F-14. My Daughter

Planet Loktup

Terezi nimbly whipped her cane to block Sephiroth's blade, sensing his warp points before he had a chance to appear. She would duck his strikes and deal several quick stabs into his chest, drenching her cane in blood. "Sniff, sniff. The scent of your blood will make you all the more easy to dodge!" She licked her cane clean. Sephiroth flew up and performed planet-shaped spin attacks that were able to whack her cane away, earning Terezi several cuts that spilled her teal blood.

Sephiroth warped far away and called, "Descend Heartless Angel." Terezi grabbed her cane and raced for an attack. Despite landing a blow on Sephiroth, a pink aura had already formed around her.

"444H!" An unseen attack suddenly left Terezi feeble and powerless, as if only one piece of HP remained within her. Without hesitating, Sephiroth zipped up and stabbed Terezi in the head.

"You fought well… for a blind animal." The angel withdrew his sword drenched in teal. The blind troll fell over, dead.

Planet Indo

Wendy Marvell and Vaati traveled through a valley where the wind seemed to be blowing stronger. They stopped above a ledge overlooking a vast canyon of dancing whirlwinds. "Typheus must be close. I can see that The Thirteen's minions have found their way here. We can bypass them if I fly us over."

"But if we let them wander around, they'll try to hurt Typheus. We should try to clear them out, don't you think?"

"Right, of course. And I'm certain Lord English would be aware of my betrayal by now. He may be sending stronger agents."

"Maybe you should fly ahead and protect Typheus!"

"Really? I don't want to leave you by yourself. And don't forget Voldemort shares my body; I fear if he's trustworthy."

"Then don't let him do anything bad. It's your body, Dad, I know you wouldn't let yourself get out of control. You're stronger than that!"

"Hehe…" Vaati blushed. "I truly did miss your bright spirit, Wendy. Very well… I'll see you soon." The mage became wind and whisked across the valley.

Wendy smiled and watched the wind cloud shrink across the distance. …Frowning, she clicked her wristwatch communicator once again. She gasped when she saw the one she was contacting closing in on her. Wendy turned as Sugar's Song Bird finally caught up and landed. "Wendy!" Carla flew out; she had reverted to her cat form.

"Mom! Sugar!" Wendy hugged the kitten.

"Thank goodness you're okay. Where's Mr. Vaati? Why didn't you call us directly?"

Wendy tried to explain what her father had told her. "A creature called Typheus that Lord English hates?" Sugar recapped.

"And Vaati intends you to borrow this creature's Wind Chi?" Carla followed.

"I don't really understand, but my father seems sincere about it. He wouldn't have brought me if his mission was to destroy Typheus. I'm still pretty skeptical… I called you in secret in case he was setting a trap, we could trap him back."

"That makes a rhyme!" Meloetta danced.

"Ha ha! Anyway, I'm going after him. Can you stay here and wait for my call?"

"We couldn't leave you alone with that man. Please, let us come." Carla requested.

"No. If it's really dangerous, you guys can call backup. Just hang back for now so we can surprise my dad." Wendy grinned in humor at the thought. "I'll be fine, promise!"

"Sigh… you worry us, Child."

"She survived this long by herself, right?" Sugar giggled.

"I'll be back in a flash! Wish me luck!" (Play "Horn Top Hop (Leaves)" from Donkey Kong: Tropical Freeze!)

Stage F-12: Land of Wind and Shade

Mission: Locate Typheus and borrow his Wind Chi.

Wendy raced leftward along the edge of the cliff, jumping and sliding under windy gusts that came out of holes on the other side. Wendy found a path leading down into the canyon, shaped in a long curve as the mage had to keep a constant, steady turn. At the path's end, Wendy ran into a floating whirlwind, spiraling up it as she ran midair. From the top of the whirlwind, she launched herself to another, spiraled up it, and saw another one to launch to. However, large Morphs (spikeball eyes) were whirling around the top of this one, so Wendy was forced to launch off earlier to avoid getting hit. She nearly missed the next whirlwind as a result.

From this last one, Wendy launched to a bigger platform where she was attacked by three Livid Suns (sapphire Angry Suns). They flew about rampantly and swooped down at Wendy one at a time. "Blizzaga!" The tip of her Fairy's Tail brimmed white, and applying airbending to magic caused a powerful blizzard to occur. The Livid Suns took significant damage, but not enough to KO them. Wendy finished all three by blowing a Cyclone Roar.

Beyond the foothold's ledge was a lineup of stone pipes, all connected starting at one near Wendy. Wendy took a breath and blew a Cyclone Roar into said pipe, the air flowing through and coming out each pipe as whirlwinds. Wendy could jump inside each whirl, gently float up, and move toward the next. After setting foot on a new ground, Wendy raced up a narrow mountain slope that had several turns, followed by a wider path where whirlwinds moved left and right. If they caught her, the whirlwinds would spit her further back.

Wendy noticed a Catch Card drifting a few feet before a whirlwind. She would have to get caught in that whirlwind when it was lined up and be spat back at the card. She succeeded in this task and recovered the card, which contained a blonde girl named Esther, who wore an Arabian dancer's outfit. "Thank you for saving me. You don't suppose this makes me a useless sidekick?"

