Preyer after class Episode Ten break the angelic stone Shounen, harem Author Morn kunthea

* Nico takes Rex to Maria's prison, where Maria's condition is so bad that her body is left in the shadows. Rex ran to help Maria, this time without a guard, as all the angels had to meditate, send magic spells to raise the stones of the angels. Rex tried to call Maria to wake her up, he started to cry when he saw that she was unresponsive and couldn't hold her. He blamed himself for not taking care of her in the past and always ignoring her good intentions. Nico came close to using magic to cut the chain, suddenly Julia appeared to stand next to them and added magic to be able to cut the chain.

* Rex asks if we can bring Maria back to normal, with Nico saying that all we can do now is fight to collect the pieces of Maria's Soul Gems and gave to Maria's swallow it back to made her transform to original form. Then Nico used magic to make Maria's soul fly in a magic bottle to temporarily protect her soul. As they made their way to where everyone was meditating, Julia turned on all of her magical powers with a clock that Nico had to stop by one minute angelic time, which only humans like Rex could move.

* She told him to hurry and run to take the Soul Gem that melts with the Stone Angel. He stands in front of a stone angel trying to take the gem of Maria's souls, but it was difficult to pulled it out, So he hit with both of his hands, made him have a lot of blood on his hand running over a stone angel, it starts to explode and he can remove the Maria's soul gem while the time stop magic ends. The ground of the angels began to shake violently, causing the kingdom of angels to collapse into the sea.

* Officers Angel orders an army angel to capture them and retrieve the soul of Maria's gems, causing Julia and Nico to fight fiercely against the forces of the army, and Rex suddenly has the power of a angel that his sister always transfers the power to him When they are together, protect and also fight the angels. The three of them began to weaken due to the presence of too many angelic armies. Suddenly, many angelic prisoners came to help them, as they also wanted to change the law of the angelic realm. The golden bird, of which it is the mother of Nico Julia and Maria, flew over them and used magic to awaken the first angel from the angel stone fragments, appearing to the beautiful female angel , which all the angels began to bow down and end the battle.