned. "It's a kind of power that exists in my world. I modified Ruby's weapon to use Innocence and we have some for the rest of you at our own hideout."

"As soon as we get away from this region, we can fly there real quick and bring you some." Ruby Rose said.

"Looks like we're getting that hour's rest after all." Cheren said with a grin. "Miyuki, maybe you should try to comfort Suki. There must be something you can say to her."

"You're right… I'm going to try. Couldn't be hard, right?" She cracked a light smile. "If I could come out of depression, I should be able to bring Suki back."

"Well, that's another reason she needs you. You're more used to it!"

"Hm hm hm! I guess I am." She turned to head back to Feferi's room- "Oop!" She flushed and quickly pressed her hands to her belly.

"Something the matter?"

"Uhhh… It's nothing." Still blushing, Miyuki straightened herself up and continued walking. Terezi cocked a brow, having whiffed an odd scent from the girl.

Land of Wind and Shade

Sugar, Meloetta, and Charle landed their ship on the indigo planet's surface, attracting attention of the local salamanders. "This is where Wendy's transmission came from." the Nimbi said. "But it doesn't look like she's here, anymore."

"One of these salamanders might know!" Meloetta suggested positively.

"I hope you have a translator, because I don't speak salamander. I don't even speak cat."

"I understand ALL voiceeeees! Everybodyyyyy haaaas a voiiiiice."

"Meloetta understands every language." Sugar briefed with a giggle. "She wouldn't be the Song Goddess if she didn't understand every sound in the universe."

"Excuse me, but we do speak English." a salamander said.

"I saaaaave the daaaaay agaaaaiiiin!"

"Hey, have any of you seen a girl with blue hair?" Sugar asked.

"What's that over there?" he gestured to his right. The girls briefly saw some blue hair go into a cave.

"Wendy!" The girls pursued as the glow from Meloetta's wings helped light the cave. It seemed to slope downward, and by the time they were at the end, they found the blue-haired girl in question. However, this one was shorter than Wendy and had a lighter green dress. She turned and said with an adorable voice, "Miiii!"

"You aren't Wendy." Charle said.

"Hm hm hm. You THOUGHT it was Wendy…" a sinister voice spoke from the darkness. He stepped forth, "But it was ME! DIO!"

"YOU AGAIN!" Sugar yelped at the golden-eyed man.

"Who is this child?!" Charle demanded.

"This is just a useless brat from a useless Japanese village." DIO smacked the child aside. "I hypnotized her into leading you here so I could trap you." He seemed to warp behind the girls with lightspeed and freeze an ice wall to seal the way back.

"OOOOAAAAH!" Sugar screamed a Song Beam, which DIO blocked with his hand and froze up to her mouth.

"He froze Sugar's voice?!" Meloetta exclaimed. "UECK!" The Firstborn was grabbed by the neck by a golden arm that stretched out of DIO's body.

"Perhaps you would like to breathe now." DIO said as he strolled up to Sugar. "The burden of breath vexes all humans. Without it, they could be unstoppable. Powerful!" Once beside Sugar, whose throat was still clogged with ice, he tilted her head up to stare into her eyes. "Do you feel it? Your life slowly slipping away? I can rid you of the burden of breath. Swear yourself over to me and I can make you immortal. A beautiful woman like you shouldn't die like this…"

I can't speak… I can't breathe… His eyes…His eyes are so… Sugar's own eyes were lost in his.

"Become my bride and you can live forever. You will rule the world beside me…"

"Leave her ALONE, you cretin!" Charle tried to stamp DIO with her high-heel, changing position to hit other parts of his head. "She's not an object and you don't deserve to TREAT her as such!"

DIO yanked the Nimbi down and clasped her face. "You mean nothing to me, useless pest." He was about to crush her—

A beam of light burst through the ice wall and struck DIO, dropping his hold on all three girls. "So, it was YOU after all." A muscular boy of 18, with brown hair, a red tank top, and gloves studded at the knuckles stepped past the ice. "DIO!"

"It can't be! JoJo?!"

"These two know each other?" Charle looked between them. "Huh? Sugar, are you alright?"

Sugar still looked like she was in hypnosis. "That guy… is so… HOT!!" Hearts fluttered around Sugar, and nothing else existed except this guy at this moment.

"Please, tell me something I don't know." JoJo smiled proudly, speaking with a charming British accent. "You seem like a gorgeous young woman, but I'm already dating someone. So, instead of wasting your breath on compliments, save your breath and get your heavy boobs out of here."

"Why, I NEVER!" Charle huffed.

"FINE, I'll show my boobs to someone else!" Sugar yelled with a blush. "You big-a jeeeeerrrk!" She switched to a flirty look. "Hurry up, Meloetta!" Sugar and Charle escaped from the cave first.