"No, of course not. Why would you say that?"

"Somehow, I keep hearing people call me useless."

"I'm sorry to hear that. Wait in here for a while, please." She put Esther in her shirt pocket. Wendy arrived at what appeared to be a small lake, some stalagmites and platforms sticking out of some areas, and the water was very still and beautifully reflected the indigo sky. Wendy treaded along the surface and discovered a Wind Switch on one of the platforms. She used airbending to keep the switch spinning like a pinwheel.

On one side of the lake was a long, slightly wide passage leading to a dead end with a large fan. Realizing there was no way to get past here, Wendy kicked off the inactive fan and raced back the other way. She could Wall Jump up onto another platform to blow on another Wind Switch. She could stand on a surface platform and cast the Engorgio spell on a stairway of mushrooms, enlarging them in order to bounce up to another foothold and blow the third Wind Switch.

The large fan at the end of the passage activated, creating waves that surfed along the river. Wendy could run down, run up each wave, and leap to the next one, keeping the momentum going until she could jump onto the ledge above the fan. Now, Wendy overlooked a bottomless chasm with giant windmills blowing large gusts. There was one just under Wendy, and she used it to tread along the air to the next windmill, from which she glided to the third.

This windmill was blowing at nothing, so Wendy cast Spinneroo to redirect it toward the next. She repeated the action for the following two windmills, while the last one was properly aimed at the path—she noticed the Catch Card beyond the windmill and cast Spinneroo to aim it in the card's direction. Wendy could glide toward the card and land on a Spring Shroom to fling safely onto the path.

"You're pretty!" said Meelo, the baldheaded boy in the card. "Can I have some of your hair?"

"I hope you're not related to Baldy Bald." Wendy replied.

She arrived at a village of salamanders. They lived in caves within mounts and had pinwheel plants growing in small gardens. "This place is lovely… I wish I brought Sugar and Carla along now."

Sadly, the peace ended when the salamanders bore sharp fangs and red eyes. "Waaah!" She dodged their bites in a heartbeat and cast "Lumos Solem!" The sunlight from her sacred wand caused the creatures to burn. "Huh? They must be vampires, too." Wendy said, recalling that other character whose named escaped her.

Wendy jumped on and across some houses to get to a chasm. Some windmills were calmly turning, and platforms were attached to their points. Also, between each windmill was a giant Ptooie, a walking Piranha Plant blowing spike platforms. Wendy landed on the first windmill and cast Flippow to flip the Ptooie's spike square, so the flat end could face up. She jumped across to the next windmill, which had two platforms with Salampires on them. "Lumos Incendio!" Wendy called to shoot light fireballs at them. She flipped another Ptooie's platform, then had to do the same with the following windmill's spiked platform (its other three platforms were completely spiked).

From there, Wendy jumped to a spring, bouncing her around a series of springs that landed her on a ring-shaped foothold. The ring was being blown up by a circle of Ptooies, walking in unison across the field. "This would make a boring Sonic level…" Wendy commented. She heard monstrous screeches and saw Hollows charging to attack the Ptooies, so she cast light flames to destroy them each in one strike. Shy Guys landed on the ring, making chants and doing dances as they whacked her with weed whackers. She quickly KO'ed them, focused back on the Hollows, and was forced to alternate between them.

In the midst of this annoying section, a Catch Card was about to pass over the ring. Wendy barely had enough time to KO two Shy Guys, grab it, and shoot the incoming Hollow. "Oh, you saved me." The girl in the card was Sadness, a blue humanoid with glasses. "I thought nobody cared about me. Hey, you dyed your hair like mine!"

"Hehe! Let's talk later, okay?" Wendy put Sadness away. The Ptooies finally stopped at a cliff, and with a bigger breath, they blew the foothold level with the ledge. "Thank you!" Wendy jumped off and began to race along a path over another chasm. The wind randomly blew left and right, so Wendy had to quickly sidestep against it to avoid blowing off. This action was especially tricky when the path shifted diagonally right. When it was straight again, the wind started pushing against Wendy from the direction she was running. She sidestepped Pokémon blowing in the wind and kept true to the path before her.

Suddenly the wind blew from behind—Wendy was pushed forward at breakneck speed, and seeing the path ending, she made the terrific leap of faith over a deeper chasm. The wind blew her all the way across as she bounced and tripped haphazardly on the following ground. "Owwww!" Wendy sat up and gripped her kneecaps. "My knees, my knees…! My sandals!" Her wooden sandals had broken off in the crash, and before she had a chance to recover them, they were blown off the cliff. Wendy clutched the ground to keep herself from sharing the same fate, but the wind was stronger than ever. "AAAAH!"

"WENDY!" Her hand was grabbed by a white one with long fingernails—her father.

"DAD!" Wendy beamed. "It's really windy here!!"

"I know! Typheus' lair is close! I can withstand it with my Logia bending, so I'll carry you!" He lifted Wendy over his shoulder and flew against the wind. They were closing in on a mountain that looked like giant organ pipes. As Vaati's hair was rapidly blowing behind him, Wendy's squinted eyes detected some kind of growth on his head. "Uh… Dad?"

"What, Wendy?"

