Lock Out- Time Episode four : Lock the voice of the forest Shounen, adventure, fantasy Author: Morn kunthea

* The twins were playing a running game in the living room, where the other members slept. Suddenly the siren alarm sounded and woke them up and the other members rushed into the hall without changing their pajamas. At night, Dr Adam was not on duty, but he asked the twins to replace him when he was not there. The screen shows a forest fire in Area C, which has left many people injured and dead, and police living in the area are trying to evacuate people out of this area. Due to the heat passing through the forest area and the dead leaves, it caused a forest fire. so the twins sent Aria and Henry into the ancient forest which is the breath of the earth's movement. The other members, who are still physically weak, wait to see the situation and encourage their members who serve the mission and they sit alongside near the twins while Liam hands the key to Henry.

* When their souls reach the forest, which is the region of the respiratory movement of the earth, it is filled with bamboo forest, when the wind blows through, produces beautiful music, Its seem like voice of forest. And there is a cubic rock with a hole in the middle to reflect sunlight back to the ground which is a place of worship for the ancient priests, and there is a skeleton of wild animals under the cubic rock. Aria looked at the letters carved into the bottom of the rock that wrote that there was one thing in the forest that had a mustache like a cat with a full seal. Henry thought for a moment that he was being compared to the meaning of a word on a tiger, so he picked up the tiger's bones and put them together in the shape of a tiger. Once they have assembled in the shape of a tiger, the shadow of the tiger appears and tells them to climb onto their backs, then he jumps on the bamboo into the hole of the cubic rock. When they're standing on cubic, the tiger melted its souls upon seeing herds of unripe parrots on the bamboo, which they did not see when they was below the cube . The parrots made precious gold and diamonds, and they began to sing hymns. When they finish singing, the clock bamboo pulled out of the hole.

* Because the clock was far away, they had to jump on the clock, with Henry jumping in front and Aria jumping behind, but she slipped and fell, and Henry helped her and pulled her to stand beside him. He looked at the parabolic box above the clock in the form of a piano box. Aria, she remembers the melody the parrots sang, made her play the piano in a beautiful melody, open the keyhole. suddenly a bamboo fire started fired around them. The twins' voices echoed, saying their time was up and told them immediately locked up. Meanwhile, forest fires continue to spread to people's homes near the city, red flames such as hell light at night.

* Henry latched onto the side of the box because the lock was on the side where he felt his back was so hot the fire was burning behind him. he used all his strength with one hand to move the key for lock out time. The minute hand was moved behind a minute clockwise, this point on the wind fire is blowing all over the forest, and the piano box began to crack show with a crown wheel, Aria rushes over to take the crown wheel put into her pocket. And the bamboo clock fell, but they were saved by the tiger soul again. He carried them both with his claws, and jumped into the unburned bamboo shield and a brilliant light shone front of them, causing their souls to return to their own bodies. The forest fires had to be put out by the cool breeze and heavy rain, indicating that they had successfully completed their mission. They woke up to the sound of Dr Adam running down the hall in his pajamas, as he saw a wildfire through his window, whose house was near the area. Laughter echoes from everyone to him and they say they've already solved the problem.