Game Over

Episode 8

Part 1

As the match nears its final, Mad is confronted in an area full of underground bombs, and the partners are the terrorists who are committing international crimes in the fields, which are said to be overgrown with weeds. Just as soon as he reached the entrance, Mad stood on the floor, was hit by a bullet and bomb , and his clothes were torn, and his face was very funny. Mad, who turned his face like a Joker, laughed, pulled out a knife, ran into a field, ignored a bomb, stabbed an opponent who was despising him, and crossed to the inner realm with a balloon. Kick the enemy who is trying to ride cannon away and hit the group by punching them, throwing them into the water, and they pull the chessboard, blow up the cannon that hit the opponent's wall, laughing like a madman.


Part 1

最終近くの試合として,狂った地下爆弾がいっぱいの地域に直面しており,パートナーは分野で国際犯罪を犯しているテロリストです. 彼が入り口に着いたらすぐに,馬の上に立っていた,弾丸と爆弾にぶつかった,そして彼の服は引き裂かれ,彼の顔はとても面白かったです. 狂った,狂った,笑った,笑って,ナイフを引き出し,フィールドに走った,爆弾を無視し,彼を軽蔑していた相手を刺し,バルーンで内側の領域に交差しました. 大砲に乗ろうとしている敵を蹴り,それらを打ち抜き,それらを水に投げてグループを襲い,彼らはチェス盤を引っ張り,狂人のように笑っている,相手の壁にぶつかる大砲を爆破します.

Episode 8


នៅពេលដែលការប្រកួតជិតដល់វគ្គផ្តាច់ព្រាត់ដែលMadត្រូវប្រកួតនៅតំបន់ពោលពេញដោយគ្រាប់បែកបង្កប់នៅក្រោមដីហើយសត្រូវជាពួកភេវកម្ម ដែលធ្វើឪក្រិតកម្ម អន្តជាតិនៅវាលស្រែកដែលពោលពៅដោយស្មៅដុះខ្ពស់ៗ។ គ្រាន់តែចូលដល់មាត់ច្រក ចូលភ្លាមMadឈរជាន់ត្រូវគ្រាប់បែបឆេះខ្ទេចអស់ដាច់ខោអាវមុខខ្លោចគួរអោយសំណើចយ៉ាងខ្លាំង។ Madដែលប្រែទឹកមុខដូចJokerដែលសើចទាញកាំបិទរត់ចូលវាលស្រែមិនខ្វល់គ្រាប់បែកទៅចាក់សំលាប់ដៃគូរប្រកួតដែលឈរមើលងាយគាត់និងឆ្លង ចូលទៅដល់ដែនខាងក្នុងដែលមានពោងអណ្តែកលើទឹកគាត់បានហោះជាន់ដោយជើងម្ខាងល្បឿនលឿនហើយទៅទាត់សត្រូវដែលព្យាយាមបើកកាណូតរត់គេចហើយវាយបកក្រុមទាំងនោះដោយដាល់បោះពួកនោះទំលាក់ទឹកហើយពួកគេបានទាញ់អុកស្នប់បំផ្ទុះកាណូដែលជិះបុកនិងរនាំងជញ្ជាំងរបស់ដៃគូរប្រកួតដោយសើចដូចមនុស្សឆ្កួត។