A stronger wind forced her to shut her eyes. "Uh… Never mind." (End song.)

Back with the others

Sugar was sitting on the edge of the cliff, carefreely swinging her legs. "Don't worry so much, Carla." she said to the kitten floating a few meters above. "Wendy knows how to take care of herself."

"I know she can… It's the fact she is with Mr. Vaati that concerns me. And I just hate the idea of leaving her with that man again."

"If she has issues with her father, then she needs to be the one to face him. I never had the chance to with mine." Sugar frowned for a moment. "It's kinda funny: I didn't find my happiness until after I left my family, but with Wendy, it's the opposite. It's almost like we're parallels in some way!"

"That's interesting to hear, but I'm concerned if Mr. Vaati will try something reckless and Wendy won't…! Sugar!" Carla pointed behind her.

Sugar gasped and got back to her feet. An army of Heartless was slowly approaching them. They heard a dark portal open on their left, and Xehanort came out. "Xehanort!" Sugar exclaimed.

"I thought I felt a couple of lights shimmering in this dark world. We'll have to blot them out, won't we, Baldy Bald?"

"Super Fist of RED MAGIC!" A red energy snake seemed to fly out of nowhere and LATCH onto Meloetta's head.

"AHH! MY HAIR!" The Firstborn's rainbow head was shaved clean.

"MYAH HAH HAH!" Baldy Bald glowed brightly. "With this, I command the Powers of the Rainbow!" With a great poof of smoke, he transformed. "Now give me some DOG FOOD!" He became Shaggy from Scooby-Doo.

"How did a rainbow let you turn into THAT?!" Carla shouted.

"Maybe because he's a hippie." Sugar said.

"Now I'll use Super Fist of Blue Magic: Unhealthy DIET ATTACK!" The Shaggy Baldy opened his big mouth and munched the Song Bird whole.

"My hair… My precious hair…" Meloetta was crying music note tears.

"Now that your primary source of power has been crippled, our plan can proceed without hassle." Xehanort smirked.

"Your plan? …Wendy!" Feeling danger was afoot, Carla made flight over the canyon.

"After her, Heartless!" Xehanort commanded as flying Heartless engaged pursuit, forcing Carla to fight them off.

"Are you in league with Vaati? Are you setting a trap for Wendy?" Sugar questioned.

"Oh, Vaati would never cooperate. Not in his right mind."


Typheus' Mountain

Vaati and Wendy climbed a very thin stairwell leading up the organ pipe mountain. Oddly, the wind had settled down. At the top of the stairs, the two approached a wide, gaping well where an eerie howl moaned. Wendy waved her wand and cast Lumos down the well. The light shrank into the dark depths with no presence of a bottom. She looked nervously at her father, who gave an assuring nod as they readied to jump down.

Just as they stood on the well, a gust blew them off. "WHO DARES DISTURB MY SLUMBER?" an echoing voice howled from the organ pipes, different ones blowing wind out with each word. "MY THREE-HOUR SLUMBER?"

Wendy gulped and helped herself up. "E-Excuse me! Are you… Typheus?"


Vaati spoke this time, "Lord Typheus, this is my daughter, Wendy Marvell! She is a powerful mage and terrific airbender! We are on a mission to destroy Lord English, but we first need your power! Please give your Air Chi to Wendy."

It sounded as though a thoughtful breath echoed from the pipes. "Huuuurrrrm… NO."

"Please, Mr. Typheus." Wendy folded her hands and pled. "I need to help my friends save the universe. I promise I'll give your chi right back."

"Know this… Only ONE may possess my Winds of Truth. One whose aura resembles my own. Bring me… THE SEEKER."

"The Seeker? I don't understand. Who is that?"

"I know little of my own existence… only that I must wait for The Seeker. I do not know who it is… but it cannot be you. You look like you still wet the bed."

Wendy turned white as a ghost. "It was an AAAACCIDEEEEEENT!" She tightly pulled her dress down and bawled her eyes out.

"LISTEN, you bastard!" Vaati shouted up at the mountains. "Don't you realize we want to save the UNIVERSE?! Why won't you give us your chi?!"

"Because I said so, dumbass!"

"How DARE YOU!" Vaati tried to fly into the well, but an even stronger gust kept him stationary. "Useless useless useless USELESS!!"

"Dad, please calm down!"

"You underestimate me? I guess you want a better demonstration!" With more gusto, the front strands of Vaati's hair blew off, along with his mask. The mage was finally shot out of the well and went tumbling down the stairs.

"Dad!" Wendy glided down the stairs and lifted her father's head. A green breath seemed to enter his lungs. He looked up to face Wendy, who gasped at seeing his exposed right eye; it was more slit, scarlet-red, and had a dilated pupil. What also disturbed her was the growth on his head: it looked like pink entangled vines stemming from his brain. "Dad… what's that on your head?"

"I believe this plan was a failure, Vaati." he spoke in a hissed tone.

"Yes, Voldemort… it seems Typheus will not give her the Air Chi willingly."

Wendy backed up in fear as Vaati stood. "Well… we should probably take her to be recruited." He smiled.


