Preyer after class Final Episode 12 : Return back to peace Shounen, harem Author Morn kunthea

* Rex took his girlfriend's hand and rushed to the entrance hall, where a group of angels were pulled into the air in the black circle. The first angel used her energy to stabilize the angel starting to lean to one side. She urges Rex to rush into the human world to find the three spears that the angels used to suppress evil spirits from Hell, and not to invade the human world and the Angelic Realm. Rex must therefore take out a spear and send it back to the angelic realm to kill the monster in the black circle.

* Rex hurried to follow the first angel's words, using all his strength to pull out the spear, but couldn't remove it. His girlfriend saw like this , she was help him by using her special power which her three gem souls combined together and fake it out from her chest turn like orange soul gem. Let Rex swallow her Soul Gem to remove the spear. As the spear began to get out from ground, the area around them shook violently, with a gust of wind breaking through the roof of the church and the buildings around the church cracking, the storm came for a while, then calmed down as he hugged his girlfriend tightly by closing their eyes.

* after the storm subsided, he kissed his girlfriend to give her back her soul gem, and he opened his wing flying high in the air and threw the spear from afar into the dark circle, piercing the heart of the black beast that the light of the spear brought a path that made the angels suck up and fly out of the cycle of darkness. The dark beast explosion with the light was so strong that the force wounded many angels and fell into the sea. Rex and his girlfriend also fell into the sea, bringing back the first memories he remembers of the face that saved his life during he fallen into sea first time, which made him fall even more in love with his girlfriend.

* The beast of darkness that invaded the angelic abode was the supreme angel who was punished in the Rex test by the first angel, and when everything returned to normal, with the ringing of the bells from heaven that angelic magic performed . The human world returns to its original form with the spear stained on same place . The angels and everyone started to wake up because the first angels used magic to put everyone to sleep during the battle with the beasts of darkness to put them out of harm's way. Since that day, Rex has lived both worlds, with the angels able to travel freely but without disguise and unable to use magic unnecessarily in the human world. Rex and his girlfriend got married, gave birth to twins who were half human blood angels and lived the happiest lives.