Death game 5

Death game

The 6th coin is presented to anyone who exploits the power of gold, money, others, whether relatives or parents have fallen into the sea of ​​hot sand and had to swim to the other side, but the sea of ​​sand has many giant scorpions bite them with their hands tied the strings to the back as well. The picture shows the mother of a girl who greedily lies, envies her daughter, uses her like a slave and collects money, and the mother lied, was killed in sand and resurrected in pain again and again. By this time, no one passed. By agreeing release her daughter, the death toll has been reduced until she told the true. The seventh coin, a coin used by human traffickers and prostitutes, is thrown into a pit of fire with a gold coin at the bottom, and the shadow of a sinful soul, whatever they follow, constantly haunts them, as in the sixth. That no one passes. In the eighth round, the coin was transferred to the bullring, where the gambler tied the rope to the back board and jumped to bite the gold coin attached to the horn and wore a red suit. Because of their sin, they like took pornographic pictures of women in public or men without permit. only one girl passed because she was accused by the criminals of transforming her into one of them, the soul of her white suit did not turn red. Like the previous chapter, The Dead Can't Get Souls Out, and 100 Years, there is a new and dangerous game, depending on the sentence, and this is the game of real hell.