"No, Wendy. I'm afraid I have neglected to tell you. It is true that Voldemort and I have a mutual hatred for Lord English… but there is one other man whom we've developed a respect for: Lord DIO."

"DIO?!" Wendy now remembered the name of that vampire man.

"Lord English does not care to give us the worlds we desire… but Lord DIO is an astounding man. With his help, we can live forever, and our greatest dreams can come true. He can help you, too, Wendy! He can make all of us stronger. Lend him your faith and your trust, and we can defeat Lord English!"

"Dad, listen to yourself! This isn't you at all, you've been brainwashed!"

"No, Wendy! I truly believe Lord DIO is the answer we've been seeking! I didn't tell you before because I did not think you would understand at first. But you must trust me! I love you, Wendy, I wouldn't do this if I didn't think it would-"

Wendy swung a punch across Vaati's face, her fist hardened with Haki. The fist returned to peach color as Wendy gritted her teeth. "Why do I keep trusting you?! You SOUND like you care about me, but you…you're insane! And this whole thing with Typheus is probably part of some crazy plan, too. I'm sorry," Wendy began tapping her wristwatch, "but I'm not-" The watch was shot by a magic blast.

"There's no point in calling your friends." Voldemort said, holding the Keyblade. "Our allies are surrounding them as we speak."

"What?! You mean… I played into their trap…" Wendy despairingly regretted telling her friends to stay back.

"It's all right, Wendy. Lord DIO can help them, too. He will welcome ALL your friends to his-"

"SHUT UP!" Wendy shot a spell through his wind-made head. "I'm SICK of you using me! I'm going to knock some sense into you, Father! Letting Voldemort share the pain will be a bonus!"

"Hm hm hm… You're a stubborn girl, Wendy. Just like your old man. But even a stubborn man like me can understand reason. So, now I must teach you that reason." He raised his Keyblade. "If you will not join me, then I will set your soul free!" (Play "The Executor's Knight" from Ni no Kuni!)

Boss fight: Vaatimort

Vaatimort kicked aerial slashes imbued with Haki, but Wendy swiftly evaded and dashed up to throw hardened punches. Vaati pulsed and blew her several feet away, making his legs into a whirlwind as a means to drill into her, but Wendy grabbed the base of the whirlwind in Armament hands and slammed her father against the ground. He dispersed into wind, whirling around Wendy before kicking her upside the head. She fell on her back, and when Vaatimort attempted to stomp down with piercing speed, Wendy cast Protego, followed by Reducto to explode her shield and blast him back. Wendy then leapt up to kick him in the head with an Armament foot.

"You learned Haki, I see. I expected nothing less of you."

"Thanks, but it's not mine. I borrowed Chelia's chi with the Sun Chi Lantern."

"How pathetic that you have to use powers that aren't yours."

"It's not pathetic! I was only able to borrow the chi thanks to the bond we shared! Besides, how can you call me pathetic when YOU'RE sharing a body with my father?!"

"Because my magical prowess will always be more superior. AVADA KEDAVRA!" Vaatimort cast green flashes that Wendy narrowly evaded, then the dark mage flew up for some quick kicks.

Wendy recovered and ran faster than wind to gain some distance, looking back to see the swift gust of wind that was her father. Faster than she realized, Vaati glided in front of her, swinging an air-slice at her face with a kick, but Wendy ducked and performed a spin-kick, hitting Vaati's standing leg, only for the mage to flip into the air and kick both feet, blowing Wendy away with a gust. The child was quick to recover, whipping her Fairy's Tail and sending a Lightning Spell, which Vaati let pass through his whirlwind body before blasting an onslaught of magic-made stones from his Keyblade.

Wendy inched backward and rapidly blasted each rock with a spell, eyes locked tight as she reacted fast with each one. Vaati surprised her by shooting forward and swinging his wind-leg like a sword, but Wendy ducked and called "Ascendio!" to fly like a rocket, pushing her father upward. She wrapped her iron legs around his hip, arms around the waist, and spun furiously as they drilled toward the ground, attempting to land Vaati headfirst.

Just before they crashed, Vaati Apparated them several meters away, the sensation making Wendy sick to her stomach. Once it ended, Vaati slid back on his feet, while Wendy was on the ground, holding her aching belly and glaring spitefully at the Minish. Her hand still clutching her wand, she whipped an Anti-Sickness Charm just in time to dodge Vaati's Petrification Spell. "Locomotor Mortis!" Wendy cast the Leg-Lock Curse on her father, but his legs merely spun into a whirlwind before reforming. Vaati followed this with a complex series of wand movements, which brought into being a huge sphere of darkness. Wendy quickly whipped up a Shield Charm to protect herself from the explosion. The spell destroyed her shield and she was knocked backward.

Vaati lunged at her again, Wendy called "Ventus Incendio!" and sent a flaming cyclone his way, trapping the Logia wind mage within the heat. Vaati expanded a Wind Sphere and blew them all away, then saw Wendy close by. He lunged, swung his leg, but Wendy dispersed into mist, and a squadron of faded Wendy mirages surrounded him. Vaati growled and blew them away with a Wind Shockwave, but the real Wendy rolled forward and called, "Reducto!", blowing her father to smithereens. Once again, the Logia reformed himself from the wind, his legs having become a cyclone as he hovered in the air, generating a powerful breeze.

