Calian 8


ep 8

S1 jumps into the hole front line using a shield when the Stranger thing touches the shield and explodes deadly, and S2 and S3 in the back open the metal chains to protect the girls in the middle. And they use a special device that makes the ground close the port so that it does not connect for the Stranger things up again. The S1 collided head-on when reaching the abyss of sea and the floor on which they were completing missions. And everyone was amazed to see Siphonophore transformed into Stranger things eight times its size, and its body clutched by a new special clone missile that was sleeping in front of the trenches containing many Stranger things eggs. They must explode and smash the skeleton of this floor, and the scary thing is that its power is connected by the King vampire squad, a special clone that has a fire power similar to that of 40% of the Earth's core, which is also hidden in the basement. So even if they can destroy this floor, it is very dangerous if they cannot swim to the surface in time. When the S1 divides the task for his members, swim in the opposite direction and swim as quietly as possible, not touching the siphhonophore fins, which wake it up and strike missiles at them.


エピソード 8

S1はストレンジャー・シングがシールドに触れて爆発して致命傷を負ったとき,シールドを使って穴の最前列に飛び込み,後ろのS2とS3が金属チェーンを開いて真ん中の女の子を守ります. そして,彼らは地面がポートを閉じる特別な装置を使用し,ストレンジャーのことが再び接続されないようにします. S1は,任務を遂行していた深海とその階に到達したところで正面衝突した. そしてサイフォノフォアが8倍の大きさのストレンジャー・シングスに変形し,その体がストレンジャー・シングスの卵がたくさん入っている塹壕の前で眠っていた新しい特別なクローン・ミサイルに掴まれているのを見て誰もが驚いた. 彼らはこのフロアの骨格を爆発させて破壊しなければなりません,そして恐ろしいのは,その力がキングヴァンパイア部隊によって接続されていることです.キングヴァンパイア部隊は,地球のコアの40%に匹敵する火力を持つ特別なクローンであり,これも隠されています. 地下室で. したがって,たとえこの床を破壊できたとしても,時間内に水面まで泳ぐことができなければ非常に危険です. S1 がメンバーに役割を分担するときは,逆方向に泳ぎ,サイフォノフォアのフィンに触れないようにできるだけ静かに泳ぎます.サイフォノフォアのフィンが S1 を目覚めさせ,ミサイルを攻撃します.


ep 8

S1បានហក់ចូលក្នុងរណ្តៅមុនដោយប្រើShield ការពារនៅពេលដែល Stranger thingមកប៉ះនិងរនាំង Shield នោះនិងផ្ទុះស្លាប់ហើយ S2 និង S3នៅពីក្រោយដែលបើកស្លាបច្រវាក់ដែកការពារក្រុមស្រីៗដែលនៅកណ្តាល។ ហើយពួកប្រើឧបករណ៍ពិសេសម្យ៉ាងដែលធ្វើអោយដីប៉ះច្រកវិញដើម្បីកុំអោយតភ្ជាប់គ្នាសំរាប់ផ្លូវ Stranger thingsឡើងមកលើវិញផងដែរ។ S1បានទាក់ចុះបុកចុះក្រោមនៅពេលដែលមកដល់ជំរៅទឹកនិងជាន់ដែលពួកគេបំពេញបេសកម្ម ។ ហើយគ្រប់គ្នាភ្ជាក់ផ្អើលជាខ្លាំងដែលឃើញ Siphonophore ដែលបំលែងខ្លួនជាStranger things មានទំហំគុណនិង៨ដងហើយដងខ្លួនក្តោបដោយមីសុីលCloneពិសេសទំនើបថ្មីដែលកុំពុងដេកលក់នៅមុខច្រកតូចៗដែលមានពងសត្វStranger things ជាច្រើនដែលពួកគេត្រូវតែបំផ្ទុះនិងវាយបំបាក់គ្រោងឆ្អឹងជាន់នេះហើយរឿងដែលគួរអោយក្លាចនោះថាមពលរបស់វាភ្ជាប់ដោយKing vampire squad ដែលជាសត្វcloneពិសេសដែលមានថាមពលភ្លើងប្រហាក់ប្រហែលនៅកំដៅស្នូលផែនដី៤០ភាគរយផងដែរដែលពួននៅជាន់ក្រោម។ដូច្នេះទោះបីជាពួកគេអាចបំផ្លាញជាន់នេះបាន់ក៏ជួបគ្រោះថ្នាក់ខ្លាំងប្រសិនបើពួកគេហែលទៅផ្ទៃខាងលើពុំទាន់ពេលវេលា។ នៅពេលដែល S1បែងចែកការងារអោយសមាជិតរបស់គាត់ហែលចែកទិសគ្នានិងហែលយ៉ាងស្ងាត់ស្ងៀមបំផុតកុំអោយប៉ះព្រុយsiphhonophoreដែលធ្វើវាភ្ញាក់និងវាយប្រហារមីសុីលមកកាន់ពួកគេបាន។