"Call me!" Meloetta winked at JoJo before gliding past.

The trio escaped from the cave, but the salamanders crept up on them with snarling teeth and red eyes. "They've been turned into monsters?!" Sugar questioned.

"We serve Lord DIO!" one of them hissed.

"No one defies Lord DIO!"

Sugar and Meloetta blasted Song Beams to blow the salamanders down. "Vaati must have taken my daughter somewhere else!" Charle said as she flew higher for a better view. "But where? Given their speed, they could be halfway across the planet."

"Wait, Charle!" Sugar stared at her wristwatch when it started beeping. "Wendy's transmitting a signal again! Let's return to the Song Bird and follow her!"

("Sugar's ship is a bird with rainbow wings." Meloetta whispered to the readers.)

"Transmitting her location, but not bothering to call… Just what is that child planning? Perhaps we should be cautious as we're tracking her."

"Good idea. Come on, let's hurry."

While the girls returned to the Song Bird and took flight, JoJo was able to keep DIO preoccupied. I can't stay and waste time with this fool. DIO thought. After all… it seems they still need me. I wouldn't want to disappoint.

Land of Crypts and Helium

Ganondorf had been exploring a vast, dead gray planet with colorful balloons drifting within its atmosphere. He had come here following a creature with a pair of angel wings, but he seems to have lost sight of it. His Cipher Hotline rung and disturbed the silence, so Ganon begrudgingly answered. "This had better be important."

"I'm not in the mood for jokes, Ganon. I need you to go back up Zeref at the Planet Tree pronto. Now that we lost our control of the Gem Empire, Arianna and Celebi are about to head back and try to revitalize it. You still have Thanatos in your company, don't you?"


"Thanatos' Death Chi should be compatible with Zeref's Death Magic. They may be from different universes, but the two powers have similar properties. That'll give Zeref the kick he needs to turn that forest into the universe's biggest tumbleweed! Do away with any interlopers while you're there."

"As you command." he responded with resent as they hung up. "Wake up, Thanatos!"

"I'm awake, I'm awake!" The green snake slithered out of his armor. "You know, I considered doing a little house-cleaning in there, but BOY, was it… L-Let's just not talk about it."

"The God of Death should find it accommodating. Now, come. We have business up on the Planet Tree." He flapped his cape and took flight off the planet, bypassing three large balloons. An angel-winged figure watched from behind a balloon, wearing an angel mask complete with a halo and a black shirt with a red ':)'.

The Planet Tree

Team Vweeb returned to the Planet Tree and followed Arianna's signature to a part of the forest that was still alive. "There she is!" Makava pointed. In a small area with large flowers, Arianna was resting under a sunflower, catching breath and holding Celebi's light sphere in her hands. She sat up when she heard the ship come down for landing.

"Arianna, you okay?" Tronta asked as they climbed out. "Nebula defeated Thanos and broke his control over the Gems."

"That explains why they retreated… I didn't think I could last another moment."

"Arianna, we have to get down to the Planet Seed." Celebi's voice echoed. "Before Zeref does, we must hurry!"

"Sigh… you're right, Celebi." She pulled herself to her feet. "We have no time to rest. It's time to do our part and defeat another Darkness."

"Count us in, too!" Makava drew swords.

"Hm hm hm! I'm very grateful, but I'm afraid only Celebi and I can defeat Zeref. The only thing I can think of to counter Death Chi is Life Chi."

"That doesn't mean we can't help." Vweeb cocked his Tri-gun. "You know they're just gonna get more desperate with Thanos beaten. No operative can afford to be left alone."

"He's not kidding there." Tron whirled his Light Discs. "The ship can take care of herself." He pressed a wristwatch button and had the Nova Cruiser take off automatically. "Come on, gang! This war's nearing its halfway point, so we can't stop now!"

"Right!" Ari cheered. "Don't worry, Celebi. You'll have your body back soon!"

"Thank you, Arianna! I'll lead the way down!" (Play "Up the Cavern Walls" from Ori and the Blind Forest!)

Stage F-5: The Planet Tree, Act 2

Mission: Restore Celebi and save the Planet Seed!

Celebi's ball of light led them down a path of flowers, and Piranha Plants wasted no time in sprouting up to gnash on their prey. Makava used a Hurricane Spin to mow down the Piranhas, making it to a field on the bottom. The field consisted of unbudded flowers, which would not stay budded even if Arianna used her plantbending. "Not all plants will respond to bending. They require more natural tending." Celebi said.

"Are those sprinklers natural?" Vweeb noticed the large sprinkler devices around the field.