"All things in the universe become ashes! New growth cannot commence without destroying the old!" With another complex pattern of wand movements, several miles of ground around him began to disintegrate into sand, which Vaati balled up into a huge sphere he intended to send at Wendy. The Sky Dragon ran with breakneck speed, the sandball grew bigger and faster, Wendy inhaled a tremendous amount of air, whipped around, and blew the sand away with her Cyclone Roar.

Vaati was about to fly through the dust, but watched as it was all sucked away, for Wendy was running ceaselessly around a set area at lightning speed, creating an ever-growing tornado. She shortly stopped and slid away to send it at Vaati, who was unimpressed by the skimpy whirlwind. "ENGORGIO!" Wendy cast a spell, and Vaati gasped when the tornado grew twice as big and sucked him inside. Using his Logia powers, he sucked the entire thing into his form, but Wendy had already leapt at him with passion in her eyes, a miniature cyclone spiraling around her raised right fist. "Sky Dragon's CLAW!"

Her fist socked Vaatimort across the jaw, blood and teeth came out as the force of her Wind Fist blew Vaati miles across the plain, smashing through a rock before he lay on his back. Vaati helped himself up, panting heavily as he faced Wendy, who shared his exhausted appearance. Her bare feet ached from this much running, her knuckles felt sore from the punch, and she soaked with sweat. But she was gonna keep standing, keep punching, and keep holding her wand until this man was down.

"Wendy… what is this insolence? Don't you realize where we are? This is the New World! The foundation of the universe that can be! You've seen it yourself, Wendy, your World of Origin. Don't you remember how much you loved it? The home you never had? Join me, and we can create the ideal world! We will merge all dimensions into one, and rid the cosmos of boundaries, so that all beings in ALL worlds can be free to visit one-another! It is our design, Wendy, we are the gods who can decide this!"

"I'm sorry, Father, but the only world I wanna see is the world that I was born in. The same world that Lee, Cheren, Carla, and ALL of my friends live in." Wendy's Fairy's Tail emitted rainbow sparkles as she spoke. "I'm going to help them all save that world, and I'm not going to let you destroy it!"

"Don't you understand, Wendy, everything I've done has been for you! It's because of me your magic and airbending are so powerful, it's because of me that you hold the most powerful wand in your hands! After you spent so many years searching for your family, you'd go against your father?!"

"My powers are strong because I trained, I had friends to help me, and I earned this wand through my own power, not yours! And as far as I'm concerned… Mister Facilier is my father, just like Carla is my MOM! …Which sounds weird, because they're not actually married, but THAT'S how I feel!!"

"Enough of this prattle, Vaati! Focus! Phantom SHROUD!" Vaatimort sent a wave of pitch-black mist from his wand.

"Fairy GLITTER!" A golden light that rivaled the sun flew from Wendy's wand. Both forces made contact and began to push against the other. The entire field shook as they both fought to withstand the power. With a bright explosion, it all exploded into colorful glitter.

"Your magic has grown phenomenally, Wendy!" Vaati said, blowing the glitter away. "But can you do Summons? Accio Sapphire Dragon!" A magic circle spawned on the ground, bringing forth a large, sapphire Chinese dragon. The beast blew flames of the same color, turning Wendy's leg blue as she dodged.

"No, but I studied Shen Gong Wu among other things! Ventus Incendio Tria!" Wendy blasted another flaming cyclone that burned the dragon in soot. Its sapphire body blackened, the dragon shrunk down to toy size and her leg reverted to normal. She spun wind around her ankles and cast Repiti, running faster to confuse Vaatimort and leap up for a hardened kick. Vaati countered with his own Haki, exchanging kicks with his daughter in midair before Voldemort called, "CRUCIO!" shooting red lightning to send Wendy to the ground in pain.

"It's useless, Wendy! (Useless, useless.) You cannot compete with mine and Voldemort's combined might! Even if you defeat us, you do not stand a chance with Lord DIO!"

"If you were in your right mind, you wouldn't say… wait a minute." Wendy just remembered: "What is that thing on your forehead?"

"This? This is a brain cell Lord DIO implanted to manipulate me."

"What are you doing, you fool?!" Voldemort hissed.

"It is the truth. Why else do I praise Lord DIO so?"

Wendy gasped. She thought back to Typheus' words: "Only ONE may possess my Winds of Truth." "You underestimate me? I guess you want a better demonstration!" Then Typheus blew him out.

"Dad!" Wendy glided down the stairs and lifted her father's head. A green breath seemed to enter his lungs.

Could Typheus' wind be forcing my dad to speak the truth? That's why he told me about DIO right then. But… I wonder if…

"Dad… do you truly love me?"

"Of course I do, Wendy! That's why I want you to trust me! Trust DIO!"

"NO! If you really loved me, you wouldn't work for that man, and you wouldn't trust Voldemort! And you wouldn't force me to get involved with them! You don't love me at all!"

"Wendy, you're wrong! I love you more than anyone! Even more than DIO, or all the people I admired! And I'm so proud of you!"

"ENOUGH! I cannot listen to this NONSENSE, anymore! Avada Kedavra!"

