Immotal heart of heronie

Episode 6

Miru, who was caught pretending to be unconscious, was surrounded by a group of snake witches who jumped on her and attacked her. Miru uses a drop of her vampire blood as a weapon, a special long weapon drawn from her heart, which's cold poison attacks her enemy partner, freezing the blood she shoots. And when she used too much blood, she turn to weak and struck stan by the leader of the demons witch and her snake's tail wrap Miru to hit pierced many large rocks and grabbed Miru head, chess with stones, causing Miru to dizzy when she breaking her head full of blood. When she was about to faint, she saw the forces of crown prince and her brother running towards her. The picture shows Brother Miru with member of the zombie army, marching in a procession and meeting a group of crown prince near the mouth of the river into the world of darkness witches, with the two groups clashing violently.

エピソード 6

意識不明のふりをして捕まったミルは,彼女に飛び乗って攻撃する蛇の魔女のグループに囲まれていました. ミルは吸血鬼の血の一滴を武器として使用します.これは,彼女の心臓から引き出された特別な長い武器であり,冷たい毒が敵のパートナーを攻撃し,彼女が撃った血を凍らせます. そして血を使いすぎると弱体化し,魔族の魔女のリーダーと蛇の尻尾がミルを包み込みスタンを叩きつけ,大きな岩をいくつも突き刺してミルの頭を掴み,石でチェスをし,ミルが壊れた時にめまいを起こした. 彼女の頭は血だらけ. 彼女が気絶しそうになったとき,彼女は皇太子と彼女の兄弟の軍隊が彼女に向かって走っているのを見ました. 写真は,ミル兄弟がゾンビ軍団のメンバーと一緒に行進し,川の河口近くで闇の魔女の世界に入る皇太子のグループに会い,2つのグループが激しく衝突している.

Episode 6

Miruដែលត្រូវចាប់បានថានាងបន្លំធ្វើជាសន្លប់ត្រូវព័ទ្ធ ក្រុមធ្មប់ពស់ដែលហក់មកវាប្រហារនាង។ Miruប្រើតំនក់ឈាមVampireរបស់នាងជាដងអាវុធលំវែងឈាមពិសេសដកហូតចេញពីបេះដូងរបស់នាងដែលមានពិសត្រជាក់ខ្លាំងបានវាយប្រហារដៃគូរសត្រូវរបស់នាងកកនឹងឈាមដែលនាងបាញ់ត្រូវ។ ហើយនៅពេលដែលនាងប្រើឈាមជ្រុលទន់ខ្លួននោះនាងបានត្រូវមេដឹកនាំបីសាចធ្មប់ពស់វាត់និងកន្ទុយពស់បុកទំលុះផ្ទាំងថ្មៗ ធំជាច្រើនហើយចាប់ក្បាលរបស់នាងអុកនិងថ្ម បណ្តាលអោយនាងងងឹតមុនបែកក្បាលហូលឈាម។ នៅពេលដែលនាងជិតសន្លប់ស្រាប់តែឃើញកំលាំងក្រុមព្រះរាជបុត្រ និងបងប្រុសនាងរត់តំរង់មកកាន់នាង ។ រូបភាពបានបង្ហាញពីពេលដែលបងប្រុសMiruជាកំលាំងទ័ពZombieបានដើរដង្ហើរជាក្បួនហើយជួបក្រុមព្រះរាជបុត្រ នៅក្បែរតំបន់ស្ទឹងមាត់ច្រកចូលទៅពិភពបីសាចធ្មប់ដោយក្រុមរបស់ពួកគេទាំងពីរបានប៉ះទង្គិចគ្នាយ៉ាងខ្លាំង។