"Not… naturally. But perhaps we can use them." Across the field was a tall platform that Ari could climb onto via vines. Up there were bushels of Water Bulbs; small plants from which balls of water hung from. Arianna levitated the plants and molded the bulbs together to make them larger. She then attached them to pumps on the sprinklers, triggering them to spin and squirt water. When the three sprinklers were fully active, all the flowers bloomed and flew to make a pathway over a chasm.

There were several gaps in the flower path, but Tron could throw his Light Discs, which would expand energy platforms around and allow the group to hop across. The flowers brought them to a thick, smooth vine that stretched down a pit. As they hung on and slid down, they had to swerve around the vine to avoid brambles that poked out of the sides. They set foot on ground and viewed into a cave congested with spiked fungi. Opposite of it was another cave where Toxichu dripped from the ceiling.

At the end of the cave was a big hole with a sloped floor. Vweeb volunteered to slide down and investigate, and he found a Catch Card of a goth girl with purple lips labeled Samantha. "I'll save ya." Vweeb shrunk the card down for easy carrying.

"Careful, it's-!"

"WHOA!" A Piranha Plant nearly snapped them—Vweeb hurriedly hopped up the slope and back to Arianna's hands. They saw the Piranha retreat back when it realized it failed.

"It's a Putrid Piranha." Arianna recognized by its yellow head and orange spots. "I wonder… Vweeb, stun those Chus." Vweeb nodded and shot stun rays to make the toxic blobs curl up into balls. They rolled Toxichus into the Piranha's hole, and the poisonous plant munched them happily, slithering out a little further with each bite. They kept feeding until the Piranha Plant made it to the fungi cave, and the poison spikes became a banquet for the creature. The kids walked alongside the Piranha's spike through the cave, finding a chamber where tall Putrid Piranhas bathed in a toxic pool.

Vweeb was first to hop across their friend Piranha's head and leap around the other ones like stairs. Makava went first in jumping the plants, which would sink slightly before rising back to position, so they all needed to go one at a time. The Piranha path took them down a tunnel over a toxic river, where they set foot on a platform along the left wall. From here, they swung dangling ceiling vines that were obviously Piranha tongues, but the plants failed to eat them in time. They grabbed a vine wall and dropped to a surface platform. They had to carefully bounce Piranha heads on the river's surface until they arrived at a wide, open chamber.

"Uh-oh! They're here!" exclaimed a Team Rocket Agent atop a ledge. "Get them, Meganium!" He threw a Darkball and released a Mega Meganium, which seemed to have a flower garden along its back and one on its head. The Meganium charged a Dark Solar Beam, so the kids scattered to dodge it. Arianna grew a Fire Flower from one of her pots and squirted flames at the Plant-type, Tronta tossed bladed Frisbees around the neck, and Makava cut its body.

Meganium whipped giant vines that Arianna grabbed with brambles. She used Life Chi to strengthen the brambles' spikes and yank Meganium's vines off. She furiously whacked the Pokémon with the brambles until it was down and out. "UAAAAH!" They saw the Rocket Agent was pushed off his perch.

"Useless fool." said Ganondorf Dragmire as he leapt down to them. "Man, that Dio is giving me some bad habits."

"G-Ganondorf!" Makava stuttered, swords shaking in her hands.

"Let me see… Ah, yes. You're Nova's daughter." Ganon smirked at Ari. "She was the Firstborn Guardian I remembered the least well. So pathetically usele—dammit, Dio!"

"We'll show you useless!" Vweeb charged a Powuh Shot and fired, but a raise of Ganon's palm was all it took to block it.

"I don't like to waste time." Ganon charged a strike of lightning, the kids scattering, but in his haste to shoot Arianna, the white-robed figure zipped in his line of sight and caught the lightning on his sword.

"Then don't waste theirs." the figure remarked.

"Who are you?" Makava yelled.

"An acquaintance. Just get going and I'll distract Ganon."

"You sure you can handle him?" asked Vweeb.

"YOU wanna handle him, Shortstuff?"

"Okay, we'll leave it to you. C'mon, team!" Vweeb hopped on Ari's shoulders, and they quickly climbed the vines to the ledge where the agent was.

"You won't escape-!" Ganon charged another lightning bolt, only for the figure to attack.

"I know she's in your pocket, Gramps! Give her back!"

Team Vweeb briefly slid down a steep slope and landed in a water cavern. "'Guess all we can do now is swim." Makava figured.

"You guess wrong!" Vweeb used swift Kateenian speed to skid across the surface. The friends giggled and began to swim after him and Celebi. Mega Quagsires swum after them; these Pokémon had huge flipper tails. When one flipped its tail down on Vweeb, the strong tiny leapt up and punched back with greater strength. He grabbed another Quagsire's tail and whirled around to smash the other one. Makava dove underneath to stab one of the Quagsires that recovered.

