Side by Side/4

Side by Side

Hidden section 18+

part 4

When Mayumi thinks about the point of love that she is forced to erase her memory to meet the needs of her family or be a woman, she thinks that wanting to fall in love and run away is normal. They want her, even though she has a bad background when they have tried many loves like her and thinks that she may have a different desire than other girls who used to be pure like her but she just smiles and thinks that living such a choice like this is really the desired want or not when she can also do a better job than them. She pushed herself to run away when they really started drowning for her and she did not want to destroy them when their hearts were not strong and dont understood her and she wanted to do such behavior is like giving them a chance so that the group of women who attack her express their true feelings and fall in love with the man who loves her becomes the right thing to do when her path is different from theirs and she is in pain and cry alone like their emotional companions, and sometimes listen to liars when society or the woman they choose to debate their actions, and they erase those mistakes, leaving her as the recipient alone. They think she is stupid and kind, or the soul that accompanies them, their power and their background, even though black turns to white color and she melts like a cloud, a memory they're bored. When they arguing with their girlfriends and being subordinated like her. When she looks at what she has done as a motivator, she becomes the subject of all lesbians, making her think that she cannot fall in love with just one man when she is lonely or bored. She does not like men who are right and do not dare to want her, although he is strong can protect her, but she is easily bored when he is busy with work and she always over thinking when walking on the dark road for a long time. She also contacted many people she liked, boys who were very playful and could accompany her when she changed her mood and character because she always wore a mask to protect herself and her family. She thinks it can be a long-term relationship like this, but when she falls in love, her past comes back to haunt her, she does not know between them can accept her or that she can not accept herself. Even though those abuses were acts that they abused her, she was addicted to life and love games, which she became a habit like a bad character and a good character when she met a group of really weak people is to protect them with her own life as well. And when they walk away, she starts to get sick, hurt herself, think she did something like this, get something in return, or they lied to her, or betrayed her, she did not want to be alone. With them, she starts to get frustrated when she tries to close her bad memories when they show fear like they used to, she just has to live on her own two feet. It can be misunderstood that she is really scary when she can be a monster that protects them, dares to attack the other team and is a game that never ends. And they also become bad characters if she starts trust and tenderness need them, and when they walk away from her, the expression of pain shows up and injures both sides, so be willing to walk away on her own. Time-lapse innovation begins to open the mind to learn to be a normal woman after resisting the evils of those around her, even to the foolish work that the students took advantage of when the work was finished and pushed her away to clean empty corner again. She thinks culturally different choices are good, but she seems to be hurting herself to meet the needs of the people she learns to love, wanting her to have a sexy body to the women of their culture. She's just eating, taking pictures and measuring her body size. It's really stupid that she used to give advice to many women, but because of falling into the normal world thinking that such a man is really good to be with her or help her life well and maybe time to meet the needs of their family and society. But she was so tired, like her past, that she was able to jump off the snare of wealth and society's tricks that proved her, and as strong as ever, against the demands of her mother, concentrating on studying or trying strive with her own hands. And her love became a pity to accept everything from him, whether it was ordinary caste or a lie, when she reconsidered that she was bored and quarreled with the pain that relatives and many women who seduce her and want to hurt her when they contact rich men to always want to show the outside world. And even though she used to think like this, she thinks about the sins and fighting spirit that she still has of right, and there is a group of really good women who do this without trampling on others by choice and love themselves .She feels stressed when she is fat to fulfill his desires and also very sad that used to be thin and despised by society. And she also left the world in the division of appearance and caste, sometimes she has to look in the mirror, arguing with herself between the youth of beauty and her fat, which makes her vomit and do not know which one is her. And socially defined as a body that is good enough to accept or enter into their culture that can choose a woman who can marry and have a partner or a good job.