"NO!" Vaati redirected the Keyblade and missed Wendy by an inch, the girl's heart skipping a beat. "Voldemort, don't! She just doesn't understand!"

"I will not let that petty emotion be the reason behind my failure! OBEY ME, VAATI! NOW!"

"Father, the only thing I understood was you expected me to follow your philosophy and help realize your goals. I'm more like a tool to you than a daughter. Right now is no different. You don't really love me."

"Aaaagh… Wendy… I…" Vaati was struggling for control of the Keyblade. "I…I…" Wendy remained still as the blade aimed at her. "AaaaaAAAHH!" With a sudden burst of willpower, Vaati turned it on his chest. "SEPARO!" He stabbed himself and freed a darkened heart from his chest. (End song.)

"AAAAAAAHHHhhh…" The heart reformed into Voldemort's decaying, ghostly form.

"Father!" Wendy hurried over as the Minish dropped to his knees, the Keyblade vanishing.

"Huff… Wendy… Please… destroy this growth on my head! I don't believe I really want to serve DIO…"

"Are you sure? Is it safe?"

"No, if you destroy it, it will damage my brain. But I don't care, I don't want to hurt you anymore, Wendy!"

"No! I want to help you, Dad! If we defeat DIO, maybe the growth will go away!"

"Please, just do it, Wendy! Otherwise, Voldemort may possess me again. It's too late for me… but you must keep surviving."

"But… Father… I—AAAH!" She was stabbed from behind.


"The faith in this one was strong." Xehanort smirked, his Keyblade impaled into her heart. "She will make an excellent meal for Jones." He extracted it as the heart came out in the form of a light. "For you, Voldy."

The dark wizard's spirit entered Wendy's soulless body. The child's eyes became scarlet slits, her face baring a devilish smirk. "Wait, something's not quite right." Baldy Bald said, proceeding to shave Wendy's hair off completely. "PERFECT!"

"Yes… it is perfect!" Lord Voldemort spoke in the child's voice. "How I have LONGED to dance again!" He kicked Wendy's feet gracefully.

"You… What have you done?!" Vaati hissed.

"Do you really think I planned to stay in that atrocious body of yours? This child's magic and power is FAR greater! And once Lord DIO makes this body into a vampire, Lord Voldemort will RISE again!" He spawned the Keyblade in one hand and held the Fairy's Tail in the other.

"Now, we allowed you to keep YOUR heart, Vaati," Xehanort explained, "because after this transition, we thought we could still use your strength. But since DIO's mind-control on you is faltering, we'll have to do the next best thing." He raised Wendy's heart in hand and said, "I will feed this pure little heart to Jones, along with Sugar's once the Heartless have finished her. Soon, I will reforge the-" The heart brimmed just then and soared across the sky. "What? Where is it going?"

"YAH!" Vaati kicked the three villains with Haki. Xehanort retaliated with Keyblade strikes, but Vaati's kicks proved faster.

"Voldemort, use this portal!" Xehanort opened one. "I think I know where that heart is heading!"

Sugar and Carla were exhausting their selves fighting the Heartless swarm. Meloetta saw a light flying their direction, smiling in recognition. "Sugar, open wide!"

"Huh? Aaaaah?" Sugar opened her mouth like at a doctor visit. Wendy's heart whooshed over and shot down her throat. "Guuuh!" An odd sensation overcame her. Carla and even the Heartless looked with confusion.

When Sugar came to, her purple eyes had become brown. "Wh…Whuh? What happened to me?! I grew breasts?!"

They turned purple. "Who said that?! Wendy? Is that you?"

"Sugar? I… Am I in your body?!"

"Surprise!" Meloetta grinned. "I cast that spell on you two while you were asleep! I connected your hearts and voices, so if one of you lost yours, you could share it with the other!"

"I…I can't…" Carla was beyond baffled. "How could you have known… I-I'M not even sure what's happening!"

"Just call it a hunch!"

"This is really strange…" Wendy flexed Sugar's left leg and rubbed her right hip. "It's like I went through a major growth spurt. And I have a bunch of memories I don't remember having."

"This might take some getting used to." Sugar said. "Why did this happen, anyway?"

The answer to this question came in the form of a dark portal, from which Wendy's true body stepped out. "Why did he warp me to you two?"

"Oh, my word!" Carla exclaimed in horror. "What happened to your hair, Child?!"

"It's Voldemort! Voldemort took my body!" Wendy shouted.

"He did?!" the three chorused.

"He's a perveeerrrt!" Meloetta sung.

"I AM NOT!" Wendimort shouted. "I merely wanted to regain a bit of youth! But never did I believe I would hold the all-powerful Fairy's Tail in my hand…" He stared at the gold wand with delight. "Let's see how powerful it truly is. Avada Kedav—RAH!" The wand jolted out of his hand and into Sugar's.

"The wand wouldn't listen to a creep like you." Wendy stated. "But can I even use it in this body?"

"CRUCIO!" Voldemort cast from his Keyblade.

"PROTEGO!" Wendy cast a shield to block the red lightning.

"It seems to work, Wendy!" Sugar beamed. "We can take your body back like this!"

"How can those two fight with one body?" Carla asked. "They'll cause each other to trip!"