There was an exit out of the cavern to their left, but straight forward was a dead end with two rows of unbudded flowers going up. Arianna used bending to bloom the flowers, which all tilted vertically. Vweeb was small enough to Wall Jump the flowers and find a small cave with a crumbled-up Catch Card. He shrunk it to scale and unraveled it: the card held Shino Aburame, a man in a green hood, sunglasses, and a Hidden Leaf Ninja headband.

"Curious creature. Would you like to be in my bug collection?"

"You're the bug, Dumbo." Vweeb stashed him with Sam. He went to rejoin his friends as the cave exited to a pretty outside field. Mega Bellossoms danced around the field with neon dresses and aimed to attack them, but the operatives were quick in retaliating. They combed the whole field until all the Pokémon were defeated. A road of purple flowers floated over a chasm, but the flowers went invisible when they got close.

"Shrinking violets?" Arianna raised a brow.

"More like Shy Vies." Vweeb said.

"They won't show their selves as long as they see you." Celebi said. "Make yourselves unseen somehow."

"Wait guys, I hear something over there!" Tron pointed across the field. "It's some sort of moving flower."

"I don't see anything." Makava replied. "Wait, those flowers look like something's kicking them. Tron, if you see it, go and catch it!"

When Tronta gave chase, the unseen flower panicked and tried to run. Tron's speed proved superior, and upon snatching it, the flower emitted some spores that made Tron vanish. "Where'd he go?!" Vweeb exclaimed.

They saw footsteps stomping across the flowers back to them. "Guys, check me out! I'm invisible!"

"Amazing! Tron, use the flower on us!" Ari requested. In seconds, the four aliens were all invisible. The Shy Vies freely showed themselves as the aliens crossed. Like the other flower path, there were big gaps that required Tron's Light Discs, but because the discs were invisible as well, they needed him to throw them on the platforms (his better senses could detect them well). They were slowly regaining their visibility, but they set foot on a safe ledge before it happened.

Not far, they noticed a short blonde person swaying her hips. "Huh? Hey, who's there?" Tron called.

The person whipped around and revealed to be a Shy Guy Bandit. "Na na na-na na!" He wagged his Catch Card and bolted.

"Hey!" Makava was first to give pursuit. They raced through a forest of giant trees that tried to stomp their roots down, the group making swift jumps or ducks. The Bandit hopped large leaves up the trunk of a tree, the aliens mimicking the motion, followed by having to ledge-grab across a beanstalk. They ziplined a vine down to a series of large flower platforms, jumping carefully lest they fall down the pit. Large Fire Piranhas were perched on some flowers and coughing giant fireballs that made jumping trickier.

The chase resumed on solid ground again, but the Bandit was still far from capture. "You'll go no step further." A black-clothed butler landed in the Shy Guy's way and cracked its neck.

"Zeref!" Makava yelped. "Wait, no it isn't…"

"Where in the world WERE you, Sebastian?!" demanded Ciel Phantomhive, the boy in the Catch Card. "That creature did… horrible things to me!"

"Forgive me, My Lord. Hijacking one of these heathens' ships proved to be rather tasking… but what kind of butler would I be if I couldn't?" He turned to the aliens. "Children, how would I go about freeing this boy?"

The kids cocked a brow, surprised someone else came to recover a card. "Just tear it up and he'll be free." Makava answered.

"Very well."

"Sebastian, wait-!" The butler ripped the card and Ciel poofed back to normal. "You had NO idea that would work, that could've killed me!"

"Nonsense, what kind of butler would I be if I couldn't determine truth from lie?"

"Ugh. Just get me out of this stupid forest." Sebastian lifted the boy up and made a sprint.

"The Planet Seed isn't far. We are nearly there!" Celebi flew forth. The team kept after as the ground sloped down, but coffins sprung out of the ground. Inferi came out and raised swords and guns.

"Not these again!" Makava said angrily.

"Arianna, run ahead with Celebi." Vweeb dropped to the ground. "We'll keep them busy. Call us if you need us."

"All right. Please be careful." Her friends began attacking the Inferi, leaving Arianna to keep following Celebi. The forest grew darker, and after a few more minutes of walking, they located the core of the forest: the Planet Seed. (End song.)

Light cracked out of parts of the seed, taking the form of thin lines that went up into the tree like roots. It was hovering over a pit of light. "If we restore the life force to this seed, you'll be able to get your body back, right?"

"We have to save this tree, anyway. I'll enter your body and enhance your bending, but only for a moment. Or else, you might die."

"But if I die, you could revive me, can't you?"

"Well, I… Arianna, let's not talk about that now."

