Factory floor Digital anime Episode six

As the trash burned to the ground, the land pollution turned into real air pollution, and their group immediately contacted their camp, dropping a protective sheet to immediately close the pit where they lived. They also used force to fight the virus emitted from the burning garbage. This time they were very tired and injured. As they were about to kill them, the rest of the viruses whirled through the air, creating a new virus pattern that combines the skeletons of various animal carcasses and uses their hands to attack them. As long as they shoot and cut, their bodies can be brought together. So they put their four guns together and shot him down. Its pollen causes the first rains in the area to put out the fire, and the pollen cleans the soil and brings it back to normal. Because the garbage was destroyed and burned, the land in the area became empty and there was a lot of water, and the sky began to clear. MQ, she was carrying pollen that killed the virus before slipping out of her hands, sending pollen into the air, turning dirty air into fresh air. They are all so happy to have finally created a new place to live beyond the pits where they have lived for many generations. And this area is a great success for mankind, and they also take seeds and grains from the bottom of the pit to plant them and build a fence to protect their new living environment where they don't do the old lessons that destroy their homes live protect the environment.