Preyer after class Episode eight Familiar voice Shounen, harem Author Morn kunthea

* Over the past three days, Rex has been deeply saddened by the dream of seeing a woman's shadow, which makes him really feel in need of her, and he does not remember the face of a woman, but when he wakes up with tears streaming down his cheeks for no apparent reason. As for Maria, she was violently punished every day, which made her very weak, especially when she tried to resist the magical force that the angels wanted to erase her memory from the human world. She looked Outside the fence there are other angels, men and woman, and children who are imprisoned for their opposition to the angelic laws. A trapped angel gave Maria a glass of water to drink because Maria's hands and feet were tied and chained and her body was full of wounds.

* The prisoner angel told Maria that she had been held for a year in this fence because she was against having children on a mission. Her husband and child may have died in human times. She added that life in the kingdom of angels is so barren, that everyone has a long life, but does not know what love is and only lives to do certain things but different from life that she lived in the human world for a short time, it means a lot to her and she also knows the word true happiness. Maria was relieved to hear the story of the angel and noted that she also fell in love with Rex because they were connected with one heart, so she felt like she was living inside the Rex's body.

* Suddenly an angelic government leader appeared and questioned Maria, who responded with courage and sincerity, even though she knew she would be severely punished. The angelic rulers decide to cut off Maria's angel wings and remove her voice, which causes great pain. For angels, the loss of voice and wings is like a useless angel. Nico serves cocktails, worrying about his sister who suffers on her own, so she must complete the mission quickly and follow Maria's plan to return to the angelic realm. Suddenly Rex sat down front of her and saw Lots of freshly made cocktails on the table. He looks at Nico, wondering why she mixes so much alcohol. Nico replied that she wanted to learn how to make a cocktail from a book she had bought a long time ago. Now that was a good opportunity for me, brother please try to tease my cocktails and give me some ideas. Rex took out a glass of cocktails one by one without pay attention to the fact that Nico had spelled magic on him.

* Rex praised Nico's cocktails so delicious, he wondered why he felt dizzy when he was a heavy drinker. Then He saw a white haired woman come up to him and smile at him saying, "My name is Maria. It was a voice he felt familiar with and he passed out on the bar table. " Nico said sorry to him and comes to pick him up upstairs, Julia, who was in the room next to Rex, opened the door as her sister picked up Rex, she came to help her sister. Nico used a drop of blood from her hand to drop a gem on Rex's chest and pull it out of Rex's skin, causing Rex to suffer severe pain. And the gems cracked, leaving only small pieces, scaring them so much that Maria, she lied them, made Nico rush to take the gem to return to her angelic place to ask the angelic officers to help Maria in danger, leaving Julia to take care of Rex.