"Sigh… All right, I'm ready." With that, Celebi's life force entered Arianna's body. Now brimming with incredible energy, Arianna focused it on the Planet Seed. The light around the seed increased, and life coursed through the entire Planet Tree. "Aaaah!" Arianna grunted as Celebi flew out of her body. She clasped her heart and panted. "Did we do it… Celebi?"

"Something's wrong, Arianna… The seed… Look at the seed!"

Arianna watched with confusion as the seed seemed to wither and crumble. "I don't understand! We filled it with Life Chi, it shouldn't be…"

"Life cannot exist without death." Zeref appeared from the darkness, alongside Celebi's blackened body. "By filling the seed with more life, you are merely accelerating its growth. But this will only cause it to die off faster."

"That can't be… Celebi, did you know?"

"I'm afraid that's Life Chi's weakness. If a plant comes back from death, its natural lifespan won't be as long. It also hurts the plant's soul to return to its former body, and that will cause its soul to darken. The same laws apply to mortal beings. But this seed felt too sacred to let die. Why do I feel the rest of the tree returning to life?"

"It may seem as though the seed is giving the forest life," said Zeref, "but it is actually the seed drawing life force from the forest. According to Bill, a planet dwells inside the seed, and must constantly feed. Now that you are accelerating its growth, some of the life force is returning to the planet."

"So, it works in reverse… how very odd."

"Yes. Unfortunately, Bill wants that planet destroyed. So, step aside, if you don't want to perish."

Arianna whipped brambles and knocked Zeref away. "Ow! Wait…"

"Celebi, your body!" At Ari's command, the spirit ball shot back into her death-imbued body. Her black hair and clothes became green and her wings glittered with light.

"Arianna… I'm back!"

"You are, Celebi? What about the Death Chi he put inside you?"

Celebi formed a small black cloud. "You know, I think this Death is a part of me. Maybe the Egg Chamber gave it to me to balance the Life out."

"Power over Life and Death." Zeref smiled. "You truly are a wondrous creature. Perhaps the two of you would like to team up with me."

"And why would we do that?" Ari glared.

"I have already found ways to counter and reverse death. My Inferi feel no pain and nothing can kill them. But if we teamed up, perhaps we can go even farther. We can erase sadness and darkness, fill the universe with love."

"Fill the universe with love… that does sound pleasant." For a moment, Ari smiled. But her glare quickly returned. "Too bad I don't trust a word you say." She whacked him with a bramble again.

"Ow! How are you able to hurt me?"

"That must be the result of the Life Chi on my plants. It pierces your death cloud and reminds you of pain. I may not be able to kill you, but I can sure make you hurt." (Play "The 13th Reflection" from Kingdom Hearts II: Final Mix!)

"You'll fight me with pain? Hm hm hm… I'm intrigued." He fixed a sharp gaze on her. "Then give it to me, Arianna. Remind me of the beauty of PAIN!"

Boss fight: Zeref

Zeref projected a thick black bubble around himself and sent smaller Death Spheres out from it, all homing towards Arianna as she batted them away with brambles. Death Spheres came out in 5's, which she countered by spinning her brambles, and she was quick with her bending reflexes until the protective bubble was dissolved completely. Arianna stretched and stabbed Zeref with the brambles repeatedly, until the dark wizard grabbed the bramble and willed it to decay. Arianna cut it off before the death could reach her, but was forced to run when the wizard gave chase and threw death clouds.

Arianna erected vines from the ground to grab Zeref's legs and fling him upward, then have vines grab him from the ceiling. "Nature Coffin!" She tightened the vines and squeezed Zeref, applying Life Chi so it would truly hurt. Zeref summoned a coffin, and from that coffin emerged the Inferius of Portgas D. Ace. When Ari tried to grab him with vines, they immediately caught fire. The vines holding Zeref decayed as the wizard dropped free. "Burn the Planet Seed." At his order, Ace's Inferius eyes turned pale as he shot twin flaming beams at the seed.

"Arianna, we need Water Bulbs!" Celebi shouted.

"Okay!" Arianna sprouted up a shield of giant thick petals and clasped the ground to sense Water Bulb seeds. She found some and willed her Life Chi to flow through the ground and make them grow toward the ceiling. She increased their growth, dropped the shield, and quickly dodged Zeref's attacks, leaving Celebi to yank the Water Bulbs down onto Ace. "Celebi, keep him trapped in those Water Bulbs!"

Arianna sprouted brambles up around Zeref, then erected a bramble maze to hinder his escape. With that, Arianna grew a giant mushroom and shook it to release Stun Spores. However, not only did Zeref easily kill the spores with a Death Cloud, he stole the life force from the brambles and condensed it into a sphere on the tip of his Keyblade. "The Keyblade is what I used to unlock the Life Chi out of Celebi's body. I've taken the life forces of many plants and creatures to feed it to myself." Zeref slurped the ball of life into his throat. "I thought that, eventually, the Life Chi would drown my Death Magic, and with a body full of life, I could finally kill myself. But no matter how much I absorb, I remain immortal." He stabbed himself in the head.

