Episode 3
S1 and a group of boys are wondering that the girls are doing the things, so the building shook to their floor. When S2 yells at the team members to flee after shouting Shit, they see that a herd of tens of thousands of Stranger things fish is on their floor and ready to blow gas. As the shark appeared towards Sayama and Yui, Dina, who woke up first, pulled out a shield, which looked like a card of armor, folded up like a net shield, and her lightning bolts wrapped around the shark's shield not to come near them. But her veil was shortened lightning and the shark swam forward, hitting her net and smack her with the pole and slipping off her armor. Kea and April, who had already rescued Sayama and Yui, swam to the left and right of the giant shark with their long sharp weapons that hooked the fish while fishing, digging its body that from the top layer of its very hard skin to cut it off. Both of their movements are fast, swimming away from shark hunting as well. As for Yui, who was used mind control, she pulled the rocks of the building and swam up to the top of the tower where Sayam shot shattered the rocks into hundreds of small pieces and fired at the giant shark to death when Dina and Kea were able to swim away from shake. They took a deep breath, thinking only of the first mission, they were about to lose their lives. As they were about to swim to the middle floor of the project, the building exploded before their plans, so they hurried out to grab the escape pole and saw a group of men rushing cling to their feet. Because the 8th to 13th floors started firing missiles at them, and the picture shows a slight setback as the men fought to escape the gas explosion.
S1 と男の子のグループは,女の子たちがそのようなことをしているのではないかと不思議に思い,建物が床まで揺れました. S2が「クソ」と叫んだ後逃げるようチームメンバーに叫ぶと,何万匹ものストレンジャー・シングスの魚の群れが彼らの床にいてガスを噴き出そうとしているのが見えます. サメが佐山とユイに向かって現れると,先に目覚めたディーナが鎧のカードのような盾を取り出し,網の盾のように折り畳まれ,彼女の稲妻がサメの盾に巻き付いて近づかないようにした. . しかし,彼女のベールは稲妻のように短くなり,サメは前方に泳ぎ,彼女の網に当たり,棒で彼女を打ち,鎧から滑り落ちました. すでに佐山と油井を救出していたケアとエイプリルは,釣り中に魚を引っ掛けた長く鋭い武器を持った巨大サメの左右を泳ぎ,非常に硬い皮膚の上層からその体を掘り起こし,切り裂いた. オフ. どちらの動きも速く,サメ狩りからも泳いで逃げます. マインドコントロールをされていたユイはというと,建物の岩を引っ張って塔の頂上まで泳ぎ上がり,そこでサヤムが岩を何百もの小さな破片に粉砕し,ディナとケアがいたときに巨大なサメに発砲して死に至らしめた. 揺れから泳いで逃げることができます. 彼らは深呼吸をし,命を落とそうとした最初の任務のことだけを考えた. 彼らがプロジェクトの中間階まで泳ごうとしたとき,計画よりも前に建物が爆発したため,彼らは急いで避難ポールをつかもうと外に出たところ,男性のグループが急いで彼らの足元にしがみついているのが見えました. なぜなら,8階から13階までが彼らに向けてミサイルを発射し始め,写真にはガス爆発から逃れようと奮闘する男性たちのわずかな後退が映っているからだ.
Episode 3
S1និងក្រុមប្រុសចំលែកចិត្តថាក្រុុមស្រីៗកុំពុងជួបរឿងអ្វីបានជារញ្ជួយអាគារដល់ជាប់ពួកគេ។ នៅពេលដែ S2ស្រែកអោយសមាជិតក្រុមនាំគ្នាគេចបន្ទាប់ស្រែកពាក្យShitឃើញថាហ្វូងត្រីStranger thingមួយមឺុនក្បាលគឺនៅជាន់របស់ពួកគេហើយបំរុងផ្លុំGasផងដែរ។ ដោយសារតែត្រីឆ្លាមបង្ហាញខ្លួនតំរង់មកកាន់SayamaនិងYuiនោះ Dinaដែលភ្ញាក់ស្មារតីបានមុននោះទាញរនាបដែលដូចជាកាតអាវក្រោះដែលមានវាត់ឡើងលើបត់បែងដូចជាខែលសំណាញ់ហើយថាមពលរន្ទះរបស់នាងនោះបានរុំព័ទ្ធជារនាំងការពារកុំអោយត្រីឆ្លាមមកជិតពួកគេ។ ប៉ុន្តែរនាំងរបស់នាងពន្យាពេលបានខ្លីប៉ុននោះហើយត្រីបានត្រីឆ្លាមហែលរុលទៅមុខទាញបុកនិងបង្គោលឆ្អឹងសសរមួយទំហឹងរបូតកាតអាវក្រោះរបស់នាង។ Keaនិង April ដែលជួយSayamaនិង Yuiរួចនោះបានហែលទឹកអមឆ្វេងនិងស្តាំត្រីឆ្លាមយក្សដោយអាវុធដែលស្រួចវែងដែលទ្ពក់ត្រីពេលនេសាទវេះបញ្ច្រិតខ្លួនរបស់វាពីតែស្រទាប់ខាងលើស្បែករបស់វារឹងខ្លាំង។ ចលនារបស់ពួកគេទាំងពីរហ័សដែលហែលគេចពីការប្រមាញ់ត្រីឆ្លាមផងដែរ។ ចំនែកឯYuiដែលកុំពុងភ្ជង់អារម្មណ៏ទាញថ្មអាគារដែលបាក់ហែលឡើងអណ្ងអណ្តែកខ្ពស់ដែលSayamចាប់បំបែកថ្មអោយជាដុំតូចរាប់រយគ្រាប់បាញ់ទៅកាន់ត្រីឆ្លាមយក្សរហូតស្លាប់នៅពេលដែលDinaនិងKeaអាចហែលដកខ្លួនមកក្បែរពួកគេហើយម្នាក់ដកដង្ហើមធូរទ្រូងគិតគ្រាន់តែបេសកម្មដំបូងពួកគេជិតបាត់បង់ជីវិតទៅហើយ។ នៅពេលគេពួកបំរុងតែហែលទៅជាន់កណ្តាលតាមកំរោងនោះគឺអាគារផ្ទុះបាក់ចុះក្រោមមុនផែនការដែលពួកគេប្រញាប់ហែលចេញក្រៅតោងខ្សែរបង្គោលដែលសំរាប់គេចខ្លួននិងឃើញក្រុមប្រុសប្រញាប់ហែលតែតោងជើងពួកគេដែលស្ទូរឡើងលើពីព្រោះអាគារជាន់ទី៨ដល់១៣ចាប់ផ្តើមក្បាលគ្រាប់មីសុីលបាញ់តំរង់មកាន់ពួកគេហើយរូបភាពបានបង្ហាញពីហេតុការណ៍ថយក្រោយបន្តិចនៅពេលដែលក្រុមប្រុសៗប្រយុទ្ធគេចពីការបំផ្ទុះgasផងដែរ។