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part 2

By morn kunthea

When Mo encounters a group of robots, the same clone, young and old, they grab her, who is just 10 years old, into a box and push the box to the center of the picture city . Many colored lights flashed at her, and the robots appeared through the walls one by one to fight her. Mo jumped up the wall, pulled the sword belt from her waist and cut them as she grew 16 years old. She escaped from the spear, several swords were thrown at her, but she was able to use her electric force to strike back those swords and stab their robotic programs. And she jumps through the four doors through the wall as she goes up to the 10th floor, where the stairs are constantly spinning and blows the box out, and then confronts the soldiers who copied the copy clone like she was close to 1 million. Come to her, their leader has the same face as her. Mo looked at the sky that was about to collapse, and she took the force of the storm to attack the clone people, with the image rotating up and down the purple earth match like the planet that made history zero, and she an innovator like playing chess with her character and instinct. Mo hit them to the limit, occurring several frequencies of the same life cycle several times. And the downside is that she closed the book of her life game, accepting the empty sign and reality. So everything came back to normal, and she stood in a cloud of emptiness as she slipped back to the real world of the eight o'clock in front of the psychiatrist for her. But she is one in the world, a name she does not know and a new face, which is actually the original and the first face that was forgotten at 2:09 in 8 pm in her bedroom. She has everything and looks at pictures in her family paintings and diaries that she hugs before receiving special treatment, which always has a Tik tok in her ear and the call of a special doctor who cares about her. Seriously. The first sound she heard of the Welcome home doctor with tears streaming down her face and nodding with a smile as the Japanese song Stay with me echoed in her ear.



Mo が老いも若きも同じクローンのロボットのグループに遭遇すると,Mo は 10 歳になったばかりの彼女を箱につかみ,その箱を絵の都市の中心に押し込みます. たくさんの色とりどりのライトが彼女に向けて点滅し,ロボットが次々と壁を突き破って現れ,彼女と戦いました. モーは壁を飛び越え,腰から剣帯を引っ張り,16歳になるにつれてそれらを切りました. 彼女は槍から逃げ出し,数本の剣が投げつけられたが,電気の力を使ってそれらの剣を打ち返し,ロボットのプログラムを刺すことができた. そして,彼女は階段が絶え間なく回転している10階に上がると,壁を通り抜けて4つのドアを飛び越えて箱を吹き飛ばし,100万に近いかのようにコピークローンをコピーした兵士に立ち向かいます. 彼女に来てください,彼らのリーダーは彼女と同じ顔をしています. Moは崩壊しそうな空を見て,嵐の力を借りてクローンの人々を攻撃し,画像が上下に回転し,歴史をゼロにした惑星のように紫色の地球が一致し,彼女は遊ぶような革新者です 彼女の性格と本能でチェス. Mo はそれらを限界まで攻撃し,同じライフ サイクルのいくつかの周波数を数回発生させます. そして欠点は,彼女が人生ゲームの本を閉じて,空のサインと現実を受け入れたことです. それですべてが正常に戻り,彼女は空虚の雲の中に立ち,精神科医の前で8時の現実の世界に戻りました. しかし,彼女は世界で 1 人であり,名前も知らない新しい顔です.これは,実際には元の顔であり,午後 8 時の 2:09 に彼女の寝室で忘れられた最初の顔です. 彼女はすべてを持っており,家族の絵や日記の写真を見て,特別な治療を受ける前に抱きしめています. 真剣に. 彼女が最初に聞いたウェルカム ホーム ドクターの声が涙を流しながら笑顔でうなずき,日本語の歌「Stay with me」が彼女の耳にこだました.