"They can work, they can work, they'll do a twerk and KICK that jerk!" Meloetta danced. "Just tell your hearts what to do and your body will move!"

"Wendy, why don't you be my arms and I'll do the dancing?"

"Good idea. But if we're going to dance, we need some music! Do you mind if I borrow your bending?"

"Not at all, Wendy!" So with that, Wendy cast a neon beacon up into the sky, turning the indigo into rainbow as notes flowed everywhere.

"Musical magic?!" Voldemort said in bewilderment. "How do you expect THIS to defeat me?!"

"The same way you were defeated last time, Voldy: with the power of love! Just see how compatible me and Sugar truly are!"

Phase 2: Wendimort

"What a strange new feeling… I'm sharing here with you." Sugar's feet guided their body while Wendy's arms guided the notes.

"I am you, and you are me. I'll stick to you like glue!" Wendy cast a spell that binded Voldemort in glue, then directed a barrage of music notes to stick to him. Voldemort kept a firm grip on the Keyblade and cut the glue with magic. He made a tornado spiral around the Keyblade and slashed it at the woman, but Sugar's graceful movements enabled them to dodge the wind with ease.

"I was fine when we were apart. Two minds and two hearts!"

"Now we are one! Just us two! And may I say that we're beau-ti-fu'!"

"Oh, please." Carla scoffed at the cheap rhyme.

"I'm dancing with myself!" Sugar glided forward and swung kicks that Voldemort failed to evade. "And it doesn't feel so weird!" The dark wizard recovered and swung his own kicks, but they were outmatched by Sugar's older, buffer legs. "When I'm looking at me by looking from you… I only feel endeared."

"Curse this child's feeble body!" Voldemort growled. "Avada Kedavra Protego!" The wizard formed a bright green shield composed of Death Magic. The shield followed him as he ran at Sugar, who formed a Song Road with her legs and soared across the air.

"Weeeee two are compaaaatible. Trust in me and I'll trust in you." Using her wand, Wendy collected the notes from the Song Road and had them glide behind her. They swooped down over Voldemort, bombarding the wizard with the notes. "Just look at that fool! Soooo confused! He – can't – even DANCE!"

"Thundaga REDUCTO!" Voldemort cast a thunderbolt, passing the woman as it exploded and knocked them out of the air. "Locomotor Wibbly!" He successfully turned Sugar's legs into jelly, crippling her dancing. "And now… EVENSTAR!" Voldemort performed the complicated wand movements that would summon the sphere of darkness.

"Carla, Meloetta, get over here!" Wendy yelled. The kitten and Firstborn flew to her side. "PROTEGO!" Wendy formed a shield to protect them once more. Again, the dark explosion shattered the bubble, with the girls surviving with minimal damage.

Voldemort Apparated above Sugar to stomp her face, then warped once more before she could counter. "Evenst- uuuulp…" Voldemort felt his stomach tighten from the Apparition.

"For once, I'm thankful for my motion sickness." Wendy said.

"Wendy, if he's going to keep doing that, we have to finish him off quickly! Without killing your body, I mean. Do you have any spells for this situation."

"Er… there is one, but I'm worried if…"

"You're thinking of Fairy Law."

"How did you know?"

"We're sharing the same brain, smarty!"

"Mavis told me that Fairy Law destroys all who I consider my enemy. But she said it's too powerful for an ordinary human to use. And you aren't even magic, Sugar!"

"If we don't stop him, we'll all be finished! I'll be fine, Wendy, I promise."

"Hold on!" Carla shouted. "What effect will this spell have on Wendy's body?!"

"Wendy doesn't consider her own body an enemy, right?" Meloetta beamed. "Just the soul inside it. If you believe the spell will work, then try it!"

"Come on, Wendy!" Sugar withstood the jelly in her legs and stood firmly on her feet. "Let's do it, together!"

"Okay, Sugar. I trust you." She held the Fairy's Tail in both hands and focused with the full strength of her spirit. A ray of light glimmered around them as passionate energy built up in her wand.

"You and I… our hearts are one. But we are not the same."

Having recovered from his sickness, Voldemort began to conceive the Evenstar. "You must return to your home! Return to your voice, your heart, and soul!"

"Why have you all been standing there?!" Voldemort shouted at the Heartless army. "Attack them!" The creatures jumped to realization and readied to attack. Meloetta kept them at bay with weaker Song Beams and Carla did head-butts.

"Although we are apart… we will always be together. 'Cause I love you. And you love me. We will always be togetheeeeerrr! Fairyyyy LAAAAW!" An explosion of holy light BURST from the Fairy's Tail. The Heartless army disintegrated.

The light spread all across the canyon, destroying all remaining evils. Xehanort, Baldy, and Vaati gaped as the light was about to drown them. "That light is dangerous! Let's GO, Baldy Bald!" Xehanort grabbed his comrade and vanished in darkness. Vaati shielded his eyes as the light engulfed him. He expected to be lost in the whiteness, but instead what burned was DIO's brain cell.

Voldemort cast Protego to shield himself, but this did not stop the light from touching him. "NOOOOO!" His decaying soul was pushed out of Wendy's body. The soul turned to spiritual dust and was gone.