"How pitiful. Perhaps your curse stems from the fact you have lost sight of life's true values."

"Those values are that life is not eternal, are they not? Yet, you hoped Celebi would revive your fallen friends. You seek the same thing I want: to erase death. And I have made that possible." Zeref summoned another coffin, containing Danny Jackson's Inferius. He bent water from the Water Bulbs into his mouth, inflating himself and rolling Ari over. Ace resumed burning the Planet Seed, only for Celebi to attempt to bind him.

Arianna stabbed Danny's body with brambles and wrapped the zombie up in them. "These Inferi are more lifeless than when they were dead!"

"But what if I were to cease controlling them? They could live freely and never be killed. For the past three years, I have made Inferi out of millions from worlds we have conquered. As per Lord English's orders."

"So, then he would have more subjects without free will to command?"

"That's part of the reason." Zeref smirked. "Still, with a bit of magic, even dead objects such as books can bear a little life." He grabbed a book from his robe and cast a spell on it with the Keyblade. The book shot a beam to Celebi to suck her into its pages. Arianna binded Zeref's arms and legs in brambles, but this didn't stop his book from sucking her in as well.

Arianna landed in a sub-dimension where pages spiraled around her like a tornado, some trying to latch on her body, but using the dead side of Gonshiri's Plant Chi, she bent the pages away from her. "Yowch!" Black splotches were left on the spots where the papers touched.

"Welcome to my Book of Zeref." The mage was standing on a flying book up above. "Where I have written and stored thousands of my dark arts. Right now, you're getting a taste of my toxic leeches." Arianna glanced at the pages that just touched her, which had pictures of the splotches. More pages flew at her—suddenly exploding and flinging her away. Arianna grabbed any incoming pages in her bending and tore them in half. When she did this to the toxic leech pages, the poison slugs vanished off her body.

Arianna watched as some pages latched around Zeref's arms, turning them into swords. Other pages touched Arianna, who swatted them off and whipped brambles at her opponent. Zeref easily sliced the plants and stabbed Arianna in the left hip. "AAAAH! !" Incredible pain coursed through her body.

"Those pages amplified your pain receptors." He kicked Arianna, who felt like her bones rattled and rearranged. "No normal person could bear it."

"YAAAAAAA!" Zeref looked up at hearing Celebi's despairing screech; the Firstborn destroyed the "Pain" pages, resulting a deadly after-effect.

Arianna was back on her feet, stabbing Zeref with brambles and using them to bang him against the ground. She applied Life Chi and caused the spikes to STRETCH, piercing Zeref with enough pain to escape from the sub-dimension. "Thank you, Celebi!" Arianna grew a Razor Sakura Blossom and sliced Zeref apart with swift cuts, and Celebi meanwhile grew more Water Bulbs to stop Ace from burning the Planet Seed.

Zeref's body reattached itself before the wizard sprouted pillars of black death from below Ari's feet, forcing her to sprint and save herself. She bent cherry blossoms off her plant and spun them toward Zeref, breaking his concentration and stopping the pillars. Zeref grabbed his book again and, with a flick of the Keyblade, made the pages fly out as they did in the sub-dimension. Some pages sprawled around the ground and froze it with red, Hellish ice.

"This is Devil Slayer Ice. It cannot be melted easily."

"Good thing Celebi is no Devil! Celebi, grow this Fire Flower!" Arianna indicated the desired pot, so Celebi grew said flower. The Harnitan squirt fireballs around the ice floor to melt it, striking the pages underneath to be rid of the ice for good. Zeref cast a wave of death, but Ari brought up a petal shield. Sadly, some of the mist was leaking through, so she spread Life Chi through the shield to keep it at bay. Zeref's wave was ceaseless, it seemed, and despite her greater outpour of Life Chi, the shield crumbled. "Ulp-!" She ducked and held her breath. If not for the Life Chi that she borrowed, she would be killed right now.

"Arianna, too much Life Chi will accelerate a plant's age and cause them to die, anyway!" Celebi shouted.

"I know, Celebi, but I didn't… Wait." Arianna got back to her feet with a thoughtful expression. "Zeref, get ready for an overdose!" Arianna stretched and stabbed him with the brambles again. She willed Life Chi to flow across the thorns and fill Zeref's body. "Perhaps this will restore your life force, don't you agree?"

"You fool." Zeref chortled. "I stopped believing this would rid me of my curse. You will only exhaust yourself—AAAAH!" The pain from the bramble suddenly worsened.

