Preyer after class Episode six What is that feeling Shounen, harem Author Morn kunthea

* The next morning, Rex knocked on the door to Maria's room to ask her what happened last night as his heart was racing and he was feeling weird about Maria. Maria, who was looking for a solution to the problem of her Soul Gem in the Book of Angels, she found that the cause of the gemstone began to gradually crack due to the emotions that occur. So if Rex starts to regain his feelings, then her Soul Gems will gradually start to melt, while she will get those feelings associated with Rex as well. She knows that she is seriously breaking the promise that the angels will cast her out in the future, but she has never been afraid of anything since deciding to save Rex from the start. And what keeps Rex alive is the feeling of love Rex needs to seek.

* Maria took off her glasses and opened the door for Rex to enter, showing him a bored face. Rex started reminding her of the house rules again if she continued to abuse him and he would kick her out of the house. Maria started anger of Rex's words to her and she biting her lip controls her emotional , and she replied that you were afraid to love me, and leaned down to kiss Rex's lips, but Rex pushed her away.Let her fall back, Maria stood up, showing a normal face, making Rex angry and saying that there was no day that I loved you, and he walked out of Maria's room without speaking to her again. It's very strange that he felt hurt when he said bad things to Maria.

* Maria begins to change her sad face, whispering that she did it right and that she needed to get Rex to show her emotion again, even though her soul has started to crack again. She told herself that if something happened to her, Julia and Nico, could be resolved because they were both closer to Rex than she and he trusted them and never showed them disgust like her. maybe one of his sisters could make Rex fall in love. Maria went to prepare a book on a shelf that she had spent the night reading, and for a month she had never slept well.

* Rex went to sit and chat with Nico and Julia, who were now feeling very stressed about Maria's stories.After chatting with Nico and Julia for a while, Maria came over and sat next to them , peeling oranges and eating them. He acted like Maria didn't exist near them. He also asked Nico and Julia to play badminton outside without asking Maria, which made Nico and Julia wonder what had happened to them. Julia called Maria to play with them, but Maria nodded and returned to her room, saying she wanted to rest. The sound of laughter was heard by Maria as she tried to close her eyes to sleep, so she took sleeping pills as usual so as not to hurt her further and quickly caught her sleeping.