The light disappeared and the neon sky turned back to indigo. Both Sugar and Wendy's bodies collapsed. The red in Wendy's eyes became a dull brown, and the Keyblade disappeared.

"Wendy!" Carla cried.

"Sugar!" Meloetta followed.

"Nnngh… we're fine." Sugar cracked a smile. "Hurry, Meloetta… put Wendy's heart back."

Meloetta nodded. Using what energy remained with her, the Firstborn sensed Wendy's soul inside her master's body, slowly moved it up out of her throat, and held it. She floated over to put the heart back down Wendy's own throat. She breathed and helped herself to her feet. "Thank you." she said to the Firstborn. Wendy hurried to her friend's aid. She took her wand back and cast, "Curaga." A green spark touched and replenished Sugar.

"Thanks, Wendy… but I still can't get up." Sugar weakly pushed up with her arms.

"I'm sorry, Sugar. I shouldn't have tried that-"

"Forget it, Wendy." Sugar smiled. "I knew you wouldn't have risked my life willingly… that's why I had to insist with my own mind. You only decided to because I really wanted you to. And thanks to our teamwork, another Darkness is destroyed."

"Sugar… you're a great friend." Wendy smiled.

"You're the best friend!" Sugar grinned. "…Don't tell Chelia, she'll be offended!"

"Nah, she'd prob'ly agree."

"Ha ha ha ha!" They shared a laugh.

"Well, I'm glad everything is okay in the end." Carla said. "But, Wendy…" The cat immediately flew up, bit her daughter's ear, and tugged aggressively. "Don't EVER run off on your own, again! ! Do you think being a mother is easy, you worry me to DEATH, Child, the second we have a moment of peace, you are GROUNDED!"

"Yes, Mom, okay, I'm sorry, ow!" Wendy cried.

"I don't think the moment of peace is now, though!" Meloetta yelled. "Look!"

Another army was marching up across the field. This time, they were legions of ice soldiers, led by General Esdeath. "It's a Backup Army!" Sugar yelled. "And Baldy Bald ate the Song Bird, so we can't escape!"

"You ladies look tired." Esdeath smirked. "Easy pickings. Soldiers, ATTACK-!" Bombs rained down from the heavens and shattered the minions.

"Sorry to keep you waiting!" Nagisa's voice rang from the speakers of the S.C.A.M.P.E.R. III. The ship landed, blocking the girls from the army. "Get on!"

Ice soldiers charged forth, but Morgiana used Rocket Kicks to shoot around and crush the frozen liquids with red hot legs. She braced herself when Esdeath charged at her, but Nagisa used Shaved to zip in front of the general, then Iron Body to withstand her sword. "Huh?" The boy's appearance caught her by surprise.

"Tempest Kick!" Nagisa slashed an airwave from his leg and cut a horde of icemen in half. Esdeath slashed ice waves, but using Paper Art, Nagisa evaded them. He then Shaved behind Esdeath and used, "Finger Pistol!" to stab her in the hip.

"Aaah!" It was a minor wound, but it still hurt.

"We're ready to go, Nagisa!" Goombella called.

"C'mon, Morg!" Nagisa Moon Walked toward the ship while Morg made a great leap. They boarded the S.C.A.M.P.E.R. and took flight.

Esdeath froze the wound in ice before looking their direction. "That boy… I wonder… how old he is." Her face reddened and heart raced. Esdeath was in love.

"Take us over to that canyon first!" Wendy requested. "There's someone else we need to get!"

The group found a half-conscious Vaati panting on the ground. As Wendy lifted her father's arms over her shoulders, Nagisa discovered a Catch Card on the ground, depicting a blonde girl with glasses named Lotte Jansson. "This all would make such a neat story if I wasn't so terrified." Lotte said.


The trolls awaited Sector SA's landing. Nagisa and Morgiana helped walk Sugar off the vessel, and Wendy helped her father. "Is that VOLDEMORT?!" Karkat exclaimed.

"No, he's not. Not, anymore." Wendy said.

She brought her father to the Penance Chamber, pushed him inside, and shut the door. Vaati was on hands and knees, catching his breath. "Wendy… My daughter… I'm sorry. I kept thinking I was doing what was best for you… but I was blinded by darkness the whole time. My soul was too weak… and my desires corrupted me."

"…Father… I want to hate you. You made too many bad mistakes… but you made them all for me. Because you love me. And I…I love you, too."

Vaati smiled and glanced to her with his good eye. "I'm glad I was able to see you come this far. It's up to you now, Wendy. You and your friends… must defeat Lord English. Save the universe… so that you and Charle can live happily."

"Won't you like to live with us?"

"Hm hm… I appreciate the offer, but I still believe in true freedom. After the worlds are restored, I will continue my quest to rid the universe of governments or borders. The least I can do is leave my child out of it."

"Hee hee… Father, if you kept causing more trouble, I would have to come and stop you. You'll just make more trouble for me."

"Ha ha ha… then I look forward to seeing my daughter blossom even further. Good luck, Wendy. I believe in you."

Wendy kissed the part of the cell that was lined up with his cheek. "Love you, Daddy." She turned to leave.

"I love you, too, Wendy."