"I'm striking at YOUR pain receptors now. How's it feel? You can't know what it means to live unless you feel pain, Zeref! So, let this be a reminder that YOU were once human!"

"AAAAAAAAHHHH!" Zeref was ripped apart from the inside. His limbs were shaking on the ground, pain coursing in every part of his senses. He could truly feel nothing else. "Pain… This PAIN… I love it…" (End song.)

Zeref spent so long writhing and screaming, Arianna and Celebi could only feel pity. He was too distracted to command his Inferi directly, so Ace and Danny regained partial free will. "YO!"

Ari gasped—someone smacked her in the shoulder. She looked back and down, seeing Vweeb. "Man, Arianna, I don't remember you EVER being this violent! I mean, you literally tore that guy up!"

"Er- I didn't mean to overdo it." Ari blushed. "I just didn't think I could kill him, s-so I thought I might as well… um…"

"Say no more, Ari." Vweeb climbed on her sandal and patted her toe. "You're not the same girl you were three years ago. You're a girl that can stay firm on her feet. You have rightfully earned the respect of Vweeb."

"…" She smirked wryly and said, "I'm sorry, but I had no interest in your respect!"

"Too bad, 'cause you got it!" He flicked her toe with Kateeny strength to make it wince. "Firstborn notwithstanding, you beat up a Darkness all on your own. You're a real beast!"

"Hm hm hm! I don't deserve it, really. I couldn't even shut him up." Indeed, Zeref was still screaming.

"Oh, the boy just needs a little needlework, don't worry."

"What? Who said that?" The three looked around.

A snake slithered out from the darkness. In a flash, it turned into Thanatos. "Hello, kiddies! You haven't forgotten old Thannypoo, have you?!"

"Thannywho?" Vweeb was dumbfounded.

"See, I knew I shouldn't have spent the whole story in Medusa's hair. I mean, we deserve as much part in this as Lord English and Bill—heck, they wouldn't have found the Darknesses if we haven't been so gullible! But anyways, kids, I can't let you lay another hand on Zeref. He's a very special friend of mine! And it's time to take our friendship to the next level." Thanatos turned into mist and shot into Zeref's broken body.

"AAAAAHH!" Zeref cried as his body reattached, a black aura brimming around him.

"Normally, an action like this would KILL a mortal, but since Zeref is IMMORTAL, I can stay in his beautiful body as long as I want! Here, Zeref! Take as much as you want! The TRUE darkness of DEATH!"

"The pain… it's leaving! It feels so… wonderful." Zeref breathed calmly and embraced the deadly chi. His flesh turned into bone, his red eyes glowing. "Your Life Chi won't affect me now. Your last trump card was made useless. Now, it's time to complete my mission!" He became a ball of death and furiously bounced around the planet's roots, spreading decay. "I'll kill this whole universe so that Lord English can make life anew! Soon, Life and Death will be ONE!" He punctured the Planet Seed, which began rapidly beating like a heart.

"The seed is going to explode!" Celebi exclaimed.

"Can it really kill the whole universe?!" Ari shouted.

"I don't know, but I won't find out. I'm going to use my Life Chi to fight it!" The Firstborn tried to concentrate power, but a paper flew out of the seed and exploded against Celebi.

"They can still defend their selves!" Ari gritted her teeth. "We have to pull them out of that thing!"

"Screw that, why don't we just destroy the seed before it can explode?!"

"Vweeb, there's a planet in there, we can't let it-"

Celebi erected giant brambles from her body and stabbed the seed. "Vweeb is right. Whether it's my Life Chi or their Death Chi, the seed is already dead. We can't save it, but we can still save everyone else." She flailed her brambles and began to tear down the seed.

"Hey, that's not fair! We'll see how YOU like it!" came Thanatos' voice. The skeletal Zeref flew out to slice Celebi with arm-swords, but Makava tossed her swords from his left and knocked him away.

"You starting without us?!" Makava yelled, calling her swords back. Tronta was beside her.

"Nope, you're just in time!" Vweeb readied his gun. "Guys, while Celebi's tearing that seed up, let's tear Zeref up!"

"But we can't hurt him at all in this form." Ari said.

"If you attack him hard enough, Thanatos should be forced out of his body!" Celebi informed. "Let me give you these protection shields." She conjured four green bubbles and cast them over the kids. They turned invisible. "They'll keep your bodies from being cut or killed, but you'll have to stop him before they wear off." She returned to destroying the Planet Seed.

"We better do this fast!" Tron yelled.

"I'm sorry to have to make you fight with me." Arianna smirked vigorously. "But I'm not sorry for what we're about to do to this freak!" (Play "Master Core" from Smash Bros. 4!)

Phase 2: Shinigami Zeref

Zeref flew up and slashed blades at Arianna, dealing severe pain and flinging her off. Makava performed nimble slashes all around his body, then when he spun to clash with her, Vweeb leapt up to punch across his face. Guns emerged around Zeref's body to blast the kids away, and using magic, he summoned more pages from his book to explode around the field. Arianna grabbed some pages in bending to throw them back at Zeref, who still felt no pain. Pages landed on the ground, and when Arianna stepped on them, spikes popped up to stab her feet.

Tronta tossed his Light Discs, which connected by energy ropes and wrapped around Zeref's body. He squeezed the wizard while Makava leapt to stab his head, but Zeref warped out of the discs' grasp, turned his arms into machineguns, and blasted the kids off their feet. He aimed at Celebi, but Vweeb blasted a Powuh Shot to cut the guns, and before Zeref could retaliate, Makava suddenly recovered and threw aerial slashes. She ran up to engage him in another sword fight; meanwhile, Arianna grabbed Vweeb with a vine, whirled him around, then whipped his strength-enhanced body against Zeref. The mage fell off his feet, but recovered easily.

Zeref firmly grasped two pages with hand pictures. Magic circles appeared around the field as Dead Hands emerged, one grabbing Vweeb and trying to drain his life force. Tronta threw bladed Light Discs, but failed to cut the energy hands. Arianna stretched brambles to grab Zeref's arms and try to pull the pages away, but Zeref warped behind her and stabbed Ari's head with an arm-sword. Celebi's spell kept her from getting cut, but her head was still dizzy with pain.

"It's no use! We can't hit him hard enough to knock Thanatos out!" Makava shouted.

"What else can we do? None of our attacks are strong enough!" Vweeb yelled.

"You're a waste of my time." Zeref drew his Keyblade. "This universe is doomed." He cast a beam of light at the Planet Seed.

"It's gonna explode! We're doomed!" cried Tronta.

"Grrrr… VWEEB, SHRINK IT!" Ari exclaimed.

"Whuh?! Okay!" Vweeb charged another Powuh Shot, set the gun to Shrink, and fired. The Planet Seed shrunk to the size of a normal seed.

"Go ahead." Zeref smirked. "It will still destroy this planet and you with it."

"Guess AGAIN!" Arianna grabbed the seed with a vine and chucked it into her mouth. "Now, Vweeb, shrink Zeref!"

"Coulda done that from the start!" Vweeb fired the gun at Zeref, then Arianna grabbed and chucked him down her throat as well.

"Sis, what the heck are you doing?!" Tron exclaimed.

"ACK!!" Arianna clutched her throat and fell on her back. (End song.)

"Arianna!" Makava and co. ran to her aid. Vweeb leapt on her throat and listened for breath. Tronta put his antennas close to her heart.

"Her heart's still beating… it's getting slower. She's losing breath!"

"It's not too late, I'm going in!" Vweeb jumped into Ari's mouth. Quickly crawling through her throat, Vweeb located a giant green bulb bulging with black mist. Vweeb shrunk it as well to quickly carry it out of Ari's body.

Celebi touched Ari's heart and released just a little Life Chi to restart its normal rate. Vweeb tossed the bulb away and restored it to size. "What… is that?" Makava asked.

"Huff…Huff… Viridi gave it to me." Arianna breathed. "It's a sack that catches poison substances that I eat. I hoped it would contain the explosion… and that it would be powerful enough to stop Zeref."

When the sack decayed from the Death Chi, both Zeref and Thanatos collapsed out. Celebi grabbed the miniaturized wizard in vines. "What about Thanatos?" Makava asked.

"He's a god, so I don't think the Penance Chamber will hold him." Tron reasoned. "Zeref is our priority."

"Then I guess we're done here…" Vweeb figured.

The planet seemed to tremble. "Oh, what's going on now?!"

Outside, the Planet Tree was being bombarded by a fleet of remote controlled ships. "Metarex! Destroy every ounce of that planet! Let nothing remain!" commanded an alien in purple armor with a green glass eye.

Commander of The Thirteen's Backup Army, Metarex Division


"Celebi, can you stop them?!"

"I will!" Celebi called forth her power and willed the tree to expand and grow. Vines stabbed the Metarex and exploded their ships. Tronta called the Nova Cruiser, and the kids hopped onboard with Zeref in tow.

"Look, everyone!" Arianna pointed outside. As they whisked past the trees and vines, colorful orbs appeared to grow on them. "They're like… tiny planets."

"The Planet Tree… This dimension sure is weird." Makava smiled.

The Nova Cruiser entered hyperspace upon escaping the Planet Tree. Purple beams rained down from above and destroyed Metarex. "You shall not harm this tree. Begone!" commanded the Encyclopod.